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Analogue and digital

Guest Stagger

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Guest Franklin

"The Star Wars argument


The argument states that the virtual analogue, VST, and digital audio workstation music from about the year 2000 was similar to the new Star Wars movies (Computer Graphics for the sake of the argument was considered unacceptable and undesirable). The qualities of the original (non-Computer Graphics) Star Wars movies were more desirable so the argument was to lead the electronic music community away from virtual studio music towards real studio equipment. The original Star Wars movies were filmed using film cameras, and the space ships were real life scaled models and the aliens were puppets or people dressed in costumes. However the new Star Wars movies were filmed with digital techniques and the space ships and alien characters were created with computer imagery. Analogue & digital is basically the old Star Wars movies. Analogue & digital rejects the "new Star Wars movies" of music like the public rejected Jar Jar Binks. - Arnold "House" Dicá (explaining the reasoning behind the analogue & digital movement to a South American electronic music periodical in Spanish[translated])."


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Guest Stagger
But don't let it get you down man....

I didn't write this article. Found it when I searched for Ceephax Acid Crew on Wikipedia. I tried to propose deletion, but the tag was deleted by someone after 3 days.

I wonder why people even bother to make up stuff like this... as if we hadn't enough genre names already.

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Guest David R James

Some of the artists listed are alittle under par and 'genre-fying' the use of analogue and digital is just fucking pointless.

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You may be interested in my new genre.


It's called Acoustic & Digital.


It's electronic music with guitars.


People get the abbreviation confused with Analog & Digital all the time.


It's frustrating.


We were here first.

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