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i'm about to take lsd


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thought id do rhubarb as well.. its very natural. the muffled background noise of the organ like chords is more apparent than usually.. I used to associate it with the woods, but i think it's got more of a rural nature now. the resonating mid-range sound evokes a sense of smell. the placement of the sounds is more defined, much less chaotically mixed together, but standing alone as separate pieces.

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btw - learn from my stupid mistakes... if you take a walk somewhere DON'T jump over any fences. I was rolling about a month and a half ago, walked to the gas station to get some cigs, jumped over a fence to take a shortcut, and totally screwed my ankle up. TO this day it still hurts as much as it did the day after (i was too fucked up to feel the pain when it happened). I've been to the doc and its just sprained but its the worst sprain i've ever had. If i step on it wrong it's horrible pain.


so yah, no jumping fences.

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CSM, acid can induce synesthesia and it appears as though that's what has happened. Describe the smells or tastes if you can.


nature smells.. metallic smells mostly.. its like the steam off of heated metal. the smells of different rooms. that sort of stuff, not food smells or fragrances, more hints and developing waves of smells that would accompany a certain room.


its difficult to describe the tastes and smells because they accompany the "form" of the particular sound.. its as if the sound has a predetermined shape in a 3D space, and that form influences the taste and smell.. rounded sounds are more transparent and muffled.. sharp sounds have sharper edges, and have more striking tastes of metallic bits, energy.. like a licked battery.


some tracks produce more heat than others. fenix funk is very warm, while meltphace and fredugolon six were not.

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didnt really have that effect, MYARS, but i'll keep in mind that you are kind of a dick. the piece by the polish artist is nice though, i like it.

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i'll bet he fell asleep before the acid hit, they took it maybe an hour ago.


yep, precisely. "im not feeling anything yet, whens it gonna hit".. "ehh, i feel a little bit strange, probably just placebo", and he fell asleep.


i went out to listen to the birds and it was very invigorating... the arrangement of sounds, together with the refreshing air of the woods, made it feel like stepping out into a ceremonial garden, pre-arranged for the sake of it being there.


xtal was bubbly and warm..


but Drukqs is REALLY interesting.


this pretty fucked up.. im beginning to smell the sounds im hearing.. i didnt think i would do that. but that is pretty kicking!


Drukqs is my fave trippin album of all time

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didnt really have that effect, MYARS, but i'll keep in mind that you are kind of a dick. t

At least I'm not Swedish.


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i smell manure whenever i listen to Augmatic Disport (whilst sober). so i'd be curious to know what you smell when listening to it.

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Guest my usernames always really suck


where are these pieces from?

First one was by some Polack whose name I can't spell


Second picture looks like it was by some cgtalk.com artist, whose name I forgot

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