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the informers

Guest zaphod

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Guest zaphod

i liked the novel, sort of. but this was absolutely horrendous. ellis' writing has always been kind of tedious and affected, since he basically just writes about zombie kids who possess no personality and his satire always seems to fall flat. but wow, take maybe his second worst novel really seriously, cast a lot of has beens in lead roles and then glam it up in the most obvious 80s throwback possible and you have the worst movie of the year.

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Guest Mr Salads

Cannot believe you saw this. Easton Ellis has a funny interview on the onion where he subtly (or not) trashes the movie he helped write.


I saw "Tyson" - now thats a good movie. Fun documentary.


The connection to Tyson btw is that Nicolas Jerecki who helped write The Informers and originally planned to direct did a documentary on James Toback, the guy who directed Tyson.

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Guest zaphod

yeah i don't know dude. i had two hours to spare between a class and saw that this was playing. i didn't know a thing about it but i went through a big ellis phase a year ago and figured i'd give it a shot. big mistake.

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Guest melotronic

aw man, i was looking forward to this. admittedly his weakest book and least likely to translate to screen effectively but still, a shame - the guy's an incredible writer

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Guest zaphod
Easton Ellis has a funny interview on the onion where he subtly (or not) trashes the movie he helped write.


just read that interview. i like how at first he tries to be kind of cordial and then it just devolves into him trashing the movie.


anyway i'm with ellis on this. the only movie adaptation that worked, fully, was rules of attraction. i was really hoping glamorama would get made by avary with the same actor and maybe even approach as the three minute travel montage in rules, but i doubt it'll ever happen.

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Guest zaphod

yeah i love that book. it's a perfect combination of everything ellis does well, without any of the things that weigh him down (lack of humor, simplistic point a to point b writing style, boring, nothing plotline and characters). although i recently reread american psycho and i think i was a little hard on it before. it's not a terrible book by any means. flawed, but there's some amazingly well written passages in it, and also some very funny ones. just a lot of the violence could have been cut out without damaging the novel and then, i don't really need to read ten page descriptions of various discographies and band histories. but it's a really funny book, some of his best dialogue.

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