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Birmingham, Alabama police beating video

Rubin Farr

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What do you resolve there by beating someone who is already laying on the floor possibly unconscious.. self satisfaction? How selfish and idiotic can you be!?


It's a message they're maintaining -- dont fuck with the cops. these dudes have families to take care of and they get shot at/attempted run over by criminals daily. that was an easy beatdown, maybe he broke a few ribs, just a little something to remember. maybe the next time i'm on meth and escaping a hit and run i'll remember that when a cop tries to pull me over on foot.

"Yeah so listen everyone, don't fuck with the cops because they are there to uphold an established society. They are the boss, not you." It's amazing how many times I hear people say this.


The man himself is only considered a criminal because everyone in this system labels them in this way if they perform a negative action of some kind, not realising the extent of the matter which is that this man being chased was and is a subject of his conditioning.


The environement was the influence, so alter or change the environment instead of going after the guy. Help him, try and understand what the hell he did to end up that way. Yes, he tried to run another cop over in the moment, but you need to get to the root cause of it all, surely? Otherwise no one will move on from the circumstance and you'll probably see a repeat of this episode of things later on.. then someone on WATMM will post another cop beating criminal video and it goes on forever and ever as a repetitive, pointless cycle until you eliminate the root cause of the problem, so the problem has no basis any longer and we can all move on and not discuss this.

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"Yeah he got what he deserved" - that to me is backwards and a primitive standpoint to take.


Trying to kill a police officer with your minivan isn't backwards and primitive?

Why was the guy being chased in the first place? What gave rise to this scenario? They are the questions people should be asking with an inquisitive mind.. not a mind that wants to punish a guy without understanding the whole psychology behind it all.

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Guest Adjective
What do you resolve there by beating someone who is already laying on the floor possibly unconscious.. self satisfaction? How selfish and idiotic can you be!?


It's a message they're maintaining -- dont fuck with the cops. these dudes have families to take care of and they get shot at/attempted run over by criminals daily. that was an easy beatdown, maybe he broke a few ribs, just a little something to remember. maybe the next time i'm on meth and escaping a hit and run i'll remember that when a cop tries to pull me over on foot.

"Yeah so listen everyone, don't fuck with the cops because they are there to uphold an established society. They are the boss, not you." It's amazing how many times I hear people say this.


The man himself is only considered a criminal because everyone in this system labels them in this way if they perform a negative action of some kind, not realising the extent of the matter which is that this man being chased was and is a subject of his conditioning.


The environement was the influence, so alter or change the environment instead of going after the guy. Help him, try and understand what the hell he did to end up that way. Yes, he tried to run another cop over in the moment, but you need to get to the root cause of it all, surely? Otherwise no one will move on from the circumstance and you'll probably see a repeat of this episode of things later on.. then someone on WATMM will post another cop beating criminal video and it goes on forever and ever as a repetitive, pointless cycle until you eliminate the root cause of the problem, so the problem has no basis any longer and we can all move on and not discuss this.

why are you hating on Fred, he's just a product of his environment. instead of criticizing his point of view maybe you should be trying to understand what sequence of events led to that opinion

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why are you hating on Fred, he's just a product of his environment. instead of criticizing his point of view maybe you should be trying to understand what sequence of events led to that opinion

How was I hating on Fred?

I'm sharing an idea with him, that's all. It's true what I said, I have heard so many people upholding the values of the police system and I can't honour that as I think although society needs protection from so-called "criminals", it shouldn't just end there because the person being locked up also needs to be helped back into society.

I also want to add that I don't support the actions this guy did. I'd want to know more information so if anyone can link me up I'd like to see why this guy was being chased.

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it's quite a leap from the way things are to the way things you want them to be, and while your desire for reason by everything is a good thing, i think any human being with feelings is going to issue a beat down to someone that has tried to end his partner. it's juvenile to think physical force accomplishes nothing when it has made the world go round since the beginning of time. i dont condone it personally; i would be right there with you if all the human beings on the planet called a meeting and said look guys, we need to understand one another. but it's not going to happen anytime soon, so in the meantime, dont try to run over a cop or you're gonna get your ribs cracked. that can have every bit as influence on environmental factors that cause criminals to do whatever it is they do. just dont try to kill a cop. all criminals know this, it's one of the things cops have going for them when they walk up to car in the middle of the night about to issue a ticket. murder is one thing, but go to jail as a cop killer and you're super fucked. also i dont see why giving out a "for the moment" beatdown and getting to the root cause later are mutually exclusive. maybe the root cause is coming next, after this video, while this guy's in the hospital.


and oh yeah no worries i know we are just discussing

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Guest epsy

That asshole drove out of his way to try to run that cop over. You think he would have cared if he had rammed a vehicle with a baby inside, or ran over a kid playing near the street? He was out like a light when those cops started whooping on him anyway. I'm the last person in the world to stick up for a cop, but seriously. fuck that asshole

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Guest Adjective
why are you hating on Fred, he's just a product of his environment. instead of criticizing his point of view maybe you should be trying to understand what sequence of events led to that opinion

How was I hating on Fred?

I'm sharing an idea with him, that's all. It's true what I said, I have heard so many people upholding the values of the police system and I can't honour that as I think although society needs protection from so-called "criminals", it shouldn't just end there because the person being locked up also needs to be helped back into society.

I also want to add that I don't support the actions this guy did. I'd want to know more information so if anyone can link me up I'd like to see why this guy was being chased.

i'm just teasing really. it just sounded like you were saying there wasn't someone responsible for his actions driving that van. but on a serious note, high speed pursuit is a crazy policy. why provoke a flying 90mph heap of metal through hundreds of people?

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it's quite a leap from the way things are to the way things you want them to be, and while your desire for reason by everything is a good thing, i think any human being with feelings is going to issue a beat down to someone that has tried to end his partner. it's juvenile to think physical force accomplishes nothing when it has made the world go round since the beginning of time. i dont condone it personally; i would be right there with you if all the human beings on the planet called a meeting and said look guys, we need to understand one another. but it's not going to happen anytime soon, so in the meantime, dont try to run over a cop or you're gonna get your ribs cracked. that can have every bit as influence on environmental factors that cause criminals to do whatever it is they do. just dont try to kill a cop. all criminals know this, it's one of the things cops have going for them when they walk up to car in the middle of the night about to issue a ticket. murder is one thing, but go to jail as a cop killer and you're super fucked. also i dont see why giving out a "for the moment" beatdown and getting to the root cause later are mutually exclusive. maybe the root cause is coming next, after this video, while this guy's in the hospital.


and oh yeah no worries i know we are just discussing

It's true, we're human so we experience emotion which is most certainly a natural reaction. What if we can learn to channel that emotion to be used in a useful way. Here's an example, let's say there's a car crash, a Mother and her son were in the car. The Mother gets out alive, her young son is in the back of the car, unconscious and she notices that a fire begins to consume parts of the vehicle. Ofcourse the Mother is full of such strong emotions, she has two choices to channel that emotion. She can either stand there, wait for help and just shout at her son to wake him or realise that her son is in danger so she begins to do all that she can to help by smashing the window of the car and grabbing her son out of the car, free from harms way. I forgot what this is called, it has a name in the world of psychology.. if I remember it, I'll post it so people can research on it if they like. I want to see a society where emotion is there - but channeled along certain routes for the betterment of things. I hope this makes sense..


How can we relate this analogy to the example in the video? I'll leave that to others in this thread to discuss further if they like. There is no right or wrong answer I suppose. I agree though that we as species have a long way to go before we reach a point where we realise that the environment drives change in us and we need to wake up to that factor before progression can kick in for humanity as a whole. Physical force was used in the past, certainly to gain dominance during certain evolutionary stages - but to prevent going off on a tangent, I have always felt that for as long as we live in scarcity, the need for competition and violence will be prevalent. So, one of the root causes to this could be scarcity of resources which creates this abhorrent behaviour, so what would be the best way to utilize something which can eliminate scarcity and create an abundance..

Technology using the scientific method. After all, it is technology that enhances and improves our lives. Just stop what you're doing and take a look around your home at all the things that improve your lifestyle that is based on technology. We need to go back to things that are real, things that really matter in life and not intangible notions which prevent forward thinking along these lines.


I feel some people who I speak to really do undermine technology and our current capabilities in using science for social concern, to eliminate problems relating to the root causes of "bad" behaviour in us.

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Guest Etch
Yeah, i could just tell he was ready for a massive fight by the way he was just lying there. Dead.


This made me laugh.

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lol did you guys see that hilarious video of the asshole in the wheelchair getting his ribs broken when the badass sherrif threw him out of it?!? as the youtube commenter says eloquently 'New evidence has surfaced that the man in the wheelchair DID in fact bring this upon himself. Witnesses say he said (when the officer inquired him to get out of the chair) "Move me, do your job."' FUCK YEAH HE DID



if that were me i would have skull fucked this guy's paraplegic ass until he died bleeding on the floor

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Guest my usernames always really suck

*watches video*


*goes back to cooking bacon*

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Guest Lady kakapo

From a UK perspective, the police aren't, and certainly shouldn't be, the arbiters of justice. This is the role of the courts and the rule of law, and therefore a person's peers. In reality they are there to keep the peace. In fact, not even that, they are there to be seen to keep the peace. Police powers are generally derived from powers any other UK citizen already has. There is absolutely no excuse for assaulting an unconscious person. Charge the guy with attempted murder and that's your justice. The argument that these are police and therefore somehow their actions are justified is completely backward.



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the guy was unconscious. when you get beat up like that you instinctively curl in a ball to defend yourself, not lie face down like you're getting a nice massage.


if he was conscious and struggling, i'd say a wee shoeing was called for but not in this case.


alabama rightly has a few more security guards looking for work.



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