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Birmingham, Alabama police beating video

Rubin Farr

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when taking a good kicking always cover your head and try to keep your spine straight as several kicks to it when curved will most likely break your back - this goes against all human nature tho as your gut instinct is to curl up into a ball.


the more you know!

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here's the distinction that everyone seems to miss:


those cops actions are not justified from a policy point of view. they went too far as the video clearly shows, and the consequences they've suffered (their termination) was the appropriate response.


but their actions are justified in the sense of street justice. you try to kill me or my partner, you're getting your head kicked in. every fucking time. if that means i get fired, so be it. let's hope it never gets to that point for both our sakes. but if you come at me, i'm coming right back.


that's the way it works out there folks. you can criticize all you want, but you haven't walked in those shoes.

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Guest my usernames always really suck

I can also argue that it's also justified when a drug dealer kills a police officer due to the police officer trying to interfere with free market capitalism.

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I can also argue that it's also justified when a drug dealer kills a police officer due to the police officer trying to interfere with free market capitalism.

you could, but that would be completely stupid.


a cop beating someone who poses a danger to him or a colleague physically is directly addressing the problem of the person posing the danger.


by killing a cop, a drug dealer would do nothing to address the problem of society's laws encroaching on an activity the drug dealer believes should be allowed to flow freely in the free market, making the killing of the police officer an illogical act. also, the drug dealer fails to recognize that the laws he protests actually create the illicit market in which he operates. so seeking to change those laws is also illogical. further, rather than safeguarding the drug dealer from penalties he might face in the criminal justice system, killing a cop would only increase the drug dealer's risk of being subject to even greater penalties, making such an act that much more illogical.



in other words, your analogy fails and you are stupid.

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i can't say im surprised to see people on this forum defending the beating of an unconscious man


watmm has not failed to meet my expectations!


sure i would be pissed if i was a cop and someone tried to run me off the road, but i think it's a great leap to immediately morph into a totally amoral sociopath who desires to beat the crap out of someone who is not moving.

it takes a special man to be able to do that

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Guest my usernames always really suck

I don't think you know what an analogy is, bro.

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Guest my usernames always really suck

I'll continue stroking my penis every time a heroic capitalist kills a cop in the news. I'll squirt my next load in your honor.

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awepittance, your righteous indignation is misplaced.


no society wants cops that go around beating people and the city of birmingham was right to fire them. what more do you want?


but what if it were you? what if you were walking with your friend/girlfriend/mom and some dick face in a car comes flying by and hits your companion with his car? when you track him down, do you stop to evaluate the ethics of laying into him, or do you respond? maybe you are the rare st. francis of assisi type. but most people would give the guy a few pops.

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I'll continue stroking my penis every time a heroic capitalist kills a cop in the news. I'll squirt my next load in your honor.

i bet your lifetime of experience has led you to these heroic radical beliefs.

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Guest theSun

i understand the whole "pissed cause he tried to kill another cop" thing, but the guy was clearly unconscious and they just wailed on him. if he posed any threat to them by laying unconscious on the ground i'd retract my comments, but the guy was out cold.

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Guest my usernames always really suck
but what if it were you? what if you were walking with your friend/girlfriend/mom and some dick face in a car comes flying by and hits your companion with his car? when you track him down, do you stop to evaluate the ethics of laying into him, or do you respond? maybe you are the rare st. francis of assisi type. but most people would give the guy a few pops.


Not all of us are knuckle-dragging pseudo-toughguy wiggers like you

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i guess i don't have the benefit of spending my adulthood living in the embryonic shell of my parents' basement where you have the comfort to fashion all kinds of hypothetical assertions of principle.

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Guest my usernames always really suck

Apparently living on your own with an income = living in your parents' basement.


I'll give you a D+ for effort, anyway.

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but what if it were you? what if you were walking with your friend/girlfriend/mom and some dick face in a car comes flying by and hits your companion with his car? when you track him down, do you stop to evaluate the ethics of laying into him, or do you respond? maybe you are the rare st. francis of assisi type. but most people would give the guy a few pops.


i think most people would give the guy a few pops IF WE WAS CONSCIOUS, if someone is unconscious a normal person who has at least some moral principles would not proceed to kick the shit out of a guy after he is unconscious. Sure you might be really really upset and GLAD he's on the ground unconscious but fuck man beating a guy up when he's already unconscious ?its just creepy and perverted not normal or even standard operation procedure. I bet a lot of cops out there watching this video are just as horrified as i am, because like me a lot of them understand that beating somebody up who is on the ground unconscious is just really really out of line

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i agree. but seriously, put yourself in those shoes. your partner is damn nearly killed you're chasing the guy and the whole time adrenaline is flushing through you like crazy. You seem him ejected and you're out after him like a bolt. when you finally reach the guy, it would be damn near impossible NOT to beat him. is it right? in hindsight no. but it would be difficult to turn all that energy off and start employing reason like flipping a switch.

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when you finally reach the guy, it would be damn near impossible NOT to beat him.


i'm not following the part where its damn near impossible to NOT beat up an unconciouss man, like i said if he was awake i could possibly see the impulsive action making sense, in this case it just seems like pure psychosis and not the normal behavior of a human being. The only time i can think of rational behavior even resembling the beating of someone who is already inanimate is when Mussolini's dead body was paraded through the streets of italy.

but a lot of people i just realized punch or hit inanimate objects when they are angry so it makes a little more sense now!

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it's not the behavior of a person who's thinking rationally. it's the behavior of someone is running on a full nutsack worth of adrenaline. that's why i say it would be impossible to resist. not because it's such an appealing. because your rational mind is not controlling you at that point. i think that's why you see them all stop, almost in unison. i think that's the rational mind kicking in. but it's not easy to go from animal like instinct to rational thought with the snap of a finger.

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i really don't accept this as a normal reaction though, for some people it might be but i think most people probably would not react this way, once they see the guy is already down and not moving they would probably be able to resist beating the pulp out of him. for certain sociopathic cops are used to continually crossing the line of decency and lawfulness maybe for them it was harder to resist than it would be for a normal person

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Guest cardan

boy, i sure have farted a lot, reading through this thread

just quite the fart-tastic thread, i'd say


*lets one rip* that one goes out to the d0odz in the video

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  • 2 years later...

i was just talking to a friend of mine who didn't believe how people on watmm were actually gleefully exclaiming how awesome it was for a group of cops to beat up an unconscious man, had to bump it just for him edit: (as you can see above i wasn't bullshitting, yes this is a real posting in a message board)


this is for you Dustin!

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I hadn't seen it until today. The whole incident is fucked, but I can't say I'm disturbed by it. You could literally look up dozens of more fucked up videos of showing egregious acts of police brutality without any kind of provocation. Here you literally have a man who tried running over a cop and could of easily hit a bystander.




I don't agree with the firings, but then again, I guess it shows Birmingham has standards...they could of fucking shot the guy to death and gotten off with little more than a warning in other police departments, or mere dismissal. The driver got 20 years for it.

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