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I could never pass up an opportunity to unleash the twisted world of noise music onto an unsuspecting WATMM. I have taken some special time to compile a brutal, uncompromising assault onto the ears of anyone who dares to download this latest masterpiece.


WARNING: This mix is designed to be the most agonizing twenty-three minutes you will ever endure. If you survive the entire mix, PM me and I will supply you with a unique bonus track.


Ladies and Gentlemen of WATMM, I present to you:


A low-cost alternative to waterboarding





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whose music is included in this mix?


I was tempted to use some of the KTPA/Satanstornade tracks, but in the end I mostly used tracks I had created myself (though there are some samples and fragments of other tracks).

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I guess this is ok if you like this kind of stuff.




I take it you enjoy noise music, but listened to my mix and did not enjoy it. Are there any specific parts of the mix that you did not like? What exactly is wrong with it?

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I guess this is ok if you like this kind of stuff.




I take it you enjoy noise music, but listened to my mix and did not enjoy it. Are there any specific parts of the mix that you did not like? What exactly is wrong with it?


It starts out well enough, although I'm not the biggest fan on the way it sounds, but it's interestingly enough but it continues along the same path for quite a time, which isn't always necessarily a bad thing, I like wall noise, but with the kind of sound you're using at the start of this mix, it needs some kind of progression, and movement to keep it interesting, as it's relatively thin to listen to.


After the pause at about the 5 minute mark, I'm just not a fan of this kind of this really digital processing on everything, it doesn't do anything for me. Although the sound that comes in at 6:23 is cool.


The mixing is really strange, things just stop and start and nothing seems to blend very well, which could be an artistic decision, but it feels stunted and without any sort of direction. 10 minute mark now, still not a fan of this type of processing, and I swear I just heard Limp Bizkit.


10:54 - 12:30 this bit is good, more like this.


12:20 - 15:22 this bit is bad, less like this


Some interesting textures going on, but nothing all that spectacular, and whatever that synth thing is, should be stopped, at nearly all costs. It would have been much better without it, it detracted from the pretty wicked stuff you had going.


17:02 LOL BoC


17:48 - 21:18 rick astley eh? well, okay then. This is largely very boring though.


The last bit starts off a bit meh, get a bit more meh and generally hangs around at that stage for a little while, it's just not doing anything sonically interesting, until about 22:48 and it makes some pretty cool drilling noises. But it's all far to thin on the ground and sounds like lots of different elements of what would usually make an interesting noise tracks strung out and laid out next to each other over 23 minutes.


I think the problem with it is, it has some moments where it would be pretty cool, and has some elements that could be interesting, but it's too long, and there's some really really disparate ideas going on, that could work if they were worked together in a better way, rather than just placed next to each other with some distortion thrown on top.


It's also not brutal or uncompromising, in fact I'd say the best moments of it were where you stopped trying to give everyone a headache, and things took a more ambient noise tip, and just worked through some interesting textures, I think you should stick to that. :ok:

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I guess this is ok if you like this kind of stuff.




I take it you enjoy noise music, but listened to my mix and did not enjoy it. Are there any specific parts of the mix that you did not like? What exactly is wrong with it?


honestly, i'm not a big fan of noise. That being said, i really like the panning near the beginning. I just thought I'd try to broaden my horizons by listening, and because nobody ever replies to any of my mixes, which are fucking ace, so.....

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