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I'm sad

Guest Tony Danza

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Guest Tony Danza

I seriously gave up after fucking that bitch in the parking garage.


Now I'm just layin' low. Having a good time with the fellas and girls who join in. The girls are going out of their way to break my heart now. It's unbelievable. It's uncanny. I've never been sought out by girls purporting their efforts to shut me down and deny me in spite of the fact that I wasn't even interested in them, and it's driving me crazy.


What goes around comes around and all that, but I've been nothing but nice. Damn.


This sucks.


It's like they get mad that I'm not interested in them so they pretend they're interested in me just to break my heart. Ahh, to give them the benefit of the doubt and all that: I guess everyone needs an ego stroke now and then, but my balls are so fucking sore that all I can think about is breaking into my ex's apartment and fucking the shit out of her couch cushions while she's not home.


Online hug me now.

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Guest Iain C

You're really mental and probably need some kind of help. But we can start with a hug. *holds you closer*

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I'd recommend you stop being a tool who desperately chases girls and puts his self-worth on the line while doing so.


Instead, just get a hobby or a good job, or if you have these, focus on these, or if you're a student, work hard at that. If you stop obsessing about girls, they tend to like you more.


(DISCLAIMER: I'm making loads of assumptions about someone I don't know over the internet)

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Guest dese manz hatin
fucking that bitch in the parking garage....


breaking into my ex's apartment....


but I've been nothing but nice.





tony danza you are a legend.. although youre a fucking psycho


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I gave up seriously after the fucking of that female in the parkerengarage.


Now I' m only layin' low. Have enough time good with violent mow and the little girls who join. The little girls will break of their manner from my heart now. It's incredibly. It's mysteriously. I' ve never selected by denying that little girls who claim their efforts me and close me in spite of the fact I wasn' t even interested in them, and it' s that crazily me floats.


What round goes manages and all that, but I' ve nothing then nice. Curse.


This sucks.


It's as they become crazily that I'm interested in them does not claim they this way they're interested in me only to break my heart. Ahh, to give them the benefit of the doubt and all that: I assume an everyone ego battle now and then necessary has, but my balls fucking this way painful spot which all I can think concerning in my ex's break; the condominium and the fucking of shit from its low protect whereas she's not house.


Online nourish now me.

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I was seriously follow the fucking bitch in the parking garage.


Now I'm just layin 'low. Fellas have a good time with the girls and the people involved in the girls are interested in my vacation now. It's unbelievable. It's uncanny. I never found her daughter's efforts to close them down purporting to me and I declined, although in fact that I have no interest in them, and driving my crazy.


Go to the surroundings and everything around, but I have nothing but good. Damn.


This sucks.


It's like they get mad that I have no interest in them so they pretend that they are interested in me just to rest my heart. Ahh, to give them the benefit of the doubt and all that I guess needs everyone's ego a stroke now and then, but my balls are so fucking pain is all I think about may be a violation of my examples of apartments and fucking shit out of couch cushions in when she's not home.


My hug now Online.

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