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wtf? Buzz Aldrin says there's Monolith on Mars moon


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i don't know if it proves anything, it's just interesting why in the hell the crew in the space craft would be instructed on how to use cardboard cutouts to fake a distant earth shot. it does make my head spin a little bit



it's important space stuff. it goes on all the time. ask Iain C

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i don't know if it proves anything, it's just interesting why in the hell the crew in the space craft would be instructed on how to use cardboard cutouts to fake a distant earth shot. it does make my head spin a little bit


they would fake it because the actual shot was not possible... only reason for that would be the camera for some reason couldn't capture it (too dark) or they weren't 130,000 miles away from Earth, and actually were faking a shot, just as they then probably faked everything else.


btw, I've never once had the belief that the moon landing was fake, but this video certainly has changed my viewpoint here...

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it's because the moon is quite small, they don't want us to know cause it makes getting there seem easy


edit: i haven't watched the video tho

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i am of the mindset that we went to the Moon, however i was weirded out when i saw this video on youtube of the crew of the first Apollo mission faking a camera shot of the earth from far away. Anybody else see this strange piece of video? there is also someone down from mission control instructing them on how to make the earth look like it was much farther away than it actually is.




scroll about halfway in, it is pretty interesting



Wow. That's food for thought. Makes sense.

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it's because the moon is quite small, they don't want us to know cause it makes getting there seem easy


edit: i haven't watched the video tho


I am pretty positive there are scientific methods to determine the size and distance the moon is compared with earth...

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also there's oxygen on the moon, it takes about 5 minutes to fly there in a biplane you have to hold your breath for 30 seconds.. and it's heaven, the moon is heaven :emotawesomepm9:

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also there's oxygen on the moon, it takes about 5 minutes to fly there in a biplane you have to hold your breath for 30 seconds.. and it's heaven, the moon is heaven :emotawesomepm9:




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This just PROOFS there is a Godaliensfakemoonlandingilluminati911wasgovernmentlyplannedobamanobirthcertificatelizardpeople and don't try to tell me anything different because then you're just being an ignorant poopypants

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i think that clip is bull.


-"filled up w/TV camera" is obviously not literal

-lights in the ship would have to be turned off to get a shot like this

-didn't see any evidence of the cutout

-"cutout" edge of the earth was graded like a real terminator line, not fuzzy like an out-of-focus object

-only one or two lines of dialogue from the astronauts w/no context


the "talk" thing was really eerie and reminiscent of lost highway. can't explain that, but then, i don't think they can either.


what i hate about "exposes" like this one is how they never have enough evidence to speak for itself. they have this huge idea that's narrated all the way through, with far too little to support it. or, they're all ostensibly damning questions and no answers.

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i think that clip is bull.


-"filled up w/TV camera" is obviously not literal

-lights in the ship would have to be turned off to get a shot like this

-didn't see any evidence of the cutout

-"cutout" edge of the earth was graded like a real terminator line, not fuzzy like an out-of-focus object

-only one or two lines of dialogue from the astronauts w/no context


the "talk" thing was really eerie and reminiscent of lost highway. can't explain that, but then, i don't think they can either.


what i hate about "exposes" like this one is how they never have enough evidence to speak for itself. they have this huge idea that's narrated all the way through, with far too little to support it. or, they're all ostensibly damning questions and no answers.



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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

why couldn't "talk" be one astronaut telling the other to respond?


the video is interesting but not proof. just more doubt in my mind.

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i am of the mindset that we went to the Moon, however i was weirded out when i saw this video on youtube of the crew of the first Apollo mission faking a camera shot of the earth from far away. Anybody else see this strange piece of video? there is also someone down from mission control instructing them on how to make the earth look like it was much farther away than it actually is.




scroll about halfway in, it is pretty interesting



Wow. That's food for thought. Makes sense.



So easy to put on "conspiracies", this is a pathetic video. "Omg no color during moonwalks" Uh the cameras used inside the LEM were not the same, they were a completely different camera because well, IT'S OUTSIDE not inside a pressurised cabin with oxygen.



And that woman's voice is such a bitch

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