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asperatus: a new variety of cloud?

brian trageskin

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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

i don't normally look up at the clouds like a faggot... but when i do, i prefer the ones that look like titties!

fucking lol

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I'm surprised nobody's posted or mentioned Man's Favourite Cloud - The Mammatus!


Clowd Tittays FTW!



ludd did already on the first page


LUDD also didn't bother to mention what the link was to...


looks like it would be fred's favourite cloud .. ;0-]


Nah, Fred's would be Salma Hayek dangling her funbags from the heavens above...

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I have seen clouds like this with mine own eyes, because I actually look at the world and admire the beauty that is nature, and I am a fag, and I love Sun Ra......

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I have seen clouds like this with mine own eyes, because I actually look at the world and admire the beauty that is nature, and I am a fag, and I love Sun Ra......




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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest JohnTqs

morninggloryclouds.jpgfrom Wired


also, a video of some of those asperatus clouds drifting by.


holy shit! i love it when you think you've seen everything the earth can do and then it does a 180 and fucks your brain! giant IDM worm clouds

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