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I don't think I would enjoy this intense an effect from DXM, but more power to ya for those that can enjoy it. To me it sounds beyond the 2nd plateau you go into too much of a petrified state. I think i was bordering on the 3rd when i did the 8oz bottle because during the most intense part of it i felt like i was going blind and it was nearly impossible to read anything, i couldn't even comprehend what my computer screen's purpose in the world was...


here's some text on the 3rd from the dxm faq:


The Third Plateau


The effects at the third plateau itself tend to be very intense, and often very different from earlier plateaus. Keep in mind that a third plateau trip can be terrifying to people who are not psychologically comfortable and prepared. Because the third plateau is so individually variant, I don't feel comfortable in trying to come up with a narrative.


5.7.1 Sensory Effects



The flanging of visual effects, coupled with the loss of stereoscopic vision, becomes so strong that the brain seems to completely give up trying to process vision, leading to a sort of "chaotic blindness". Simple images (e.g., a candle flame) are still recognizable, although given the loss of stereoscopic vision one tends to see two of everything. More complex images, especially images that are not sharply defined, are difficult if not impossible to recognize. Vision, when possible, has a very dream-like quality to it.


more in the spoiler





Simple sounds are still understandable, and one can usually comprehend language, although it may be necessary for the speaker to phrase it in a complex rhythm (see Section 5.7.2). Music euphoria is rare. Touch and taste are subject to considerable anesthesia, and pain especially may be completely dissociated (it's still there, it just doesn't seem to apply). Body position, kinetic, and balance senses are similarly disrupted.


Some people continue to report an enhanced sense of smell on the third plateau; in a few people almost all smells are overpowering, and subtle elements of scents may be recognizable. This can affect taste, and ordinary foods or drinks can take on peculiar tastes as previously unknown odors are noticed. Even the type of container can affect the smell, with faint scents from paper cups, plastic, and even metal noticeable.


Hallucinations may continue, although they tend to be more abstract and "pre-sensory" rather than being predominantly visual. Oftentimes there is an overall sensation of being surrounded by "grey-ness", which brightens to white light as the dosage increases. There do seem to be more frequent moments of "virtual world" experiences, where one can construct an imaginary sensorium with the eyes closed.


At the third plateau, the flanging of sensory input occurs both on a raw level (sounds, images) and on higher levels (words, phrases, faces, etc.) This is, to my knowledge, unique to DXM. Flanging may slow down and speed up, leading to periods of lucidity alternating with periods of semi-consciousness.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Abuse

I have infinite love for DXM, unfortunately haven't used it in about a year cause i've been prescribed moclobemide for depression and social anxiety, and with MAO-inhibitors DXM is out of the question (as well as ecstasy, speed).


My preferred dose was 600mg which puts me in the lower 3rd plateau. Once had 900mg, and it was too much, too much man. But 600 is bliss. If i ever visit the US the first thing i'll do is buy some of that Robitussin stuff with no extra ingredients. In my native country they add sorbitol to the syrup to induce diarrhea so an elaborate excraction was done always.


I fucking get infuriated when troo druggies diss DXM for being something "you use when there's nothing better available". Shit, there's nothing else like DXM.


Peace :nyan:

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Guest hahathhat

i figured for sure i'd have posted in this topic when i saw it, but i guess not !


dxm is a weird one. i always find myself being all like... whoa, this is fucking weird. watmm, you know how strange i am on absolutely no drugs at all, and this stuff weirds *me* out (albeit in a way i enjoy).


- i like what it does to your hearing. feels like you suddenly got better speakers. i've actually taken dxm with the specific intention of fiddling about and getting my monitors oriented right, the low cuts for the sub set, etc. the other effects are so much more obvious, and i feel people overlook this aspect far too often.


- the visual stuff, the phosphenes, the strobing make me really curious. if close your eyes, first it'll start to flash. then it'll kind of go off into checkerboard patterns, and form giant rooms made of checkerboards and strobes. at this point you start to get a distinct impression of watching a video game with the frame rate dropping out. the room starts to update slower and slower... if your attention lapses, it all goes poof in a puff of smoke. similarly, i find i can close my eyes and strongly visualize the room i'm in, and it starts to feel like you can see through your eyelids... it's very hard to trigger this stuff reliably, but you're guaranteed something if you sit there and fuck with it.


- i can't stand the stuff without a bit of weed, most days. mostly for the rough come-up, which is the worst part.


- first plateau is boring, and i've never had a good high-dose run. third plateau, for me, was like: "WHOA GOD WHAT THE FUCK? oh yeah, i took a lot of DXM." then my brain would slide off into a mush, i'd forget what i just thought, and the process would repeat: "WHOA GOD WHAT THE FUCK? oh yeah, i took a lot of DXM." only marginally more fun than being stuck in an airport.


- one of these days i'm going to blow a knee out from jumping around on the bed. but it is ever so much fun to bounce on dxm. a bouncy castle would be amazing !


- it's pretty rough on the body/mind. i find myself preferring certain RCs these days, when i want that sort of stuff.

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Guest hahathhat

here's more !


- your sense of where your body is gets very fluid. lie on the bed, close your eyes. weird things start happening. your arm might feel like it's getting longer. then you might feel like you're suddenly upside-down, hanging from the ceiling at a 45 degree angle, despite being logically aware you're lying on the bed. you open your eyes and everything snaps back into place. close them again, and it starts to happen all over, but a tad differently.


- listen music with this, let yourself drift off, and pretty soon you'll be a spheroid of raw consciousness hurtling through tunnels made of sound.


- write music with this... i was twiddling an osc tune knob around with my eyes closed, focusing on turning the knob and the sound. after a bit of that i started to feel like i didn't have a hand at all -- felt like i was changing the pitch just by thinking. i had effectively merged with it.


- i always associate DXM with VR, Virtual Reality

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can't wait for salvatorin's post. he seems to be the champion of the stuff. imo it's just a drug for people that can't get their hands on real psychedelics or other fun things.


edit: and yeah, i've done it. wouldn't do it again.


double edit: rofl, just read abuse's post detailing exactly what i said (regarding it being for people that can't get the good stuff). i suppose it had its merits, but it was nowhere near as rewarding as other substances imo. felt like it wanted to be ketamine -- another thing i don't care to try again :cerious:

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Guest Abuse

- your sense of where your body is gets very fluid. lie on the bed, close your eyes. weird things start happening. your arm might feel like it's getting longer. then you might feel like you're suddenly upside-down, hanging from the ceiling at a 45 degree angle, despite being logically aware you're lying on the bed. you open your eyes and everything snaps back into place. close them again, and it starts to happen all over, but a tad differently.


ha, yes. I had these strange bodily feelings as a kid when i had a high fever, that i cant quite explain in words, but DXM took me several times back to the very same weirdo feeling. like the weight of my body has completely moved to my hands and my chin. I need to explore it more.

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Guest hahathhat

imo it's just a drug for people that can't get their hands on real psychedelics or other fun things.


i largely agree... but the hearing stuff, the phosphenes, the body-sense distortion, etc. are all pretty unique to dxm. there are much more fun trips to be had... but if you're sort of a nerd about these things and you enjoy far-out experiences.....

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haha i addressed that in an edit! i mean no disrespect, it just never impressed me. the feelings were all too subtle and muddled by the general brainfuck/confusion. doc, on the other hand... that's something else.

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Guest hahathhat

but be careful, 1 in 18 people are EXTREMELY allergic to DXM. i don't know why this is not more talked about since if you try to 'trip' off DXM and you are allergic to it you could probably die.


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it's been a while since i did any psychedelic, but now i want nothing more than to listen to/view nyan cat on repeat while tripping.

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when you go into a dark room or where a blind fold shit starts to go crazy, 3d flat shaded greyscale shapes and sceneries will start to unfold before you and you will feel like you are floating through them, the more you take the stronger this will get

- the visual stuff, the phosphenes, the strobing make me really curious. if close your eyes, first it'll start to flash. then it'll kind of go off into checkerboard patterns, and form giant rooms made of checkerboards and strobes. at this point you start to get a distinct impression of watching a video game with the frame rate dropping out. the room starts to update slower and slower... if your attention lapses, it all goes poof in a puff of smoke. similarly, i find i can close my eyes and strongly visualize the room i'm in, and it starts to feel like you can see through your eyelids... it's very hard to trigger this stuff reliably, but you're guaranteed something if you sit there and fuck with it.

- your sense of where your body is gets very fluid. lie on the bed, close your eyes. weird things start happening. your arm might feel like it's getting longer. then you might feel like you're suddenly upside-down, hanging from the ceiling at a 45 degree angle, despite being logically aware you're lying on the bed. you open your eyes and everything snaps back into place. close them again, and it starts to happen all over, but a tad differently.

- listen music with this, let yourself drift off, and pretty soon you'll be a spheroid of raw consciousness hurtling through tunnels made of sound.

- i always associate DXM with VR, Virtual Reality


About half a year ago I experienced something that I'd never experienced before in the handful of dxm trips I'd had before (I'm very infrequent in my intake of psychoactive substances). I had the most realistic hallucination I'd ever experienced. More realistic than anything in a dream, or in a psychedelic trip, and somehow more profound than any physical object in reality. Let me explain.


-I've only had a handful of trips since I generally like to space out most psychoactive experiences. Anyways, I have found that there are two dxm trips you can take: the insane trek or the motionless mindtrip.

-I almost always get nauseous taking cough syrup in any form, but I find if I keep moving, keep active, the nausea is replaced with a sense of excitement.

-if I'm more stationary I start to feel hot and then kind of sleepy and naseous, if I puke or the nausea passes I get this wonderful calming warmth, like my skin is made of velvet, and that everything around me is 'home'. I find that certain unusual body positions are more comfortable than lying flat stuff, keeping your head facing downwards or your body kind of scrunched up feels very good.


Anyways, I only discovered how amazing dxm hallucinations are after I was done puking after a nauseating come-up. I hunkered down into this prostrate muslim prayer position on a pillow, closed my eyes, and listened to mmmhmm from cosmogramma. First there were just wispy phosphenes and visual static...but then I started to 'make' the phosphenes do things, like form temporary 80's 3-d shapes for brief periods of time. The more I did that, the longer they would last. It was like I was training my brain to create things. Eventually things started to come together more and I could concentrate on creating a whole scene for longer periods of time. Things got more realistic as they went. At first I was seeing weird, old graphics of space stations, like the ones from homeworld, but then these elaborate hd scenes started forming, they were of moving down city streets, watching the scenery move according to parallax, like a clear but disembodied memory. It felt like I was in my own little world for a very long time. I heard a noise from outside of my 'shell,' and recognized that it was my friend saying we were leaving, and I knew that I had to turn off my ipod. Well, in response to that notion, something amazing happened. In the black void of my mind, where the scenes had vanished, there was this backlight as a large TV REMOTE APPEARED. It was the most precise thing I have ever visualized. It had depth. I knew it to be 3 feet away from my eyes, beneath the ground. It was so perfectly detailed, my mind is starting to feel numb and strange just trying to remember what it was. It seemed to symbolized me turning off my ipod...I did...then opened my eyes...and like hat said, popped right back into reality.




There is this burning nostalgia for that state of mind I was in. It is so womb-like. Your body doesn't matter, you are just a mind alone to dream up the world it wishes to inhabit. Any sort of dreamy music is bliss in that place. omg i can't even handle the memory of it, I think I'm having a flashback....fuicvsdknslf

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Guest hahathhat

i knew a kid that died from robotripping



no, seriously now:


- the allergy thing. it's no joke.

- i feel like if you have cardiac problems you should stay the fuck away -- sweats and racing heart.

- ditto for liver as per warning label


but most importantly: i feel like i could really make myself insane if i took enough dxm. if i took it 20 days in a month, i'd start to lose my grip on reality. i'd think aliens were talking to me, john lilly style, and really believe it. don't take this stuff a lot

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Guest hahathhat

There is this burning nostalgia for that state of mind I was in. It is so womb-like. Your body doesn't matter, you are just a mind alone to dream up the world it wishes to inhabit. Any sort of dreamy music is bliss in that place. omg i can't even handle the memory of it, I think I'm having a flashback....fuicvsdknslf

and this is why a few people become psychologically addicted to it. you become attached to your little mind-world and you don't want to come back to reality. ever seen the movie "lawnmower man"? when i heard stephen king used to do dxm, i immediately thought of that movie.

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took 16 coricidin in the 7th or 8th grade with my best friend, i dont remember, but i remember eating only a strawberry fruitrollup with it. needless to say, by second period i was singing the national anthem completely wrong, and excusing myself to the restroom to vomit, and gather myself. made it to lunch time, until i vomited in the lunch line, my friend also vomited all over his lunch around the same time. we both got sent to the nurse with dilated pupils, tripping, but acting sick, but my friends mom who worked as the special ed teacher knew what was up and called my mom and we both got bitched at for tripping on coricidin at school. good timez?


the spiritual, mind-expanding, life changing trips came later with shrooms and lsd, especially in the events and synchronicities they spurred in me and my group of friend's lifes and deaths in high school.

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