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2 of those pictures you show have other ingredients (harmful at high doses) in it besides DXM, I highly recommend not taking Nyquil or Coricidin unless you do not care about your health.


haven't done DXM in years but straight Robo was always my method of choice, for some reason pure powder was not enjoyable for me.


edit: you can buy pure powder on a lot of websites online

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  • mood lift, euphoria
  • giggling, laughing
  • dissociation of mind from body (positive when sought)
  • creative dreamlike experiences
  • Enhanced and pleasurable tactile sensations
  • some users report empathic feelings, forgiveness, warm feelings towards others


  • pupil dilation
  • visual stop motion effect (flanging or strobing)
  • visual and aural hallucinations
  • decreased sexual functioning (difficulty achieving orgasm)
  • confusion, disorientation
  • skin sensitivity, alters tactile (touch) and skin sensations
  • robotic, zombie-like walking, "robo-walk"
  • discoordination, reduced agility
  • Loss of appetite
  • Involuntary flexing of muscles
  • Feelings of merging with adjacent objects like a couch or bed (with higher doses)


  • upset stomach, vomiting
  • dizzyness
  • body itching
  • rash, red blotchy skin
  • diarrhea
  • fever
  • tachycardia (racing, pounding heart)
  • some users report feeling disconnected, isolated from others
  • some users report hangover/depression on the following 1-2 days.


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bodily effects : heavy body high, a very drunken uncoordinated feeling,


mental effects: time is very distorted but not in an LSD sort of way more like in a valium/very drunk sort of way, weird bursts of childhood nostalgia emotion most of the time unidentifiable to time and place just a feeling. bouts of abstract deja vu, psychedelic thought process but not necessarily a smart or intelligent one, just really weird scatterbrained abstract thoughts. kind of like a drunk tripping.


visual effects: things open eyed in a lit room look kind of like when you are drunk and you have the spins but slightly more psychedelic, when you go into a dark room or where a blind fold shit starts to go crazy, 3d flat shaded greyscale shapes and sceneries will start to unfold before you and you will feel like you are floating through them, the more you take the stronger this will get


(this is mostly referring to a 2nd - mild 3rd plateau experience)

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Awep.... I am interested in doing this Robo tripping... could you explain more about it? Best ways of going about it, things to be careful about etc...?


make sure if you do some you use a DXM weight calculator to determine the type of trip you want (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th plateau) for your body weight and how much robo (or dxm in mg) you need to ingest


but be careful, 1 in 18 people are EXTREMELY allergic to DXM. i don't know why this is not more talked about since if you try to 'trip' off DXM and you are allergic to it you could probably die.

I had a friend who had never done DXM before take a 2nd plateau dose and it was the closest i've ever come to driving someone to the hospital for a drug OD.


also make sure that the DXM preparation you get has no other active ingredients besides DXM, guafenissin is o.k, but makes certain people nauseous

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i used to do it here and there in high school. i liked it for being a dissociative, the nausea became a hassle though. i never really hit the higher plateaus, i was always casual and leisure with it. one thing i remember that hasn't been mentioned is the sudden burst of energy, or the illusion of energy. give it a try, just don't be one of those kids chugging back the first thing they find on the grocery shelf.



high school method, a favorite of mine;


buy a bunch of sucrets extra strength dm

figure out amount of dxm in tablets vs. what i was comfortable with (with a bit extra included, process is sloppy)

put them in a cup of boiling hot water until completely melted (stir once to keep from clumping)

run the cherry mess through a coffee filter; filter picks up the paste/powder

dry what's on the filter

consume the dried powder

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seems a little overly involved, why not just drink the Robo? if you can handle a shot of vodka or other hard alcohol, imo its much easier to take a shot of robo than it is liquor

i can see that method of extraction being great for a Diabetic, the amount of sugar or high fructose corn syrup or whatever is in it is ridiculous

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i always enjoyed it when it was seemingly 'cleaner'. chugging robo always left me nauseated and feeling like shit; it took away from the experience. besides, i don't think your body enjoys processing thick syrup goo.

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Important way to avoid stomach issues in the spoiler:



- Eat about an hour before u dose so there's something in your stomach (no spicy or hot foods)

- Get about 4 glasses/bottle of water, drink a lil before slamming

- Slam your dosage as quick as possible trying NOT TO SMELL IT

- Immediately drink around 2 bottles of water (2 8-16 oz glasses of water)

- Brush your teeth and tounge WELL

- Rinse with water or mouth wash

- Brush again lightly to make sure you've gotten rid of the taste

- Drink at least another bottle of water and keep hydrated through the experience


I never have stomach issues any more if i make sure and do this :)



I only ever do the generic (cvs/walgreens) brand robitussin (it's cheaper and i like the consistency better) that is 15ml of dxm per dose, and NO other active ingredients. I'm mildy allergic to antihistamines, and expectorants give very unpleasant experiences higher doses.


I would describe the effects to me personally:

It's a dissociative, at around 4 oz and above doses i feel very disconnected from regular reality and my mind is able to imagine things that are completely abstract to reality -


- being in a swimming pool on the moon

- Long deep fantasy like thoughts similar to some anime dream sequences

- deep connection with music [visualizing the person/people that made the music actually making it right next to me

- and watching my reactions as i listen

- or sometimes everything seems way too loud even if it's at a very very low volume


Body effects I feel

- wobbly, kind of like my body is made of corn syrup like stretch Armstrong dolls

- intense rapid eye movements (as if i'm a cat watching a ball on a string, etc)

- enhanced smell (get kinda ocd about putting on perfume or deodorant so i can't smell my robo sweat)

- some similar to lsd/shrooms effects like floating in water, being on a waterbed in the ocean, occasionally sensitive skin (legs arm) to teh touch, but not always and nothing like extacy.




I actually do it quite often. I never did it in high school, so that's likely why I am able to enjoy it now. I can't stand it in a dose over 4 ounces. But about 3 cup fulls (around 3 oz) is perfect for me. I actually don't find it anything like being drunk at all. It's pretty different for everybody. I remember one guy in highschool that said every time he took it he would talk to aliens, every single time. I've never had an exp. like that on it.


I've done an 8oz slam before and I really regretted it. I couldn't puke or anything no matter how hard i tried and was miserable for the 1st two hours after the onset. After that it was somewhat enjoyable mostly b/c i was able to smoke lots of cigs and took some tums which i think helped calm my stomach. But i felt like my brain was being run through the rudest distortion pedal in the world. It was constant confusion and had anyone else been around i highly doubt i would have been able to communicate with them very well. I did have a very lsd like experience walking down a near pitch black hallway. reminded be of one of the many times i took acid when i was a teen and i once thought my hallway was a batcave.



Oh and the powder extraction involves, lemon juice, lighter fluid, and pouring the robitussin into ziplock bags and using different elements or strippers to get the pure dxm separate from all the sugar, coloring, etc ingredients. Ive never done it b/c the lighter fluid put me off a bit, but i've been told if done correctly the light fluid is nothing to worry about.

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My preferred DXM product is certainly Zicam Cough Max. It's meant to be used as a spray for portable cough relief. It's much safer than other DXMs because there's not much of anything else in it other than DXM, except for a bunch of sugar. You basically just take the cap off and chug the whole thing. Some people I know can't do it just because of the taste, but I don't mind it. It basically tastes like any other liquid medicine.


Side effects of the best trip I've gotten off it:

-Close inspection of my face in the mirror (my nose was touching the mirror)

-My rooms shape was shifting in my minds eye like some art deco painting

-I told myself I was dead and I believed it

-Feeling like a stomping, robotic mega-machine when I walked (was awesome)

-MAJOR double vision

-General euphoria

-Heavy head


It's also good because to others, you just seem drunk. You can control yourself, it's not like ecstasy or dramamine.

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Drawing and mixing are definitely viable. I drew an awesome abstract pic in isketch one night with choco and analog wings, and some others. My word was "deep" or something and i drew two stick figures diving into missle silos filled with water, one shallow and one really tall and deep. Crazy. I was on a heavy dose that night prolly around 5 oz and shortly after that had to get off the internet and just lie down and listen to music.


I can be amazingly productive, which i think is something i really like about it. Unlike alcohol, which makes me uber depressed and tired, and weed which makes me just want to do nothing a lot of the time, or just listenin to some wild modular noodle patch morphing into itself.


Oh DO NOT DRIVE, or do anything dangerous like use a saw or anything sharp.our perception can be really off and you can mildy hallucinate or just convince yourself something is happening even if you dont see an actual hallucination. SO make sure you are in a safe place and have anything you might need from the store. Some tums or mylanta could be a good emergency stash to have, incase you do have stomach probs,they usually fix them pretty quickly. Cigs (if you smoke), tylenol (in case of headache), some melatonin/valium/tylenol pm incase you need to bail from the trip. Food if you get hungry (i never do), light juice or something other than water, but nothing with a lot of sugar or caffiene, or that would be hard on your stomach with high acid content. A couple beers or shots could be nice if you partake but I don't like mixing dxm with anything, but most people say a couple maybe 2-3 beers max or a shot or two can be a nice addition as long as you can keep yourself from drinking too much. But liek i said i never feel the need for anything else, or if i did it would be weed above any other substance.

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-I told myself I was dead and I believed it



This happened to me that time i took an 8 oz bottle, which is prolly less to others but i only weigh about 125 lbs and have a pretty small build. So it was a LOT to me. BUt yeah, i kept thinking i was dead or had just died, and then i kept dying over and over again, so i put on pink floyds "the wall" to just send the insanity over the edge which kind of helped b/c it was so over the top "the trial" for example, that i just kinda focused on that instead. NOt a very enjoyable experience. PLus the next day i felt like my brain was wrapped in saran wrap and everything was foggy/cloudy until i'd slept another 8-12 hours. :x


lsdxm, ever tried it?


waht doing acid and dxm at the same time? I don't think i'd like that. I haven't done acid since '99 anyway. I've always wanted to candy flip though.

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guafenissin is o.k, but makes certain people nauseous


That stuff makes me feel just awful and kills the entire experience for me. Some people have no trouble with it and actually like mixing a little dxm w/ that in it half and half with just pure dxm syrup for a better exp. I can't do it though.

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Guest placidburp

Can you get this stuff in the UK?


EDIT - hmm according to erowid - Unied Kingdom (U.K.) #

DXM is specifically exempted from control by the 1971 and 2001 versions of the Misuse of Drugs Act. DXM is listed as a Pharmacy Only Medication and its sale is limited by the discretion of the selling pharmacy. Multiple Erowid readers have told us that pharmacies either refuse or ask questions when buyers try to purchase more than one bottle of medicine containing DXM at one time. (thanks b, t) (last updated Jun 10 2009)

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