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Personal Psychedelic Drug Benefits?


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I've used acid so far, but I feel I am on the cusp (age) to try others and do some more cid. I read a lot about users here at watmm who have a lot of experiences with psychedelics and I was just wondering how beneficial you think it has been for you... From my one time on acid I feel like I had quite the revelations and certain music and visuals since my trip have started to make more sense then they did before. This excites me, but I feel its almost too good to be true... I have a competition in me (yes like Daniel Plainview) and I want to be able to push myself and my mind as much as I can. If acid and other psychedelics help contribute to a greater understanding of the world around us, then are there negatives and is the road ahead not quite as exciting as you first think going into it?


What have been the benefits for you?

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Guest analogue wings

what you dont see on wattum is people uploading the amazing and ground breaking albums that they made after taking acid....


i think psychedelics are a very personal, internal experience and they wont necessarily give you a lasting "benefit" in terms of your footprint on the world

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what you dont see on wattum is people uploading the amazing and ground breaking albums that they made after taking acid....

yeah, pretty much the reason i've decided to ease off a little. i'd be sitting there on a saturday night watching patterns on the walls and listening to fennesz, and thinking, i could be recording some music or going out somewhere, and instead i'm sitting here tripping out.


moderation is the key, obviously. i have had some quite nice experiences/revelations/discoveries with lucy though.

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I have a competition in me (yes like Daniel Plainview) and I want to be able to push myself and my mind as much as I can.

If acid and other psychedelics help contribute to a greater understanding of the world around us, then are there negatives and is the road ahead not quite as exciting as you first think going into it?


these comments make you sound really young. Taking drugs is not a competitive sport and of course psychedelics have a massive potential downside. You sound like the perfect candidate for a nasty bad trip at some point.

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smoking pot made me less uptight and generally more confident person i feel, though in the long run it gave me anxiety i'm pretty sure. ying and yang. you'll never meet someone who hasn't had a bad trip, it just happens

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Prolonged LSD usage has endowed me with extra extrasensory perception and a telepathic abilty. You need to take heroic dose to reap these benfits though. May I suggest a 1000 mics. Or smoking a chillum full of shrooms and datura seeds (not a psychedelic).







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Prolonged LSD usage has endowed me with extra extrasensory perception and a telepathic abilty. You need to take heroic dose to reap these benfits though. May I suggest a 1000 mics. Or smoking a chillum full of shrooms and datura seeds (not a psychedelic).


Why anyone would want to smoke shrooms is beyond me. High temperatures break down the active ingredients in psilocybin mushrooms (psilocin/psilocybin), and make them very weak. Also it's got to taste terrible and mushrooms tend to smolder instead of burn up. If you're wondering "how come making shroom tea works if heat is bad" boiling water is about 200 degrees F, a bic lighter flame burns at around 800-1600 Degrees F. The actives start to breakdown around 200-250 degrees fahrenheit.


Smoking shrooms sort of works (if you smoke a WHOLE lot of them), but its a waste and it's not going to be as intense, but whateva floats your boat, you paid for em :)


Also a heroic dose of acid doesn't give you esp but it can make you sensitive to psychosis or schizo effective/schizophrenia [if you have a family history or had not been diagnosed] ...which indeed could make you believe that you have esp.

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Guest analogue wings

when i was at high school, and i was just starting to learn the guitar - i had these mates who had been playing since they were 8 or whatever and they had a kickarse dinosaur jr type band going on. they were getting gigs in grown up venues and getting tracks on grown up compilations etc.


anyway, i basically hero-worshipped these dudes


so we get to 16 or 17 and they start smoking the wakky bakky every lunchtime (we had a mate who lived 2 houses down from the shool - very convenient). something happened that was really sad and scary to me - these guys' plans and ambitions, and excitement for music just evaporated - like, total personality change, until all they wanted to do was play playstation. they probably had no perspective on the change but as an outsider looking in it was alarmingly obvious to me.


the band broke up and a few of us went to uni. the main guy from the band got into acid at uni and dropped out of uni and pretty much life in general. last i heard he was doing some kind of ambient stuff but i've never heard of him actually doing a gig or releasing anything...






and that is why i pretty much never do drugs :)

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Prolonged LSD usage has endowed me with extra extrasensory perception and a telepathic abilty. You need to take heroic dose to reap these benfits though. May I suggest a 1000 mics. Or smoking a chillum full of shrooms and datura seeds (not a psychedelic).


Why anyone would want to smoke shrooms is beyond me. High temperatures break down the active ingredients in psilocybin mushrooms (psilocin/psilocybin), and make them very weak. Also it's got to taste terrible and mushrooms tend to smolder instead of burn up. If you're wondering "how come making shroom tea works if heat is bad" boiling water is about 200 degrees F, a bic lighter flame burns at around 800-1600 Degrees F. The actives start to breakdown around 200-250 degrees fahrenheit.


Smoking shrooms sort of works (if you smoke a WHOLE lot of them), but its a waste and it's not going to be as intense, but whateva floats your boat, you paid for em :)


Also a heroic dose of acid doesn't give you esp but it can make you sensitive to psychosis or schizo effective/schizophrenia [if you have a family history or had not been diagnosed] ...which indeed could make you believe that you have esp.


You obviously missed the sarcasm in that post :) But having said that, on one occasion i smoked two -three chillums worth of shrooms + datura seeds with two other friends. It ended up being EXTREMELY unpleasent for all of us. I mostly blame that on the datura though. From what I gather about mushrooms the receptors are in your mouth, so orally ingesting them is the most effective way of doing them. I generally just dip them in honey and just chew on them.

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lol...yeah i completely missed the sarcasm there :facepalm: :) my bad


The best way to eat mushrooms imo is to chop them up into the finest bits possible and swallow them with a lime or lemon flavored water, or put them in a capsule and swallow. Fungus doesn't like to digest the way our bodies want food too and can murder teh insides :/


Also tea is good too, but you have to use a lil more and i've always had probs getting an accurate dosage with teas.


There's also tons of different strains of mushrooms that can give mostly subtle but occasionally varied effects.

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From what I gather about mushrooms the receptors are in your mouth, so orally ingesting them is the most effective way of doing them. I generally just dip them in honey and just chew on them.

that sounds like a bunch of BS. psilocybin works on the serotonine recepetors in your brain. there are no such receptors in your mouth. how come these stupid myths never stop, especially with the internets.

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yeah it has nothing to do with your mouth per se. Psilocybin just has to get into your blood stream. So getting the shrooms inside your body is all you need to do. A capsule goes right down to your stomach, as does most of any tea you drink etc. So there are various other ways other than just chewing them. Anyway, Psilocybin gets into your blood stream, then your body turns it into Psilocin as it goes to the brain. And Psilocin is very similar to serotonin and the 5-HT2 takes it up possibly thinking it is serotonin and to teh m00n you go :)

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the best advice would be do what you're going to do


don't think about it too much

but don't not think about it at all

educate yourself


fact: drugs are bad

fact: you can learn from drugs

fact: my favorite people in the world have all tripped multiple times


more facts:

if i hadn't ever done drugs i wouldn't feel depersonalized, miserably depressed, nearly psychotic, paranoid, and anxious. probably.

but i also wouldn't see what i see, feel what i feel - which are sometimes incredible things

i wouldn't be me


so, in short, don't fucking do it man it's not worth it but you should do it


more facts:

i've been listening to meat beat manifesto, the orb, chemical brothers, aphex twin, squarepusher, the prodigy, and all kinds of psychedelic crazy shit since i was young - before i ever dropped acid or smoked marijuana. but i always knew that i was going to do it, before i even knew the connection between my favorite music and drugs

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in short they are basically psychological amplifiers and basically any positive or negative changes that you could incur on yourself in a sober state can and will be incurred but at incredible intensity.


So by that token, they can be as good as they can bad, it all depends on how you piece the experience together.


my two cents

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