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I need a DJ name

Guest mrcopyandpaste

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DJ As a language model I am designed to respond to user inputs SO FUCKING PUT THOSE HANDS IN THE AIR YEAHHHHHH


I think DJ's Scotch Egg and Bus Replacement Service have done particularly well on the naming front

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DJ Sawtooth Fuck Face

DJ Hedgehog Cunt Stain

DJ Bat Brained Mongloid 

DJ Skinned Rat Fur Flag

DJ Rotting Lizard Breath

Edited by beerwolf
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�̷̡̡̢̢̢͈̖͈̞͍̰̳͉̼̭̙͕͓̖͓͓̲͕̘̜̤͇̥̺̲̘͇̤̣̼͍̀͋̆̃̅̓̄̏͗̋̉͠�̷̢̢̛̳̥̭̟̝̥̗͚̙̤̹̟̰̩͍͚̬̮̪̫͕̦̗̬̟̤̺̇̈́͛̔̿͋͒́̔́̕͜͠ͅנ̸̡̢̭̻̲̖̬̯̼̮̺̪̤̰̟̦̺̗͚̘̹̰̦̮̤̺̪̟̭̬̠̫͍̻̮̩̩͇̟͚̾̉̑͆̂́̑͆̽̊̇͗̉͜͜ͅͅͅ ̵̡̨̨̨̛̳̩̝̰̪̻̮͚͕͍̬̪̗͉̪̖̠̤̱͍̙̥͔̤̥̩̻͙̟̫̥̭̟̲̟̳́̓̒̓̂̋̎͛̇̿̅͛̎̉͆̕̕͜͜͝͝͝�̶̨̡̡̡̟̦͈͇̫̳̳̞͖̳̘̖̟̠̜̭̳̯̰͍̟̰̝̯͓̺̝̪̮͖̖͎̯̈́͐̑̉ͅ�̸̧̛͎̱̦̤̱̺̖͖̼͈̹̈͌́͐̔́̓͋̄͌̈̌͛̀͌̈͗̽̀̎̈̎͑͋̈́̈̊̆́̀͐̔̎̋̒̃̍͊̕̕̕̕͠͝͠͝ᵗ̸̧̧̛͈̫̜̲̭͙̭̦̐̑̈́̌̿̓̈̈́́̒̆̔͑̎͒̍̌͗̾̋͗̇̊́̀̐̔͗̎̀́̾͑̍͒͌̓́̚̚͘̕̕͠͠

Edited by o00o
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  ╭╮      ╭╮┃┃┃┃╭╮
  ┃┃  ╭╮  ┃╰╯┃┃┃┃┃
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┃╰╯┃┃  ╰╯        ╰
╯  ┃┃

Edited by o00o
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DJ Drug Induced Coma

DJ Posh Tent Dweller

DJ My Mate Is A 12ft Dwarf

DJ Billionaire Festival Goer

DJ Day Glo Orange Irish Gypsy Bird

DJ Suck My Dick I Play Other Peoples Records

DJ Trout Fishing Enthusiast 

DJ Gay Lord Father Fucker

DJ Abattoir Organ Soup

DJ Squid Biscuit



Edited by beerwolf
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2 hours ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

I failed to find this via Google a while ago - luckily ChatGPT has my back




yeah you can also combine different generators or google glitchr 

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