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My redemption thread


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It'd be really nice with a better melody. Think RDJ Album, same kind of mood to the melody without being "cheesy".


I mean this is still good you know.

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you're beautiful, no matter what they say, words can't bring you down


sorry the melody is really similar, lol


but i really liked the drill part

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lol you couldn't just go "1" or "2"


lol, no, too confusing! :facepalm: Yeah, I know.


Some of my working titles are descriptive though, or give me some idea what it is. Some I actually keep as titles, as sometimes I start with the title, then work the music from that. It can be very inspiring. I obviously did not employ that here.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

i can understand making a tune. then thinking of a title of what comes to mind, but i guess doing it the other way is definitely possible. but i wouldn't guess it's common. and lol @ pooper scooper. thank heavens you didn't turn the visual into a track, would've ruined my night

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i can understand making a tune. then thinking of a title of what comes to mind, but i guess doing it the other way is definitely possible. but i wouldn't guess it's common.


It is actually WAY easier for me to write a tune if I have a good title first.


and lol @ pooper scooper. thank heavens you didn't turn the visual into a track, would've ruined my night


I'm not LUDD.... yet... fucking hell.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

i can understand making a tune. then thinking of a title of what comes to mind, but i guess doing it the other way is definitely possible. but i wouldn't guess it's common.


It is actually WAY easier for me to write a tune if I have a good title first.


and lol @ pooper scooper. thank heavens you didn't turn the visual into a track, would've ruined my night


I'm not LUDD.... yet... fucking hell.


guess it gives you a place to start, musically.



and being LUDD would be, like, the end. forever

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Guest Calx Sherbet

MUCH better the second time thru. if you don't mind me saying, it was 100% mu-ziq. the drill parts reminded me of Green Crumble smile.gif

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Guest placidburp

This is pretty fucking great man! Beats are great, production is great. I also hear uziq in it too. Its all round fuckkiing great. Now whack it in one of your mixes right away please! :D

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Guest Calx Sherbet

did you have anything else that went with it? like do you set up albums beforehand, or do you just group songs after they are done?

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thanks, i wanted a somewhat universal synthy sound that lots of people could relate to (that weren't braindance kids like me.) I compromised my artistic integrety goddamn it. shoot me. Thanks about the drums. They were somewhat a labor of love. I don't be using none of that glitch shit. I use the chopper in acid 3, then dsp them a LITTLE in cool edit. Then, I'll either make a rex file or play it straight as a sample (the loop that is.) Whew. Typing sucks. I'm trying to get faster but i dont use proper technique. I'm just glad I know where all the keys are.

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