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Inglourious Basterds


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finally saw this, not a great classic, but fuckin worth the money, funny and enjoyable experience.



The Nazi colonel was a brilliant archetype of the badguy you absolutely hate because he knows waaaay too much about everything thats going on and hes a smarmy cunt.



Everyone shits on Brad Pitt, but I thought he did great as his character, very memorable. The reasoning for that is, I believe he said he was from Tennessee....he could not more accurately portray a man from down South any better than he did in this movie. Just replace him saying "Nazi", with "Coon", or "Faggot", and you'll see what I mean. His character is pure unabashed ignorance, but he's on our side for this movie, so its fun to root for him.



Only Tarantino could make an ultraviolent-comedy-action film about the SS.

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I saw the movie....you know the jew bear snene ? or some other ultra violent scene....right at that moment there is this 70 + year old woman entering the theatre and not looking offendend one bit. That was one of my WTF moments of the month

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I saw the movie....you know the jew bear snene ? or some other ultra violent scene....right at that moment there is this 70 + year old woman entering the theatre and not looking offendend one bit. That was one of my WTF moments of the month



this is exactly my theory on why Bastards wasnt released until now...Tarantino now has a huge fanbase and is known for violence in his film, you make it about Nazis, and Voila! everyone wanting a piece of Hitler gets their fantasy fulfilled.

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melanie laurent in that red dress was the high point of the movie. :wub:


not really there were lots of other good parts too. she was just really hot is all.

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basically it doesn't, apart from the name. From what I understand Tarantino bought the rights to remake that film, but then totally went off in his own direction, which is why he decided to keep the name but change the spelling.

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Guest Otto Krat

Apparently most of the non-french people don't realize how uttelry ridiculous and band all the french scenes are. Mélanie Laurent may be hot (for I find she's not) but with that movie, she easily reaches the top of the worst french actress ever. Some scenes (the stairs, when she and the black guy make the "plan") sound incredibely fake: they speak like french from today and absolutely not like frenchs from WW2 and the whole thing is so naive...


Otherwise I found the movie far to long, sometimes funny but generally pathetic. The script isn't accurate enough and what I am sure every one consider a great four languages performance (the evil guy) seems to be as the most ridiculous melting pot of what a bad guy and a nazi is supposed to be: cliché. And it may be made on purpose, but it's it is not made well.


Poor Brad Pitt can't be bad because he has not a single feeling to express during all the movie: you can call that a good harsh american imitation but certainly not acting.

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Apparently most of the non-french people don't realize how uttelry ridiculous and band all the french scenes are. Mélanie Laurent may be hot (for I find she's not) but with that movie, she easily reaches the top of the worst french actress ever. Some scenes (the stairs, when she and the black guy make the "plan") sound incredibely fake: they speak like french from today and absolutely not like frenchs from WW2 and the whole thing is so naive...


Otherwise I found the movie far to long, sometimes funny but generally pathetic. The script isn't accurate enough and what I am sure every one consider a great four languages performance (the evil guy) seems to be as the most ridiculous melting pot of what a bad guy and a nazi is supposed to be: cliché. And it may be made on purpose, but it's it is not made well.


Poor Brad Pitt can't be bad because he has not a single feeling to express during all the movie: you can call that a good harsh american imitation but certainly not acting.

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Guest assegai

I thought Inglorious was better than Kill Bill... and how you can't fall in love with the main german bad guy is beyond me. He steals the show. Brad did his part to a T as a middle american uneducated solider with one thing on his mind "killin nahTzis". He's as one dimensional as it gets (on purpose), which is illustrated perfectly in the lol-inducing scene "BUON GIORNO". I can't comment on the french criticisms as I don't speak french nor know anything really about french culture during WWII, but she was def easy on the eyes. As far as the script being accurate, to what? It's a fictional fairy tale movie, spoiler alert. Hitler didn't die in a theater.

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Guest Otto Krat

Of course it is fictionnal but fiction always has to be supported by a strong background. I don't mind Hitler being shoted by two fanatic jews (even if the idea is quite vulgar in my opinion) but you cannot set your movie in France and having nothing during the movie that even look like France other than total cliché. I mean, it may be a detail but movies are supposed to make you "feel" the period and the place they are showing: Pulp Fiction looks like California in the 90s, and every good movie about the WW2 should make you feel how special was the world at that timpe, even if it is parody. Here you have half the movie being a western with american actors playing their cow boy part (the bar scene), and I guess this was what Tarantino wanted to do, but I personnaly don't like it, and half the movie with french actors acting some ridiculous bad-translated script (I guess I didn't wrote it in french?).


I don't want it to sound like "you shouldn't do a WW2 movie witheout respect certain things", I understand it's a movie about cliché, but my opinion is that it is done bad, so it becomes a bad cliché itslef. And I am not entering in the details, but a lot of formal elements in the shooting technique bother me also.


I had fun, but I also had moments of boredom, that's all. It's not bad, but I feel like it's unfinished and it does not deserve also the fuzz aroudn it.


(lol and sorry about my english, it looks like the bad french in the movie) :biggrin:

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I gotta watch this again. In my head it's all still fun and great and I remember going out of the kino with a smile on and everything.


I'm also watching it again because now I know what happens and I probably won't tremble in anticipation all the time.

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you can call that a good harsh american imitation but certainly not acting.



I almost respected your opinion until I actually stopped to read this.


so were there no cafes or hole-in-the-wall bars in France?


did none of the French villages look like the one in the beginning scene?


There were no movie theaters in France during WWII?


I find a lot of this very hard to believe.

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no, i know what he meant - he was missing that french "feeling". i mean, i'm not french, but i can imagine. but still, come on, it's tarantino, ffs!

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Guest Otto Krat

Come on: put indians instead of nazi and tell me it's not a western scene. No, there are no "house on the hill in the middle of the grass" in Bretagne, and no viril Bretons who looks like colons in the middle of the wild west. And yes there were cafes and movies theater in France, as there were everywhere in Europe, but they smell studios in the movie.


But that's not the main point, it's just that bad french acting + France as a cliché annoyed me, what would not have bothered me that much if the movie was excellent, but I just found it vulgar.


Violence is fine when it's subtle.

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Guest blicero

1) No offense, Otto... but i don't really think that the intended audience for this film was the French. So i understand your gripes, but they are really not that significant, IMO.


2) as for the violence... have you ever heard of Tarantino?


3) This is the only WWII reference that I can think of where the French were treated favorably, as opposed to either surrendering cowardly to the Germans, or worse, collaborating. So i would be pleased to see a French woman responsible for the end of the war (despite her poor acting/speaking), if I were French.

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the point was to glamorize and westernize the war in France.


have you not seen Tarantino's other movies? he loves to pull the Leone, thats what hes a great disciple of, building this spaghetti western, dont take me seriously attitude while at the same time building so much tension in scenes you are going crazy...

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Guest Otto Krat

1) No offense, Otto... but i don't really think that the intended audience for this film was the French. So i understand your gripes, but they are really not that significant, IMO.


2) as for the violence... have you ever heard of Tarantino?


3) This is the only WWII reference that I can think of where the French were treated favorably, as opposed to either surrendering cowardly to the Germans, or worse, collaborating. So i would be pleased to see a French woman responsible for the end of the war (despite her poor acting/speaking), if I were French.




1) Of course, but when I as a french see an american, corean or african movie, I expect a good/realistic acting. Even if it is hard for me to know if a japanese actor's acting sound right or no, I would like it to be right. And it's more interresting for you american (or

other) audience to see some real and good french actors/protagonist than the contrary, no?


2) Yes I've seen all his movies, I really liked Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs were ok (bit too popular and "cool" but ok) and the last one, Death.. something, I found bad, even if the roll he used is very rare and expensive and good looking.


3) Totally NO. The real History is that the american army chased the germans from France, even if there was a strong resistance from the french itselfs (for example Paris and Marseille, the two biggest cities, were released by their own residents, and a lot of FFI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Forces_of_the_Interior) died in the Ardenne battles). But the the americans that did it mostly.


BUT in France, there always have been a huge myth about french resisting heroickly and a huge amount and hundreds of movie not showing french as cowarsd (well there is always the bad guy who works with nazis, but in the other hand the communists french resistants, the ones who hide jews, the movie about the algerian soldiers who came to fight with americans, etc...). So in the end I think there are more movies showing french under a good light than the contrary.


the point was to glamorize and westernize the war in France.


Yes I think you're right, and I am not saying it is a bad idea. I am just saying, in my opinion, he did it bad.

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Guest beatfanatic

the point was to glamorize and westernize the war in France.


have you not seen Tarantino's other movies? he loves to pull the Leone, thats what hes a great disciple of, building this spaghetti western, dont take me seriously attitude while at the same time building so much tension in scenes you are going crazy...


that first scene was totally an homage to the first scene from The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.

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