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new track if you like autechre, j dilla, or aphex twin

vamos scorcho

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To describe it in a word, it'd have to be "fucked", but I was grinning all the way through. Seriously screwed up, but pretty funky when it all locks back in :D

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thanks for listening. your description has been taken as a compliment.


for folks listening and not saying anything - i assume that you don't like it or find it middling, unimpressive, dull, or pointless.


i just want to know. i'm quite happy with it and i think that with repeated listens certain sections reveal themselves. all i ask for is the appreciative ear of a listener who cares to untangle the sonic mess i've created. there is order within the chaos, i swear


anyway i would love any sort of criticism, but my main question is this:


does the rapping sound bad?

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Guest iamabe

this is clearly a work of love. the beat you set up in the first few bars is great on its own and it would be sweet if you came back to it again. The rap sounds fine. you glitch too much for my tastes, maybe you could edit a little. im really enjoying the bit that starts right before the middle of the track. the beat near the end sounds kind of like moderat. nice job.

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I think its excellent man, make an EP soon!


Its incredibly fucked up but somehow incredibly cohesive all at the same time, like a vsnares track or a really eccentric Ae track. The rapping is pretty awesome too, I'm not really one for hip hop or rap or really any vocals so I'm surprised I enjoyed it but yeah, very good.


Quite reminiscent of Mr Oizos album Moustache if you haven't heard it check it out.




I like how its a pretty fresh sounding style. I've been waiting a while to find a type of music that combines Rap/Hip hop with IDM in a way that doesn't sound extremely forced. Its like a super intelligent robot took some hip hop tracks and viciously re-assembled them



edit: I checked out the other two tracks on your myspace and both are of equal quality. Think you might send me a zip with a few tracks for my ears to suck on for a few days?


edit again: Nat Scatter is making me bust a nut. Gnarly!

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Guest Calx Sherbet

what's the name of that floaty sounding wind instrument?


btw, this track is awesome. it's like 50 cycles, AE and Luke Vibert. i WANT an EP


it is one of my favorite tunes i've heard in this board

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You've got things working well up until the 40 second mark—the vocals have to go and you should keep to the original character of the song (cut anything beyond :40). Everything else sounds like it was made by Cardan.

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I really dig it, the flute over the opening beat is great, and I the 'rapping' is awesome as well. I feel like the second half takes it in a completely other direction (not always a bad thing, but in this case the track could definitely be a bit more cohesive.. fuck with it a bunch but then return to the opening)

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yeah there were more. i really appreciate the criticism. i'm definitely going to remove my rapping. i'm trying to get an ep together of my best work. i think i'm finally hitting the point where my stuff doesn't sound as much like some random kid using logic. i removed the other tracks because i feel like they sounded too amateur and i really badly want to get some of my music released on pretty much any label that offers to do so.


it makes me happy you guys dig it because everyone i've shown has either been like "wtf" or "no comment." it sucks having to rely on my own confidence all the time.


i disagree with the criticism that i need to remove everything after the :40 second mark. i think what i need to do is split them into two seperate songs because i really like both halves but they're pretty obviously two different pieces of music. my brother told me the same thing pretty much.


i really, really, really want to work with a talented lyricist with a good flow. i want to tear apart some raps over some of my beats. i genuinely think that white people can't rap as well as black people, ever. i need to meet some people with open minds.


anyway when i get an ep together i'll be sure to pm everyone who cares to hear it (aka people in this thread who said they're interested)


i'm going to take this chance to shove something down your guys throats. it's an ep i made a few months back. entirely made in garageband with terrible synths. but i believe if you listen to it in the proper setting it's quite good. especially if you give some of the better tracks time to open up and show their melodies ("day")


brother dream



maybe i won't remove the rapping. i don't really know. i can't tell if it sounds good. when i hear my own voice i automatically think "that sounds lame." but maybe people that don't know my personality won't think it sounds as ridiculous.


definitely going to split the first and second half into two songs though. would benefit both parts greatly. theres no way to transition it, and no point.

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maybe i won't remove the rapping. i don't really know. i can't tell if it sounds good. when i hear my own voice i automatically think "that sounds lame." but maybe people that don't know my personality won't think it sounds as ridiculous.


Don't do it! Leave the lyrics in, if you need to do something trim them down a bit but I think they fit really well. Like Beastie Boys on acid or something.


If you're thinking of getting rid of your vocals, I do agree with the idea of getting a good lyricist to chop up the vocals from, but your style sounds really good with the choppy hip-hop vocals

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I liked "Beethoven" but the distortion became such that I had to turn down the volume.


"Cramper" reveals itself 1:45+; nice syncopation.


"Milo" of the Brother Dream folder seems to be corrupted.

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