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For those of you studying at the University


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case in point - 3 people out of ~35 knew who rupert murdoch is in my empty credit anthropology 101 course.


i feel like it would be refreshing for someone who actually knows what they're talking about to get all pretentious at me. the closest to smart, pretentious kids in my university that i have come across are people who constantly raise their hand with out of nowhere questions. the most annoying classes for this were in philosophy. listening to those kids debate free will was like watching hannity and combs, and i was the only materialist in the class. i'm surprised the professor didn't hang himself, because i might if in his shoes.

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Sorry to hear that...

I learned the hard way to that uni is next to useless if you want to work in the audio field.

If you want to work in pro audio in any way shape or form, the only thing that pros care about is experience and ability.

Start at the bottom (tea boy) and stick with it.


Design might be a little different, but judging from my friends who do work in that field, it's about the same. I'm back at school now, in something only a little less useless (BA majoring in Asian Studies, probably end up as a double major in something else) but at least I'll have networked at a good uni so should be able to blag my way into some bullshit job at the end...

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Squee i went through a rather similair situation at my old art school when i was taking media arts. I think a huge huge problem is that you signed on to a new department. From what i can tell pretty much any department that hasnt existed in a school for at least 10 years is going to be fraught with underfunding, banal curriculum, flaky teachers and probably awful internships/job placement. If you're going to school for a specialty, make sure your school at least has a long-standing reputation for it


There's nothing wrong with going to college, especially in america. But there are tons of problems with the way people choose to pursue their education.

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im getting my MA in history currently, the classes dont seem hard, but its difficult to tell how much higher the level of work thinking is involved because its still early....i turned in a 10 page paper...gonna wait to see what my grade is on that....one of my classes is a discussion, almost purely, and i think i proved myself well there...i dunno, i gotta be honest and say im pretty damn nervous.

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hey squee your story sounds a lot like why I am currently "taking time off"/a drop out. I can't give any great advice or success story so far, but I think if you're gonna stay in college, study something that you're willing to be taught about, not something that you already have a really good idea about and know how to pursue on your own. if I had stayed in school I would have studied art instead of music because for whatever reason I have much less of a problem being told to do it with specific tools/projects. maybe you should try a semester off and just experiment with getting freelance jobs and pursuing your own interests, or see if you can switch your major without making your past coursework totally pointless. all I know for sure is that studying something you love doing can be really discouraging & stressful if the way you study it makes you do bad work.

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Guest ezkerraldean

When you go to get a job it'll be worse. Keep that in mind!


lol this is probably true. especially if your degree lands you in a 9-5 office cube hell job shit bollocks life. being poor and free is probably better than most jobs.

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Do you ever stop up and think, 'What in God's sweet and holy vagina am I doing here? I'm not learning anything at all, I'm just learning to repeat what my teacher tells me. And what my teacher is telling me is something he/she was taught many years ago to repeat.'




I've studied Digital Design for 2 years now and I'm currently working on my bachelor in something called "Event Culture". For two years I've been analyzing digital art, iPods, games, websites and so on. It probably sounds a bit interesting but it's not because that is all we've ever done. It's supposed to be a creative education but we never done anything creative at all. Get this, we've ACTUALLY had a subject about what creativity is. Shit. There's no formula for creativity so how on earth can you teach about it?


I chose to study Digital Design because it was a new education at the University. We're the first bunch to ever study it. Back when it was announced that "Digital Design" was coming to the University they promised the up-coming students that they would be working on electronic music, computer games, digital art and so on, and I remember thinking that this must be the education of my dreams.


I could go on and on for hours about how shit it's been but I'm only going to give you one example of how ridiculous it is:

On our second semester we were going to make electronic music, and I thought that it was finally time for me to shine. We were then told that we were going to do field recordings and make something out of that. That was not what I had in mind, but nevermind. Field recordings are always fun to work with. We were then handed these huge bags with OLD, OLD, OLD recording equipment in them and 6 feet long boomsticks to use. I asked my teacher if I could use my portable hard disc recorder instead, because that would be a lot easier to carry around. He then told me 'no' because I had to use what my fellow students were using. I brought my own hard disc recorder anyway. We were then told that we HAD to do the 'music' in Java. Yes, Java. Dr. Java to be precise. I then asked if we could use a normal music application instead and the answer was 'no'. Fuck. Well, I took my own hard disc recorder and began working on my field recordings. When I got back and imported my .wav-files into Dr. Java I found out that Dr. Java couldn't use stereo sound files. Shit. I then turned them into mono files instead but Dr. Java couldn't read 44.100 khz sound files and no matter how I tried to decrease the quality it just wouldn't read the files. I gave up and let my team mates do all 'the fun'.

When our Dr. Java teacher arrived he showed us ALL these cool features Dr Java had such as reversing the sound file. Woooah! Pitching the sound file. Wooooooooah! Turning down the volume! Woooooooooooooooah! Cutting up the sound files! OMFG! FANTASTIC!


It's been like this for 2 years now and I'm currently on my third year and things are getting worse and worse. We're reading texts on how to analyze cultural events... seriously, how useless is that? I've decided to finish my bachelor and once that is done I'll go up to my old teacher and show him the article that he gave an interview for where he talks about ALL the job possibilities 'Digital Design' would give us and then I'll ask him to find me a job.


I feel sorry for you but that Dr Java thing made me laugh out loud.


Let this be a lesson, study real shit. Creative courses, unless they are industrial, are a waste of time all over

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