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Money Ducks

Guest No Pomo

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Guest Glass Plate

This is still not a final product, another stage of experimentation this time with tape decks. Let me know what you guys think. I swear with in the next couple years I'll finally start making real songs again. (I hope)

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Guest Henri Francis

I like this one alot. Some people will say what they will about this track but you are doing something that alot of people on this site don't and that is use inventive sounds and techniques. Definately not the easist thing to listen to and kind of a challenge for the listener but for anyone that gives it the time and deep listening should get the mood across. good job

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Guest Audiogeist

Looking at it like the new hit single is wrong, but to look at it like a melting Van Gogh painting in slow-motion (Art, if you will) then this might be some of the more inventive music ive heard on this sight, i understand your motivation/emotion behind it all. Love it keep it up bro

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Guest Glass Plate

Looking at it like the new hit single is wrong, but to look at it like a melting Van Gogh painting in slow-motion (Art, if you will) then this might be some of the more inventive music ive heard on this sight, i understand your motivation/emotion behind it all. Love it keep it up bro

Hey man, I'm from kentucky too.

I will likely play some shows in the state this summer, will try to let you know when they're happening.

(live in MA now)

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