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David Firth rips on mainstream music


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alright from an intellectual standpoint his cartoons are not very insightful or deep but from a purely artistic/aesthetic standpoint they are fantastic, the dark humor is brilliant and the eccentricity is pretty much unmatched whether that is a good thing or a bad thing.


As far as experimentalism and surrealism goes though I firmly restate that it is pretty much the top of the pile

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I think the valentine's day cartoon is my favorite actually.


"So I had a quick wank and left. Same time next year, I guess."

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alright from an intellectual standpoint his cartoons are not very insightful or deep but from a purely artistic/aesthetic standpoint they are fantastic, the dark humor is brilliant and the eccentricity is pretty much unmatched whether that is a good thing or a bad thing.


As far as experimentalism and surrealism goes though I firmly restate that it is pretty much the top of the pile


all of this supports the argument that from an intellectual standpoint his cartoons are insightful

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@ everyone who hates david firth and was facepalming me, why?




the original facepalm was aimed at the genious in the quote above it. i presume this was a dig at the constantly occurring spelling error when people write the word "genius".... then again maybe, like 90% of watmmers, they were oblivious of the spelling error and were actually facepalming the term genius when applied to David Firth's work.

who knows?

david firth is most certainly NOT a genius.

but that piss take of the music business is 200% accurate and funny and sad (because it's true)

i suppose it might be funnier in Britain as it is a direct satire of the British music media with references to British acts like the ting tings (this is the song i made)

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i love how jerry jackson is an absolute moran and firth is bothered enough to have him spell things with unnecessary possessives, i.e. "i has lot's of frend's." being shit at grammar and spelling conveys the message well enough, but that extra step is the icing on the cake for me. because i really do believe that misusing apostrophe esses represents everything that is wrong with humanity.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I couldn't do it. I got handed a contract at work and in the first line it had an illegal apostrophe; naturally I refused to sign.

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I wouldn't go as far as to say he is a genius, but I am a big fan of his work. The Men From Up The Stairs is great, and the podcast is hilarious. Grape Digging Sharon Fruits are pretty awesome too.

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flash animation being as cheap as it is, salad fingers is laughably embarrassing. it's like like david lynch wiped his shit on a swf file.

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i love how jerry jackson is an absolute moran and firth is bothered enough to have him spell things with unnecessary possessives, i.e. "i has lot's of frend's." being shit at grammar and spelling conveys the message well enough, but that extra step is the icing on the cake for me. because i really do believe that misusing apostrophe esses represents everything that is wrong with humanity.

lol that nailed it for sure



But yeah as far as flash animation goes, firth is pretty damn good at drawing and animating. He has a specific smiplistic style and he always has the most creative looking places and characters. Everything is kinda wrapped up in a neat little package.

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