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"finished" track on the new hardware

Tessier Ashpool

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Been a couple of years since I've really tried to work on anything - my Mac pooped out and the overall frustration made me just sick of the whole thing. Finally decided to say "fuck it" and figured, hey, I'm not really trying to be a successful artist, so why not have some fun.


Using my work laptop now and had to re-learn a new studio from the ground up (Reaper) - missing some functions I loved with DP, but still an overall fine (and free!) program. This is the first track I worked on which is now in it's "final" version cause the work laptop got a nasty case of the N1H1. The tech guys wiped everything, so I'm back to square one.


Hope you enjoy it, apologies in advance for the shitty mixing.



Time . . . to Die.mp3

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