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Acidburp - Soon

Guest placidburp

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Guest placidburp

This is an updated version of a track that was on my first EP. Someone suggested I extend it as it was quite short so I did. Need to vary the drums a bit more I think. Kinda wanted it to be a little punchier towards the end but everything was clipping so I took out some shit. Suggestions?


Thanks as always for listening.

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Guest Otto Krat

Track is fine but you should mix up drums a little bit, they kind of get submerged by all the reverb going on synths. You could also make the song still longer.


By the way, I am listenner of The End: get on with your hot stuff and bravo! :ok:

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Guest placidburp

Thanks Otto! Ye, I'm going to have another mess around with it maybe tomorrow and see what I can do with those drums. My hangover has finally defeated me today. :facepalm:

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Guest chip tronic

intense pad at the beginning. it suits the drums well. i also like the way you are changing the beat patterns, slow it down , speed it up. good stuff! i think the drums are mixed properly. above all, because there are so many elements used here.

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Guest placidburp

i've been looping this on i hate my neighbors-volume while vacuuming for a while now. lovely stuff! :sorcerer:

Brilliant! Thanks very much mate!


this is fucking nuts, and that melody is pretty. now what is this EP?


Cheers pal, my EP, which 'Soon' is on and new Album can be both found here - http://themrecords.com all the releases are on the left hand side. Check out some of the others too mate, some cracking stuff on there. I would recommend some, but honestly imo they are all great, and best of all they are all fucking FREEEE!!! :emotawesomepm9:

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Nice, I like this a lot. Great beat stuff. synths sound awsome. Great sound quality overall, I like it. Keeps switching too, isn't boring.

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