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dot party (new name for corn cat) - summers

vamos scorcho

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it's 93 tracks

download and listen, none of these tracks are on myspace or soundcloud. they're meant to be listened to in this setting, fast changes moving forward constantly. if you don't feel like downloading for whatever reason, feel free not to download and so on.


otherwise i'd like to hear any positive feedback. i don't need criticisms or negative feedback so don't give me any because it will ruin my night/day,


alright everyone! enjoy. this is something that's been in slow progress for a while and it's finally starting to come together in the way i want it to. it's probably going to be the first thing i ever release to the public, so consider this special, i guess.


still trying to get signed, couldn't care less at this point though. i just want other people to feel what i feel when i listen to this stuff, so cheers

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Guest ryanmcallister

there's some awesome stuff in here, i don't exactly understand the concept of the 20 second pieces though, why don't you mash them up and have an album of 15 full tracks instead of 93 loops?

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i don't know. they're not all loops. the initial idea was for it to be something like minidisc where you can shuffle the songs and hear them in any order. it's meant to be a journey into the mind as you listen, you know? to immerse yourself in the space of the collection. i think it makes more sense once you've listened at least 20 minutes in and you're a bit lost, perhaps?


if anybody wants to preview before download i put up 9 or so of the tracks in one mp3 you can listen to here:



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at least not allll of them are loops, and by the time i'm finished there shouldn't be a single looped moment


it really brought the question of repetition into my mind - because if something is good enough shouldn't you want to hear it more than once. food for thought.

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Guest ryanmcallister

oh don't get me wrong it's not that i feel the stuff is repetitive and boring in any way, it's just that i'd love to hear many of these pieces made into fuller works. i found that with many of them you just start getting into the groove and it's over. personally i find that having so many tracks actually breaks up the "journey" rather than providing continuity, but i actually love the concept you speak of. if i were you i'd start to think of it like video game audio: take many different audio files and find a way to unify them so that you can crossfade between them seamlessly. it'd be awesome if there was a way to just stick the album on random and have each track "work" with the next as far as tempo and pitch and whatnot.


the only reason i mention it is because i actually really dig the work and i'd love to see it developed further.

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thanks for the criticism. i'll definitely take that into mind. i've heard that from several people. i think if i sequence it and work over the next few months on trying to make it into a coherent journey, then it will be better. there must be an opening track. anyway i need to work on it much more


just made this over the past few days. just one track but more of my work. much more dancey and quite noisy at the end.



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