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live deep fried fish


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That's the whole thing about those sociology A-level textbooks LUDD: you have to understand and judge those people's behaviour and actions in their own cultural context.

of course it is within your right to believe that it is wrong. Just don't be doin no imposin of your cultural values on others.

I suggest listening to Psultan (Squarepusher mix) as a means of working it all out.



And full on lol at lumpenprol's Christopher Reeve/horse comment.

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lol @ inalienable rights exclusively for humans. all living things are just meant for human consumption and pleasure amirite? but only if you eat/enjoy all of it. how silly.


science can't even conclusively define "life", let alone imply that we are some superior form of life, separate from other organisms.

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the fact that this video has prompted a discussion on cultural relativism and morality suggests a huge deficit in emotional maturity, empathy and compassion among certain board members, coupled with a steadfast refusal of alternate points of view and an childlike dependence on asserting, not the correctness of their own point of view but the incorrectness of the opposing view (of course the opposing view is not inherently incorrect though eh yegg?).



Maybe, if I'm reading you correctly.

If anything, this suggests a huge deficit of perspective not "emotional maturity".




yeah... it's all about perspective.... look at the meat industry blah blah blah..... you're so much better than us yegg. of course there's nothing "inherently wrong" with the fish being eaten alive... no argument from me there, but apparently there seems to be something unacceptably wrong with people expressing their opinions about it. God have mercy on anyone for being weak and human enough to be saddened by this. obviously this video would not move the likes of you, Yegg, who right now are probably masturbating to japanese goldfish porn videos with a live carp flailing around in your rectum.


this thread is about people trying to flex their pseudo-intellectual muscles and regurgitate their sociology a-level textbooks. yes... most of the people outraged by this video, yesterday, will be chomping on mcdonalds, or kfc or tesco's finest ground beef right about now but my objection to this video is to the spastics cackling with delight at the animal suffering on a plate in front of them. what is so hard to understand about that? maybe i'm just not cool or 16 enough.


Right, because "a steadfast refusal of alternate points of view and an childlike dependence on asserting, not the correctness of their own point of view but the incorrectness of the opposing view" does not sound anything at all like what you're doing, nor does it sound anything like what 16 year olds do. Your head is obviously embedded so deeply within your own European ass that you can't fathom a situation in which a pained animal does not elicit kneejerk disgust and vomiting. Yes, clearly I have a personal vendetta against fish because I find humor in Japanese goldfish pron. Even if I actually did, it does not detract from my argument.


Excuse me, but you have any idea what they're saying? If not then shut the fuck up you insular presumptive ass. Again, they're not deriving pleasure from an animals pain. This has nothing to do with regurgitation, it's simple reasoning.

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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

lol @ inalienable rights exclusively for humans. all living things are just meant for human consumption and pleasure amirite? but only if you eat/enjoy all of it. how silly.


science can't even conclusively define "life", let alone imply that we are some superior form of life, separate from other organisms.

you're so right

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Guest abusivegeorge

13 pages and nobody has called anybody else a cunt, twat or prick yet. I think thats why I feel quite humbled in this thread.


Sorry for off topic but duly worth noting.


Well, I feel like I stepped over my own line that I try to establish. If we're gonna get into the finer points of suffering, we should not be cruel to one another. It starts with us. I wanted to say sorry to chen for sometimes laying into his argument in a heated way. It's a weakness of mine--I nearly go apeshit when animals are in pain without justification. I'm no ALF bomber or PETA protester but I do have a deep and abiding....look it, I'm gay for animals in everyway; they've taught me so much scientifically and "metaphysically." Brush a horse's mane and tell me you don't feel a calm that no other human-derived source could give you. So, pardon my cunt plaz


Dude I was actually being serious lol, apparently I missed one other as well :).


So it's my own :facepalm: .


Not that I care if you do call each other names, it's just that this convo has definetly been far more civilised than any other 15 page debate I've come accross on here!

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Your head is obviously embedded so deeply within your own European ass that you can't fathom a situation in which a pained animal does not elicit kneejerk disgust and vomiting.



i can fathom that. that was never in question.


the thing here, is that you don't seem to be able to accept that some people may find it saddening. that's all. you seem hellbent on proving, with your infallible logic, that it is wrong to be saddened by it, you fucking borg.

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Your head is obviously embedded so deeply within your own European ass that you can't fathom a situation in which a pained animal does not elicit kneejerk disgust and vomiting.



i can fathom that. that was never in question.


the thing here, is that you don't seem to be able to accept that some people may find it saddening. that's all. you seem hellbent on proving, with your infallible logic, that it is wrong to be saddened by it, you fucking borg.


the fact that this video has prompted a discussion on cultural relativism and morality suggests a huge deficit in emotional maturity, empathy and compassion among certain board members, coupled with a steadfast refusal of alternate points of view and an childlike dependence on asserting, not the correctness of their own point of view but the incorrectness of the opposing view (of course the opposing view is not inherently incorrect though eh yegg?).

Right, because "a steadfast refusal of alternate points of view and an childlike dependence on asserting, not the correctness of their own point of view but the incorrectness of the opposing view" does not sound anything at all like what you're doing,


-The fact that you accuse people of being emotionally immature and lacking empathy because they do not think this fish is that disgusting suggests that you believe your morals are



You can be absolutely offended but this does not make anything inherently wrong....I'm just saying that morality is flexible even though everyone has morals.

I already said that I can understand how people can be offended or "saddened" by this, but by stating that this is definitively "wrong" and calling these people "monsters" is narrow-minded and frankly stupid.

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Guest Glass Plate

I don't think it even looks like it's in pain, it just looks like any fish out of water.. it's trying to breathe, and it fails to realize it's no longer in water. (because it's such a stupid animal that it probably doesn't even comprehend the fact it is being eaten and is just trying to do it's primitive tasks as usual)

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You're in a desert, walking along in the sand, when all of a sudden you look down and see a tortoise. It's crawling toward you. You reach down and you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping...

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how has he been pwned? if you think this is ok then you are a knob. cultural bollocks or whatever aside.


if your going to eat something make it as painless and quick as possible.

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Guest ezkerraldean

i thought eating live animals went against even like caveman etiquette and shit. i thought you were supposed to kill it first like, innit.

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i thought eating live animals went against even like caveman etiquette and shit. i thought you were supposed to kill it first like, innit.


dude, you have a very narrow perception of the vast cultural span of the caveman. i suggest you do a bit of research before you confine caveman etiquette to your insensitive eurocentric views.




you racist piece of shit.


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Guest ezkerraldean

dude, you have a very narrow perception of the vast cultural span of the caveman. i suggest you do a bit of research before you confine caveman etiquette to your insensitive eurocentric views.




you racist piece of shit.


basically, the chinese are weird, and we should go to war with them over this poor defenceless fish, because we're true and just and righteous, and they're bad - and worse - commie.
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dude, you have a very narrow perception of the vast cultural span of the caveman. i suggest you do a bit of research before you confine caveman etiquette to your insensitive eurocentric views.




you racist piece of shit.


basically, the chinese are weird, and we should go to war with them over this poor defenceless fish, because we're true and just and righteous, and they're bad - and worse - commie.

goddamnit, why can't white people just admit their inferiority :facepalm:

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