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LOST - Season 6

Rubin Farr

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am I an asshole for enjoying the episode even more knowing that it made some people feel like they wasted their time watching a tv show? because holy fuck that is hilarious to me.

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Guest Dirty Protest

What a wasted potential. So half of this series was pointless and the other half was badly written good v evil fighting over a lava lamp. Glad that's over.

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lol, what a shit ending. i am glad it's over.


a few scenes from the finale were cool. I definitely hate that Kate saved jack and killed smokey in the end though. But overall the above statement pretty much says it all.

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ok i think i got it, what they're trying to show us is that the whole show has been their flashbacks of the best moments of their lifes. but why waste so much of my time just to do that?




it was ok. but i would've like some sort of epilogue.


or some clever resolution.

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Guest Dirty Protest

Im feckin knackered, ive been up all night to watch it just incase I read a spoiler before i seen it. Shouldnt have fucking bothered. The spoiler was, we all die, smashing.

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kinda lol that the sideways is actually purgatory.



season 5 ending could've worked as a series finale. you know... they dromp the bomb and the white lost thing goes there. there. the end. no explanation. maybe that's even better.

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Guest Richy

ha ha ha @ everyone expecting some great ending/explanation. Glad I gave up on that shite after 2 seasons.

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They should have ended when they got out of the island the first time, kinda redundant to make them get out two times already. The mansion party reminded me of the dream episode of The Sopranos, very similar if you watched it.

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Guest Gary C

I have no idea what's supposed to be going on with Lost. I only really paid attention for the first ever episode, and have never given a shit since.


But can someone sum up what the overall meaning is? Were they always in a dream or something?

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I have no idea what's supposed to be going on with Lost. I only really paid attention for the first ever episode, and have never given a shit since.


But can someone sum up what the overall meaning is? Were they always in a dream or something?


Nope what happened on the island happened. Each one of them lived life until they died, all went to purgatory until they were all there then transcended.... basically

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anyway... the finale was more a masturbatory exercise than an attempt at resolution. it was very self referential, and trying to make the point all the time that you should be sad because lost is over.

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Guest iamabe

i just roamed the internet for peoples thoughts on the finale. there is no consensus. it's like there's a 50/50 split between teary-eyed types who thought the ending was "brilliant" and people with care more about the foot statue, the numbers, dharma, the electromagnetism, and everything that made the show interesting.


poopy ending IMO

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it certainly wasn't brilliant, it's only selling point is the sideways purgatory reveal, which certainly doesn't really need 2 hours of film to be done.


it was actually sort of emotional. that was well done. but c'mon!

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the "purgatory reveal" is total lol though. sawyer is a cop in puragtory? jack has a make believe son in purgatory? wtf is that supposed to be? plus, purgatory is a very christian thing and the fact that jack's dad was named christian shepherd was wtf too. was he herding them all like sheep the whole time?


as far as i know, purgatory is where you go if you weren't ready for heaven but weren't bad enough for hell. ben killing locke in cold blood and letting his daughter get shot was on the same level of badness as the innocent baby aaron? and how the f did that little baby die?


so the dharma people were meaningless, the fact you couldnt have a baby on the island was meaningless, all the time travel and electromagnetism was meaningless, the numbers, the hatch, the button, only one smoke monster can be created if he goes into the light? and becomes mortal if you kick a special rock?


we are supposed to believe that at some point in the island story everyone died? is that what they were getting at? if so, it would have been cooler if their flashes at the end were them remembering their own deaths. but kate telling jack she missed him so much leads me to believe she was dead much longer than he was yet he watched them leave the island as he died. and if they all had to be together to move on, thats just plain fucking retarded. if im a 34 year old man and i crash on an island, i dont care what ive gone through on an island, my family and friends of my whole life are still the most important people in my life, not some stranger who sat 6 rows behind me on a plane.



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