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LOST - Season 6

Rubin Farr

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so i just want to be clear, the main consensus is that the church was all dead people. they all died at various times after jack? except for the people who died on the island like juliet and alex, etc, before jack? aaron died as a baby?



yes, xcept aaron. that's just a fuckup on their part.

Yeah. Well others did die before him (Locke, Charlie, Boone)


i have a reason to be confused right?? :facepalm:



it doesn't matter who died before or after right???




claire having aron on the purgatory made me think that they probably just died on oceanic 815, doesn't it make sense'?

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The literal ending is simple - Smoke monster is killed, he can't escape into the real world and wreck havoc. Jack dies. I mean we all die, no? Sawyer, Kate, Claire, Miles, Richard and Frank escaped and lived out the rest of their lives, the island is "done with them" and they can leave forever on the plane ( unlike the last time they left and had to come back ). Hurley and Ben continued to protect the Island for the rest of their days. Desmond escapes by boat. Everyone dies somewhere in their life. Some before Jack (Boone, Locke, Charlie). Others after. We do not know how. That, is left to the mystery of the viewer.




The metaphysical ending: Eventually, when all those remaining characters pass away for whatever reason come together in their own "deathly consciousness". They make peace with themselves and prepare to move on. The Flash-Sideways-Timeline was constructed to help people finally "let go" of their unresolved attachments.




Jack had to "let go" of his attachment to his father-- something that was accomplished by becoming a father himself and understanding the difficulties of fatherhood.

Locke had to "let go" of his guilt, accomplished by consenting to surgery.

Charlie had to "let go" of his attachment to fame and success-- as shown by his insistence that the concert was unimportant when compared to his vision of Claire.

Sayid had to "let go" of his quest for romance with Nadia, accomplished by having her as his sister-in-law and letting him voluntarily choose to leave her for her own good.

Boone "let go" of his protective/romantic attachment to Shannon, by consciously instigating the fight that would reunite her with Sayid, a reversal of his earlier role of paying her boyfriends to leave.

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That is an interesting theory, Philip, but the finale still sucked.

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The Flash-Sideways-Timeline was constructed to help people finally "let go" of their unresolved attachments.

i'm following, and i want to believe! believe me!


so "who/what" constructed this "purgatory/sideways/flashline"???

GOD? makes sense but.

i can see it working for just a sole person, i mean, jack dies, and we get to see HIS own path to recovery and acceptance, but instead, we were shown a GROUP of various people finding thier paths like a collective :facepalm: when you say deathly consciousness you mean like a GLOBAL consciousness?? like we're all connected so when we die we kind of allucinate togheter???

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don't over think it. it doesn't really make much sense but what they are saying is that the the sideways reality was some sort of inbetween of life and "heaven".

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actually i Just figured it out. i get it now.


you know how there was always this theme about Faith vs. Reason/Science. And many of us had Faith that the writers had something cool planned even when the evidence pointed out that the thing was headed badly. So what they did with this finale was to settle that debate and finally show us that believing on things based on faith is stupid.



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so basically the ending of the show was symbolically telling people not to waste their time or invest into a story that would have an extremely unsatisfying climax, that is pretty fucking genius

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I know right? it's almost as if they're telling us that maybe after all, appearences are deceitful and underneath it all, it IS worth it to invest all that time.

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Guest Bramsworth

I thought it was fine, it got to me at the end when you consider all that's happened. All the unveiled secrets aside, it felt like closure to the main show and that's what mattered I guess.


I won't deny it makes you look back at all the episodes that pretty much sidetracked you to stuff that took up lots of the show, only to even at the end of it all still have no answer. But I think the blureray release is going to answer something, so at least there's that.


Either way it's ended and I could complain about all that was missing but I'm feeling better about just accepting it the way it went.

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Guest Gary C

Lost has fulfilled its potential and succeeded in annoying, and wasting the time of, a throng of people stupid enough to ever get involved with it.


Hopefully they'll go and seek their own adventures on a badly paced and uselessly convoluted island and we can leave them all to fuck their inbred baby offspring until they die from societal-retardation.


I hit the note. Let's move on.

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Lost has fulfilled its potential and succeeded in annoying, and wasting the time of, a throng of people stupid enough to ever get involved with it.


Hopefully they'll go and seek their own adventures on a badly paced and uselessly convoluted island and we can leave them all to fuck their inbred baby offspring until they die from societal-retardation.


I hit the note. Let's move on.


you have to let go, gary.

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another recap by colin72


Let’s recap!


Let's start off with Lindelof and Cuse’s big gimmicky twist that would make M. Night Shyamalan blush. Everyone in the Flash Sideways is in some vague purgatory waiting to realize they’re dead, or waiting for Jack to realize he’s dead, or helping others to realize they’re dead, or some vague dead BS. After flashing back and flashing forward, Lindelof and Cuse decide to flash all the way to dead. It’s cheesy. It’s a cop out. It’s lame. This twist combined with their inability to address many of the questions and plot lines they raised makes Lost a unique failure in TV history.


Sometimes the dead person remembers important people who were in their life, like their father, sometimes they make up people that never existed like a son, and sometimes they forget the people who were important to them… like everyone on the island. Did you seriously expect there to be some kind of coherent rules at this point?


Desmond is still flittering around purgatory helping everyone remember the island and realize that they’re dead… sometimes by setting up elaborate scenarios and sometimes by blunt force trauma. Part grim reaper, part Cupid, part Hulk Hogan = all stupid.


Charlie looks like he’s a skinhead going to a Goths only Halloween party.


Hurley says to Charlie, “What if I told you playing this concert is the most important thing you’ll ever do”. So apparently Charlie has been gothing it up for awhile and couldn’t move on for some reason until now… which just so happens to also be Jack’s time to move on. So you only exist in purgatory and move on once? So Jin and Sun are once again moving on without their kid? I want to kick Jin and Sun’s Lindelofs and Cuses until they can’t speak English.


Charlie is shot with a dart that knocks him out cold in .3 seconds.


Jack took the job because he says the island is “the only thing in my life that I haven’t managed to ruin.” Really? You believe you made the wrong choice in detonating the nuke, you killed Juliet, you wish you could tell John Locke that he was right about everything, and you had a hissy fit and smashed the magic lighthouse mirrors. You suck Jack.


Sawyer has somehow figured out that Locke needs Desmond to destroy the island. He does some fancy recon by crouching behind a bush 20 feet from Locke. Sawyer is caught by Bad Ben. Sawyer escapes by smacking Bad Ben, because everyone smacks Ben, and Locke lets Sawyer walk away and doesn’t kill him because he doesn’t.


Bernard and Rose have been living in Gilligan and Skipper’s hut. Bernard goes to the same hairdresser as Claire. His grooming habits have really gone down the drain but Rose is still sassy just as the law-of-portraying-an-African-American-woman on TV states she must be.


Desmond has a hunch that Locke wants to take him to a place with a bright light because the characters in the finale are really good at guessing the plot. All of their IQs have been dialed up to 80.


Locke tells Desmond that if he doesn’t do what he wants, he’s going to kill Mr. Howe and Lovey. Desmond makes the Smoke Monster pinky swear that he won’t hurt Scruffy and Sassy if he helps destroy the island… which would kill everyone. Bad deal Brotha. Bad deal.


So Locke is taking Desmond to the magic light cave that he previously couldn’t find but now can find.


Miles finds Richard who has been knocked unconscious for what must be 12 hours.


The world’s worst parents are still at the hospital and can’t speak English. Juliet cameo! What a surprise. Sonogram island flashback! Jin remembers the baby he never met, barely loved, and abandoned. We get another dramatic montage. Jin and Sun are all smiles, can speak English, and seem absolutely thrilled to be dead.


Sawyer meets up with Jack, Hurley, and Kate. Jack says that everyone is meeting up at the magic light cave. Sawyer asks, “Then what?” Jack replies, “Then it ends” and loud music from a John Wayne western is heard. Michael Giacchino must be paid per decibel.


Miles somehow notices Richard has a grey hair but doesn’t say a word about the eyeliner.


Lapidus is alive and has been floating around minutes offshore for over a day.


The whole gang bumps into each other on the way to the magic light cave. Jack tells Locke that he’s going to kill him. So much for the element of surprise. Locke says, “How do you plan to do that? Jack says, “That’s a surprise.” Oh, my bad. It is going to be a surprise. Well, Smoke Monsters love surprises because Locke is perfectly fine with all this and doesn’t even ask Jack to whisper the surprise in his ear.


Jack was married to Juliet for some reason in the Neighborhood of Make Believe. I don’t care. I really, really don’t care.


Sawyer asks Jack what his plan is. Jack doesn’t really have one but for some reason thinks Desmond is a weapon. Jack is a great leader. And by great I don’t mean great.


Jack, Locke, and Desmond go into the magic cave where the light isn’t as bright as it is outside.


Hurley and Boone have made some elaborate plan to get Sayid and Shannon together and we get another island flashback. It’s tough work in purgatory where you have to get a certain number of people together and help them realize they’re dead in order to help someone else realize they’re dead.


Claire is still crazy and wearing that dead badger on her head.


Someone tell Daniel that hat doesn’t make him look cool. And make him stop talking in hushed halting tones like he’s Keanu Reeves or something. Mercifully we don’t have to hear much of the Driveshaft concert.


Claire goes into labor as Desmond looks on with the smarmy self-satisfied grin often seen from pompous TV show creators.


Desmond is lowered into the cave by Jack and Locke. Jack somehow believes Desmond is going to become a weapon against Locke. Locke somehow believes Desmond is going to sink the island. They each came up with these theories the same way Lindelof and Cuse came up with this plot. They pulled it out of their magic caves.


There are skeletons in the cave of people who didn’t turn into Smoke Monsters and weren’t spit out of the cave.


Now Desmond is in the very bowels of the island and we see a butt plug shaped stone protruding out of the island’s orifice. Although removing the plug is really bad and will destroy everything and do really bad stuff and junk, no one ever thought to cover the plug with more rocks and seal off the cave. If they would have, there would be nothing to protect and live in fear of. Desmond grunts and groans and finally manages to pull the plug free from the island’s hole.


The island starts shaking and going all sorts of crazy. Everything seems to indicate that Locke was right and Jack was wrong, but that doesn’t stop Jack from impulsively tackling the Smoke Monster and punching him in his Smokey mouth. Locke bleeds which of course means that somehow his Smokey powers are gone. Luckily the Smoke Monster-magic light thing doesn’t have to make sense now because it didn’t make sense before. Keep things vague and unexplainable and you don’t have to explain anything. Locke smacks Jack with a rock but leaves without killing him so that Jack can wake up in a few minutes and come after him.


Claire is going into labor but there are no doctors at the fancy museum benefit to deliver her bay-bee. I guess Kate will have to do it. Great.


Eloise somehow knows everything about everything in the real world and in purgatory. But sorry, no more screen time for your story grandma.


Claire craps out one of those cute non-bloody TV babies and we get more of the dramatic flashback crap that will make the audience feel sad and distract them from the countless mysteries the show introduced and dropped. Bah. What mysteries? This is a show about characters. Bah. What plot holes? Who is Walt? Bah. Best finale evah! Bah.


Back on the island the cameraman is shaking the camera around really hard which let’s us know that all hell is breaking loose.


Ben who may be good or bad now is trapped under a tree. Miles, Lapidus, and Richard are still determined to fly the plane and are welding something to the windshield with a propane torch they bought at the hardware store.


Locke is at some cliffs where he has a boat. Instead of hurrying to the boat, he’s standing around at the ladder waiting for Jack to catch up with him like any good cartoon villain would. Jack yells his name and instead of climbing down the ladder before Jack gets to him, Locke runs at Jack and Jack obligingly runs at Locke. Jack does a slo-mo jump which somehow must temporarily stun Locke because he doesn’t use his knife to stab Jack. Jack smacks Locke and surprisingly his knife goes flying out of this hand.


Now some stuff happens that I’ve never seen before. The knife is loose and they wrestle around trying to get it. The knife is just out of Locke’s reach! The tension builds! Now Locke has the knife. He politely stabs Jack once in the side and pushes him to the ground. Locke brings his arm way back as if to say “Here it comes, I’m going to stab you” but luckily Jack catches Locke’s wrist right before the blade goes into his neck. The blade is right at Jack’s neck! Despite being above him and having all of his weight to push with, Locke can’t quite push the blade down. Locke takes a moment to taunt Jack and say, “I want you to know Jack. You died for nothing.” Just then, Kate pops up, shoots Locke, and delvers the line, “I saved you a bullet”. Jack kicks Locke over the cliff. Goodbye unnamed evil guy with ambiguous super powers acquired in an unknown way. I feel like we hardly knew ye. Mainly because we didn’t.


Meanwhile back in the Dead Zone, Locke wiggles his toes, has his poignant island flashback and realizes that he’s dead.


Jin and Sun meet up with Sawyer at the hospital and are still smiling all goofy and speaking English. Shut up you two.


Miles worked for a contractor renovating apartments for a couple summers so he knows how to fix the hydraulics in the nose of an airplane… with duct tape.


Kate asks why the cameraman is still shaking the camera now that Locke is dead. Jack somehow has figured out that Desmond turned off something in the cave and somehow has figured out that he can turn it back on. Jack could go with everyone on the plane but he can’t because he says he can’t. Kate and Sawyer could help Jack re-butt plug the island but they decide to leave despite being told previously that everyone in the world would die if the butt was unplugged and the light went out. Ben, who is no longer trapped under a tree somehow, and is now Good Ben, has been welcomed back into the moron posse but says he’s going down with the island. Hurley can carry a man out of a sinking sub to save his life but he’s not going to jump off a cliff into the water to save his life. Dude?


Jack and Kate exchange I love yous completely out of the blue… although Jack was married to Juliet in puratory for some reason. Who knows. Whatever. It’s almost over.


Sawyer runs into Juliet in the Land of Misfit Toys and makes me long for the days we watched her dying for an hour and a half.


Sawyer doesn’t ask her what the hell she meant by “It worked” but they have their romantic flashes and Juliet spits out the line about getting coffee sometime. They embrace, Sawyer works in some “I got yas”, Juliet says, “Kiss me James”, and he complies after delivering the line “You got it Blondie”. I throw up, urinate, crap myself, and lose control of all of my bodily functions. Sorry, I’m allergic to cheesy dialogue callbacks. Don’t judge me.


Kate and Jack meet up in purgatory. Kate touches him, he has an island flashback, and although he’s grown tremendously as a character, is still too stubborn to realize what’s going on.


Back on the island, Jack is going into the cave and is bestowing his magical mojo to Hurley. Jack doesn’t know the magic spell mumbo jumbo and the river is dried up but Hurley drinks water from a magic mud puddle and shazam! Hurley is the new Jacob.


Jack goes into the cave and tells Desmond to leave despite the fact that Desmond is the only one who can survive the light. Logic and reason be damned! Jack is going to do this himself.


The un-flyable plane is now flyable thanks to some magic duct tape and just has enough runway to take off.


Jack somehow manages to survive the magic light, doesn’t turn into a Smoke Monster, and re-butt plugs the island. After all, Lost is about the characters not about silly things like rules, plot consistency, or story logic. Bah. Jack lays on the ground and laugh-cries. A new twist on the old sissy-face man cry.


If only someone special or magical knew that the way to cause the Smoke Monster to lose his power was to pull the plug on the magic drain and then quickly re-plug it, Desmond could have done that long ago.


Hurley and Good Ben have a good chat. Dude asks Ben, “What the hell am I supposed to do?” Ben tells Dude to do what he does best. Say dude a lot and eat stuff? No, “take care of people”. What people? Hurley asks if Ben will help him. Great idea Dude. What are the chances that Ben will turn bad and screw you over at some point? Hopefully the magic fairies keep dropping those Dharma supplies from their magic fairy spaceships.


Hurley has a heart to heart with Ben in purgatory. Hurley tells Ben he was a great number two. Lost is a great number two. A great big smelly number two.


Jack arrives at the funeral home where everyone else has gathered. He touches his Dad’s coffin and has more island flashbacks. Jack opens the coffin and there is no body. And then it happens… you were force fed one cheesy scene after another for over two hours… here comes a 10 minute enema.


Dear old drunken Dad is actually in the room behind Jack… and he’s dead… and Jack’s dead… and everyone is dead. Lost is dead.


Back on the island, Jack has somehow survived the light cave and somehow has been magically transported out of the cave. As he stumbles through the jungle, everyone in purgatory hugs and sad music plays.


Christian heavy handedly opens a door and a light shines through. On the island, Jack lies down. Vincent lies down beside him and we get a close up of Jack’s eye as it closes. Vincent perks up a bit. He’s hungry. Very, very, hungry.




Last week on the forum someone compared Lost to a bad relationship and I said…


After Sunday I’m breaking things off. I’m going over to her apartment, getting back my CDs and sweatshirt and calling her a dirty slut.


Well… Lost, you are a dirty slut. You lied to me, faked it, and probably gave me an STD.

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Guest iamabe

hey man.


Duct tape is all you need.


I covered my TV in duct tape and the finale improved 1000000%

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They never recovered from when the writers guild went on strike


that was when all this time jump mess started


Maybe some of the writers where fired and never returned back then

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Guest Gary C

Aye, the same thing fucked up Heroes, which had a decent first season and promised more of what we wanted in the next (actual battles, conclusions and a team of characters). But after 2 half-seasons they ended up introducing gypsies, waffling every episode, and turning the only decent character, Sylar, into a complete pussy.

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Guest El_Chemso

Lost has fulfilled its potential and succeeded in annoying, and wasting the time of, a throng of people stupid enough to ever get involved with it.


Thats how I feel too.


I just hope flashforward doesn't go the same way.


flashforward just got cancelled.


Yeah I heard that, ABC might buy it thou. But would be cool, one decent series job done.

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