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LOST - Season 6

Rubin Farr

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Guest blutac

Wow that was really bad. I think the idea that it was meant to be about purgatory and then they changed it when people figured it out seems like the most likely answer. You kind of just wish they'd sat down early on and made sure they didn't raise so many questions they couldn't answer. I think that ending would have been ok (not great but not shit) if they'd answered all the questions before it. At the very least it would have been nice to know about the polar bear and the four toed statue.


I also thought the whole jacob/ MIB storyline was pretty poorly done. I think it could have been a lot better if they hadn't just made MIB evil/ wants to end the world, typical villain. Or if they wanted to go that way they could have introduced him in an earlier series..


Maybe if the time travel, and off island series had been spent explaining some of the mysteries of the island this could have been much better. I reckon they probably hit a point where they realised they didn't have time to answer all the questions, or any explanations would have been contradictory, so they just gave up.

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Wow that was really bad. I think the idea that it was meant to be about purgatory and then they changed it when people figured it out seems like the most likely answer. You kind of just wish they'd sat down early on and made sure they didn't raise so many questions they couldn't answer. I think that ending would have been ok (not great but not shit) if they'd answered all the questions before it. At the very least it would have been nice to know about the polar bear and the four toed statue.


I also thought the whole jacob/ MIB storyline was pretty poorly done. I think it could have been a lot better if they hadn't just made MIB evil/ wants to end the world, typical villain. Or if they wanted to go that way they could have introduced him in an earlier series..


Maybe if the time travel, and off island series had been spent explaining some of the mysteries of the island this could have been much better. I reckon they probably hit a point where they realised they didn't have time to answer all the questions, or any explanations would have been contradictory, so they just gave up.

i'm starting to realize that everyone of us need to "let go", if we stay wondering about what was that polar bear we'll never get to heaven, WAKE UP DUDES!!!

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lol at the fact that they "underestimated their audience"


the first episode is a plane crash and people are seeing dead people. fuck, how did they know we were planning on them being dead the whole time?







i just want to know why you become a different person with different families in purgatory. whats the point in living if it changes in purgatory? wtf kind of message is that? ben killed a man with his bare hands and let his daughter get shot and he gets to go to heaven? smokey gets his mother killed and is banished to an island for being curious and he is all evil incarnated?

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lol at the fact that they "underestimated their audience"


the first episode is a plane crash and people are seeing dead people. fuck, how did they know we were planning on them being dead the whole time?







i just want to know why you become a different person with different families in purgatory. whats the point in living if it changes in purgatory? wtf kind of message is that? ben killed a man with his bare hands and let his daughter get shot and he gets to go to heaven? smokey gets his mother killed and is banished to an island for being curious and he is all evil incarnated?

i'm starting to wonder that what they really wanted to cause on us was: WE, THE VIEWERS, ARE ALL ALREADY DEAD, and if we don't let go all this bizness, we wont make it into heaven, so, LET GO DUDES!!!

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lol at the fact that they "underestimated their audience"


the first episode is a plane crash and people are seeing dead people. fuck, how did they know we were planning on them being dead the whole time?







i just want to know why you become a different person with different families in purgatory. whats the point in living if it changes in purgatory? wtf kind of message is that? ben killed a man with his bare hands and let his daughter get shot and he gets to go to heaven? smokey gets his mother killed and is banished to an island for being curious and he is all evil incarnated?

i don't want to know that, i want to know why would you be shoping and eating stakes in afterlife, and why wouldn't you recall your previous life...

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Guest theSun

don't you unobservant noobs know that the polar bears and shit were there from dharma? probably one of their "totally ridiculous experiments."


would be nice to have some sort of definitive lore for what really happened before the lostees crashed on the island. that's why tolkien should be resurrected as a lost writer.

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don't you unobservant noobs know that the polar bears and shit were there from dharma? probably one of their "totally ridiculous experiments."


would be nice to have some sort of definitive lore for what really happened before the lostees crashed on the island. that's why tolkien should be resurrected as a lost writer.

no, i know for sure that the island had been before on the poles so that bear came from there!!!


ben didn't go to "heaven", that's why he was outside the church

would you go??? i mean, everything was runing great down there...

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Guest theSun

re: ben - probably some bullshit about him having to make up for all the bad shit he did. cause some of the lostees did some bad shit but ben was there for so long doing so much more bad shit he's probably not "ready"


i'm just talking out my ass. i wish they didn't tie in this afterlife church bullshit. it's like they wanted you to think that initially, but then they were like "naw just fuckin with ya" then they were like "omg it is some metaphysics bullshit"



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lol at the fact that they "underestimated their audience"


the first episode is a plane crash and people are seeing dead people. fuck, how did they know we were planning on them being dead the whole time?







i just want to know why you become a different person with different families in purgatory. whats the point in living if it changes in purgatory? wtf kind of message is that? ben killed a man with his bare hands and let his daughter get shot and he gets to go to heaven? smokey gets his mother killed and is banished to an island for being curious and he is all evil incarnated?

i'm starting to wonder that what they really wanted to cause on us was: WE, THE VIEWERS, ARE ALL ALREADY DEAD, and if we don't let go all this bizness, we wont make it into heaven, so, LET GO DUDES!!!



maybe watmm is the place we all created to help each other let gooooooo

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lol at the fact that they "underestimated their audience"


the first episode is a plane crash and people are seeing dead people. fuck, how did they know we were planning on them being dead the whole time?







i just want to know why you become a different person with different families in purgatory. whats the point in living if it changes in purgatory? wtf kind of message is that? ben killed a man with his bare hands and let his daughter get shot and he gets to go to heaven? smokey gets his mother killed and is banished to an island for being curious and he is all evil incarnated?

i'm starting to wonder that what they really wanted to cause on us was: WE, THE VIEWERS, ARE ALL ALREADY DEAD, and if we don't let go all this bizness, we wont make it into heaven, so, LET GO DUDES!!!



maybe watmm is the place we all created to help each other let gooooooo

oh man tath just gave me the chills

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If I start getting flashes of another life in which the show had a satisfactory conclusion I might be able to accept I'm dead and start letting goooooooooo

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Guest theSun

i've been getting strange visions with you lot. of course i don't know what any of you look like so it's just me and a bunch of ridiculous avatars in a church...





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i've been getting strange visions with you lot. of course i don't know what any of you look like so it's just me and a bunch of ridiculous avatars in a church...





it makes perfect sense


i have that avatr cause i really admire that guy, so, in the purgatory, it's possible for me to be him,l you know, i wish it so much that it happened...



probably youl look just like the sun itself or like a newspaper...

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ben didn't go to "heaven", that's why he was outside the church


ok maybe not heaven but he gets the chance to move on. not the case for mib. maybe because he didnt have a name, he didnt have a soul. yea! that must be it. :facepalm:





and yea, i thought the polar bear had to do with dharma and how ben got transported to the desert. what was with the magic box where ben made locke's dad appear?

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ben didn't go to "heaven", that's why he was outside the church


ok maybe not heaven but he gets the chance to move on. not the case for mib. maybe because he didnt have a name, he didnt have a soul. yea! that must be it. :facepalm:

who said that mib didn't get to heaven or the purgatory?? the fact that you do not see him just proves that he didn't have any special incidence for the rest of the characters


you don't get to see jacob in the afterlife too

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

the polar bear isn't much of a mystery. not in the grand scheme of things

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ben didn't go to "heaven", that's why he was outside the church


ok maybe not heaven but he gets the chance to move on. not the case for mib. maybe because he didnt have a name, he didnt have a soul. yea! that must be it. :facepalm:

who said that mib didn't get to heaven or the purgatory?? the fact that you do not see him just proves that he didn't have any special incidence for the rest of the characters


you don't get to see jacob in the afterlife too




that article that benedict posted did





But the writer's took it even further this season by contrasting this Sideways "purgatory" with the Island itself. Remember when Michael appeared to Hurley, he said he was not allowed to leave the Island. Just like the MIB. He wasn't allowed into this sideways world and thus, was not afforded the opportunity to move on. Why? Because he had proven himself to be unworthy with his actions on the Island. He failed the test.

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