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a 70 minute review of the phantom menance


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i like how he shits on the prequels by pointing out how good the first 3 are and even uses them to illustrate basic concepts of screen and narrative theory - so it's not totally negative.


i checked out a few of his other reviews expecting further lols but sadly these are almost pure fanboi nitpicking. the star trek ones are just total :facepalm:


the part about picard's artifact is pretty great



i laughed my ass off at the green poison gas shit and 'picard's lack of concern for his crew members'


one guy is a bit part player in the phantom menace review, lol

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Guest assegai

I've only seen one of the star trek movies he reviewed but I found them all pretty entertaining. He basically just talks about what makes good film making. And the Picard Artifact bit was brilliant.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

wait why did cartoon network take it down?


im assuming he showed footage of the clone wars cartoon

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Guest Fishtank

found an article on it




His follow-up, this time a nearly 90-minute review of "Attack of the Clones," catapulted his Red Letter Media channel to among the most popular on YouTube. But not 48 hours after its initial posting Saturday night, the first segment of the review was taken down by the popular video sharing service, "ostensibly" after a copyright claim by Cartoon Network.


"Was it really Cartoon Network or not? I don't know," Stoklasa sighed. "There was someone who started a rumor that it was a specific YouTube user who had copied the first part over to his channel and then put a link to his Web site in the description. But YouTube doesn't tell you who flagged it."


Representatives from Cartoon Network and Lucasfilm had not responded to MTV requests for comment by press time.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

but whats the article stating, it may have been taken down because when someone else uses a youtube filled with copyrighted material to link to their own website for possible profit its then copyright fraud?

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Hey guys, how many reviews do you think he will make, before he gets all lame and boring? I say 2



yeh unexpectedness was the main funny about the first one innit


... its not just about funniest which this guy is more than capable of tossing in plausible dozens of future reviews. even if took out most of the humor his ambition to rip apart the logistics, mind fuck your brain sometimes when you realize in detail how completely irrational the writing on these big productions can really be. even if he kept delivering the same lol scheme I would watch all of his reviews because hes fuckin brilliant and completely unhinged execution in tearing shit apart is enlightening

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predictions for part III (sith) review


-10 minutes devoted to Obi wan's inexcplicable continuous use of the word 'Younglings' to describe all the of the children Annakin killed

- commentary on cartoonish Wall-e robots cluttering up 2 very potentially dramatic scenes (the 'nooooo' scene was already ruined but added comedy when Vadar crushes all wall-e robots with force choke, and padme dying scene with wall-e robots attending her pregnancy)

- annakin's turn to the dark side totally illogical and under developed

- how they did absolutely nothing to bridge the gap between all of the Emperor palatines minions being random aliens and then all the sudden switching to all British humans at the very end of III (if you're a star wars novella fag apparently this has already been explained to you in that the Emperor becomes 'xenophobic' lol).


main complaints about Clones review


-no talk about the OBVIOUS 'retcon' lucas performed to make all of the Storm Troopers clones. In the original movie they are clearly all different people with different voices and personalities, in the new one George Lucas thought he could get away with smashing their character origin along with the 'clone wars' talked about by Obi wan from New Hope? give me a fucking break, Redletter media should have been all over this travesty

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but whats the article stating, it may have been taken down because when someone else uses a youtube filled with copyrighted material to link to their own website for possible profit its then copyright fraud?


everything i've seen him do completely falls under fair use - in fact fair use was sorta invented for the purpose of providing criticism - so it's a bit odd...

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Hey guys, how many reviews do you think he will make, before he gets all lame and boring? I say 2



yeh unexpectedness was the main funny about the first one innit


... its not just about funniest which this guy is more than capable of tossing in plausible dozens of future reviews. even if took out most of the humor his ambition to rip apart the logistics, mind fuck your brain sometimes when you realize in detail how completely irrational the writing on these big productions can really be. even if he kept delivering the same lol scheme I would watch all of his reviews because hes fuckin brilliant and completely unhinged execution in tearing shit apart is enlightening


He IS good at what he does. I'm just afraid he'll use the same jokes all the time, because he's grown famous on them kinda.


I highly respect the guy for his efforts anyway, with or without the lols

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hes done like 10 review so far, he did one for Avatar right before the Attack of the clones one that was o.k. but i love his First Contact and Nemesis reviews. he drops so much star trek trivia knowledge in them that i can understand how non trekfags wouldnt find it funny

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hes done like 10 review so far, he did one for Avatar right before the Attack of the clones one that was o.k. but i love his First Contact and Nemesis reviews. he drops so much star trek trivia knowledge in them that i can understand how non trekfags wouldnt find it funny


I'm not a Star Trek fan in the least, but I find the reviews excellent and hysterical [/outsidersperspective]


I would rather he do things he's passionate about, I think the Clones review was great but seemed to have less criticism of the movie than Ep 1 despite the length. As long as he doesn't end up taking requests from fans to review certain movies I'll still enjoy them because he's damn good at it. Even not liking Trek I can understand his critique and appreciate what he's saying because he just spells it out so well.

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hes done like 10 review so far, he did one for Avatar right before the Attack of the clones one that was o.k. but i love his First Contact and Nemesis reviews. he drops so much star trek trivia knowledge in them that i can understand how non trekfags wouldnt find it funny


I'm not a Star Trek fan in the least, but I find the reviews excellent and hysterical [/outsidersperspective]


Even not liking Trek I can understand his critique and appreciate what he's saying because he just spells it out so well.


ya i've never seen those ST films but the reviews were good!

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

I love the bits when he talks about good film production--story arc, brevity is wit, protagonists, character development, etc--and then compares it to SW1-3.


And when he points out blatant inconsistencies and plot holes.


If he spends too long nitpicking then it'll go down hill. But all those little remarks fit into a bigger criticism generally, like obi-wan's emphasis on the light-sabre => changing the emphasis of the force, so I'm hopeful.

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

I loved the bit in one of the ST reviews where he talks from the perspective of a random bit-character: "and if this is warp coil is so dangerous, why is it contained in punctureable transparent material???"

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I love the bits when he talks about good film production--story arc, brevity is wit, protagonists, character development, etc--and then compares it to SW1-3.


And when he points out blatant inconsistencies and plot holes.


If he spends too long nitpicking then it'll go down hill. But all those little remarks fit into a bigger criticism generally, like obi-wan's emphasis on the light-sabre => changing the emphasis of the force, so I'm hopeful.



I loved the bit in one of the ST reviews where he talks from the perspective of a random bit-character: "and if this is warp coil is so dangerous, why is it contained in punctureable transparent material???"



quoted for great justice.

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Guest assegai

The Death Star


The Staff:


One part space station, one part death ray and one part floating Epcott Center, the Death Star was the crown jewel of the Emperor's armada. Therefore, it only makes sense that he would fill it with his most impressive Storm Troopers, his most powerful Sith Lord and one weird garbage monster.


But you still can't get past the fact that ground troops are absolutely useless when you're fighting in outer space. Unless all those Storm Troopers are needed to handle the day-to-day maintenance on the Death Star, in full armor just in case the floor buffer has a "massive head injury" mode, the only reason to have that many soldiers on a space station is if they were planning on being invaded from the inside out.


Of course, this also means that if any rebel troops were foolish enough to break into the Death Star, they would be captured immediately, right?

Why Some Extra Staff Wouldn't Have Hurt:


When the rebels finally attack the Death Star, they send in most of their militia (i.e. a handful of poorly trained fighters in tiny space ships), the space equivalent to trying to overthrow Saudi Arabia by sending in a few dozen frog men.


Stranger things have happened.


The Empire decides to defend their most powerful space station in the only logical way: By sending out a handful of their own poorly trained fighters, along with a laser gun tower or two. The rebels are thus able to skim the surface of the base itself and only get harassed by a few TIE fighters who mostly chase and fire at them helplessly. In fact, there's such a lack of TIE fighter pilots that the Empire decides to send Darth Vader to help out, instead of something useful like a Star Destroyer or two. Or 700. After all, they had 25,000 of them.


That shit was personal.


Luckily, the Emperor figured out the station's biggest flaw by Return of the Jedi, as that Death Star at least had the ability to actually fire on the ships attacking it, and not just float there like a ripe mango waiting to picked.



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Guest Coalbucket PI

I presumed the death star was also a sort of barracks for storm troopers, but yeah load of plot holes

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Bramsworth

I recently got into Star Wars again for some reason, only having seen all the films once a couple years back. Seeing all the deleted scenes and behind the scenes stuff was fun, and I can't help but compare to the prequel trilogy and remember how horrible it is :( I still can't forget the extras that show the making of the Phantom Menace, and they show the first screening of the film with George and crew. Talk about not needing any further proof the thing blew chunks, everyone had the same reaction that you have when a friend comes back having gone under a sex change.


"Hey.....you're looking.........nice.....(don't wanna hurt their feelings)"


get what I'm saying? :emotawesomepm9:

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