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Was exploring some deep and ominous caves in minecraft while listening to that.. just about perfect music for it. great track and love the harmonies thrown in midway through the the track 8.5/10


i've been listening to a lot of venetian snares lately



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8/10 for the Mu Ziq track. Haven't heard anything that good from him in a while. I haven't actually heard anything by him in 10 years or so. A bit repetitive, but good stuff :)



I've been listing to this one a lot lately. I must be feeling down :(




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8.5/10 --not my favorite Elliott Smith song, but a fascinating piece of music/recording nonetheless. I love how so much of that album just barely holds together, like the structure could collapse any moment. It's an album that keeps me coming back for that reason. There's really no other like it.


I've been on an industrial-ish nostalgia kick. These guys were leaning more towards an IDM/film score hybrid, but they were associated with other industrial acts at the time. I hadn't heard any of the Warp Records stuff at that point, so to me it was very unique and I was surprised they weren't more renowned:

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  • 3 months later...

7/10. It's okay, but it sounds a bit loop-ey, like it was made in Garageband or something.



Is that seven thousand six hundred and forty seven or seven point six four seven?




LOL ,Wolfgang Voigt? no.

Oh, whoops. Looked it up. Apparently I'm not the first one to make this mistake. http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Mat_Jarvis

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have no people above me. I'm on top of the food chain!


Also, people giving a 7/10 are just saying:"it sucks, but I like you, so I'm giving you this safe middle of the road grade". To all those people: you are getting a 7/10!


*not listening to any music atm*

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