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Sea Shepherd's stealth boat cut in half by Japanese


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:facepalm:well they are asking for it, that's their whole MO is getting something like this to happen so that they can bring it to international attention. they really are some of the dumbest people though, but i wholeheartedly respect their cause. there's no real need to be killing whales. die in a fire if you're munching on them for dinner and gloating about it.

we dont have a choice here fred. that shit you keep sending to japan that your trying to pass off as beef, i wouldnt fucking let my dog eat that shit. wagyu and british beef FTW.


so eat wagyu and british beef then if that's your preference. you do have a choice. whatever man if you want to eat whale then that's your business but if your purpose is to preturb people by eating endangered species then you're a cunt.

not all species of whale are endangered! as for eating whale, its not something i would do for shock tactics, just wanted to try it. like eating seal hearts in canada, i guess. i'm sure lumpenprol could tell you a few interesting stories about what he's eaten in china, and so could chengod. im not advocating eating whale either, i had only stated that i had tried it. the whole die in a fire thing i thought was a bit harsh, it wasnt like i had said i eat bush meat on a regular basis, or use tiger penis for an aphrodesiac.


since you weren't gloating, my "die in a fire" comment was more or less directed at chunky, whom I don't really want to die in a fire. but i would not lose any sleep if he stayed up all night with the runs next time he eats whale. and the majority of baleen whales that provide the rich blubbery novelty whale meat the people seem to enjoy so much are indeed endangered. all of them are tiny populations which is why every other country in the world is on board with the movement against commercial whaling. so the fact that a bunch of killer whales that no one wants to eat are out there is no real excuse to go ahead and dig in without considering the consequences. but my only point was, dont gloat about eating whale, assholes.

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seriously, im against whale hunting, but this shit is just stupid.



this is the group that "stops whaling" by throwing stink bombs at people, right?

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the hunting is by no means the funny part, i think that's fucked up, but honestly? a multi-million dollar group that builds boats specifically to throw stink bombs onto whaling ships to deter them from whaling?


who the fuck do they think they are?



also, because i don't know, are Japanese whale hunters illegally doing this? i was under the impression that as long as they did it in japanese waters it was legit....i dunno where all these confrontations are taking place....if anyone could illuminate me on the subject it would be greatly appreciated.

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Guest Brachiosaur

What's wrong with killing whales, do we have a deal with them or something? I really don't see the difference between killing a few whales and brazillions of cows or pigs

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the hunting is by no means the funny part, i think that's fucked up, but honestly? a multi-million dollar group that builds boats specifically to throw stink bombs onto whaling ships to deter them from whaling?


who the fuck do they think they are?



also, because i don't know, are Japanese whale hunters illegally doing this? i was under the impression that as long as they did it in japanese waters it was legit....i dunno where all these confrontations are taking place....if anyone could illuminate me on the subject it would be greatly appreciated.


I too think this is hilarious. They've outdone their own parodies on South Park with this stealth boat nonsense (it did look cool, but what a waste of money).


Japanese are the most notorious about breaking whale hunting restrictions, and most of their whaling ships targeted claim to be "science research" ships. Most of the confrontations are in the pacific. Iceland hunts whales a lot too, at one point one whaler famously tried to hunt Keiko, aka the "Free Willy" orca. The Faroe Islands nearby are allowed to hunt dolphins seasonally.


I'm not against whaling, but I support restrictions, and I've heard whale meat isn't even that good (BUT FUK A YOU WHALE AND DORPHIN!) But these Sea Shepard guys are moronic assholes. Throwing acid at whalers is beyond hypocritical. Passive aggressive is their only means of action. They literally had two people held hostage, on purpose, then bitched when the same boat kept the protesters and intended on returning to Japan for their arrest. I mean seriously, who does that?!


Greenpeace does not endorse them either, in fact one of their activist who stop me on the street in Austin, TX specifically told me they don't support the Whale War folks or their methods. They're not doing anyone any good.

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there are also many endangered species of whale. they could be fuck stupid but i think it's valid not to forcefully eradicate a species of mammal (or any thing, really) from the earth.

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well, as far as i recall fish farms aren't exactly ideal. it's like trying to bring back the the iranian (aka Persian or Gir) lion through inbreeding. maybe not so severe but i've read, years ago, that a fish farm is more comfortable for any kind of parasite, like sea lice, or disease to spread. i'm curious to learn more if this has changed but that's what i remember learning for some reason.


for the sake of discussion.





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there are other reasons whale killing is wrong, sure, but that's just the aspect of it that bothers me the most.

so stupid animals can perish? no biggie?


yeah. i guess it sounds dumb, but that's how i feel about it. i'd feel less bad about killing an ant or lizard than i would about killing a dog or bird.

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