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Orubosarot vs Richard Divine

producer snafu

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orubasarot: dude im totally owning richard devine right now http://createdigitalmusic.com/2010/01/06/a-free-futuristic-music-compilation-for-syfys-caprica-stories-behind-the-tracks/#comments

producer snafu: really?

orubasarot: its a fucking IDM holocaust apocalypse in there

orubasarot: i said his $20,000 synth sounds like granulizer.dll in fruity loops

orubasarot: shit is on

producer snafu: hahahaha














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i was hoping he was going to accuse Richard Devine of being anti-semitic for owning german gear


kind of a sinicalypse -esque falling on your own sword style rant as far as i can tell. he had me going a little bit until he praised Lusine


in the words of Joker from Batman 'i'm glad ur dead'

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the compilation this is all about is free and pretty good



the king midas sound track is great, the tyondai braxton track is basically larks tongues in aspic era king crimson, and who the hell are these untold guys? track is sorta like a basssy shuffly version of didgeridoo, and quite good.


actually hey it's a free comp what the hell

05 Outta Space (Slow Version).mp3

10 Luna.mp3

09 Uffe's Woodshop.mp3

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Guest 277: 930-933

Oh wow Orubasaoriuarra totally pwns this d00d who will continue having fun and making money doing something he enjoys while former watmm winner Orubaloompa can continue working in the fast food industry and being an amateur synth connoiseur and IDM album critic.


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I thought orubasarot was cute on watmm because he made such a big deal about things nobody except for him gave even half a shit about. it was even funnier when people he attacked got annoyed by his attacks.


but that r devine shit was pathetic, moreso than his watmm'ing.

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richard devine took the Joyrex™ approach by responding to trolling with innocuous placation when everyone else would rather see him ban the troll

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