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Justin Bieber!


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oh yeah fucking right. Thats really what those teenage years are for, working hard at school. Not romantic exploration sexual discovery and developing a personality. Kids should just stick to what they know best, reading writing and arithmetic. Dating and kissing? you should probably at least have a college degree for that shit to count.

im with 420, if you spent your teenage hood working your ass off and not trying to bang girls and smoke pot/drink illegally/chaos havoc in general, your probably a dick.


i think i meant cause havoc, but chaos havoc sounds cool too

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This isn't the face of meltdown in my opinion. He looks perfectly happy. Just partying and got caught. Oh well, got tons of money.


I feel for the kid though. He is like universally hated for no fucking reason other than being popular. That's quite a load to bear.

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Guest disparaissant

i dunno if you can really call it rumors when the police were like "yeah his house was full of empty cough syrup bottles and cups that had the word 'lean' on them, but we didn't think that was relevant to the investigation and also he's white and rich and my daughter loves him. we definitely locked up that ni- ahem. african-american gentleman who had cocaine though!"

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I feel for the kid though. He is like universally hated for no fucking reason other than being popular. That's quite a load to bear.


I think he's also universally hated for making bad music, having an overblown ego, perpetuating the culture of excess and celebrity douchebaggery, missing stage times by 2 hours for his one actual job, and dressing like a pretty little twink but not getting on with it and having hot gay sex and letting us, all of us, homosexuals, heterosexuals, heteroflexibles, those fluctuating/evolving/questioning, those undefined and undefinable, watch what should be a supremely beautiful act between consenting adults who are getting paid to have anal sex on camera and so fulfilling a clear genetic purpose proven out in that slightly androgynous morphology, which highest act of surrender to the Natural would surely would bring each of us observers closer together as a people, as a species, as a diverse and precariously thriving mass of life clinging close to the Void on our goldilocks lonely dying planet; and who but an incredibly arrogant dipshit would deny us the chance to observe and engage with that magickal sexual act of union, a spell that could and should bind us all together forever as tightly as two lovingly docked cocks? Instead of that Surrender to Purpose he engages only with entropy, the left hand death-drive of excess and domination and accumulation and disintegration and chaos. He is Moloch come round at last to devour our children. Upon his alabaster skin is spelled out our end; his cummily vertical hair threatens to bend and break as a tsunami under which we must drown, our personal hands flailing and failing to grasp the hands of some Other, each of us condemned to disunion at last.


Also look at that smile, what a little shit.

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Guest disparaissant

i dunno if he dresses like a twink so much as he dresses like a 25 year old lesbian.


definitely agree with the rest. especially the moloch part.

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I feel for the kid though. He is like universally hated for no fucking reason other than being popular. That's quite a load to bear.


I think he's also universally hated for making bad music, having an overblown ego, perpetuating the culture of excess and celebrity douchebaggery, missing stage times by 2 hours for his one actual job, and dressing like a pretty little twink but not getting on with it and having hot gay sex and letting us, all of us, homosexuals, heterosexuals, heteroflexibles, those fluctuating/evolving/questioning, those undefined and undefinable, watch what should be a supremely beautiful act between consenting adults who are getting paid to have anal sex on camera and so fulfilling a clear genetic purpose proven out in that slightly androgynous morphology, which highest act of surrender to the Natural would surely would bring each of us observers closer together as a people, as a species, as a diverse and precariously thriving mass of life clinging close to the Void on our goldilocks lonely dying planet; and who but an incredibly arrogant dipshit would deny us the chance to observe and engage with that magickal sexual act of union, a spell that could and should bind us all together forever as tightly as two lovingly docked cocks? Instead of that Surrender to Purpose he engages only with entropy, the left hand death-drive of excess and domination and accumulation and disintegration and chaos. He is Moloch come round at last to devour our children. Upon his alabaster skin is spelled out our end; his cummily vertical hair threatens to bend and break as a tsunami under which we must drown, our personal hands flailing and failing to grasp the hands of some Other, each of us condemned to disunion at last.


Also look at that smile, what a little shit.



This is beautiful. But I don't think the hate is justified. People just are just jealous and envious pricks.

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i dunno if you can really call it rumors when the police were like "yeah his house was full of empty cough syrup bottles and cups that had the word 'lean' on them, but we didn't think that was relevant to the investigation and also he's white and rich and my daughter loves him. we definitely locked up that ni- ahem. african-american gentleman who had cocaine though!"


didn't read about this part. confirmed then!

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so he robotrips? that's about as exciting as when Miley Cyrus smoked salvia


I feel for the kid though. He is like universally hated for no fucking reason other than being popular. That's quite a load to bear.

are you sure about that? Because even if he was nobody, not popular at all I'd still hate the fuck out of him

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I feel for the kid though. He is like universally hated for no fucking reason other than being popular. That's quite a load to bear.


I think he's also universally hated for making bad music, having an overblown ego, perpetuating the culture of excess and celebrity douchebaggery, missing stage times by 2 hours for his one actual job, and dressing like a pretty little twink but not getting on with it and having hot gay sex and letting us, all of us, homosexuals, heterosexuals, heteroflexibles, those fluctuating/evolving/questioning, those undefined and undefinable, watch what should be a supremely beautiful act between consenting adults who are getting paid to have anal sex on camera and so fulfilling a clear genetic purpose proven out in that slightly androgynous morphology, which highest act of surrender to the Natural would surely would bring each of us observers closer together as a people, as a species, as a diverse and precariously thriving mass of life clinging close to the Void on our goldilocks lonely dying planet; and who but an incredibly arrogant dipshit would deny us the chance to observe and engage with that magickal sexual act of union, a spell that could and should bind us all together forever as tightly as two lovingly docked cocks? Instead of that Surrender to Purpose he engages only with entropy, the left hand death-drive of excess and domination and accumulation and disintegration and chaos. He is Moloch come round at last to devour our children. Upon his alabaster skin is spelled out our end; his cummily vertical hair threatens to bend and break as a tsunami under which we must drown, our personal hands flailing and failing to grasp the hands of some Other, each of us condemned to disunion at last.


Also look at that smile, what a little shit.



This is beautiful. But I don't think the hate is justified. People just are just jealous and envious pricks.



It's probably fueled by the fact that someone got picked over the others to be the "white prince" of happy endings. Blieber is probably not a highly educated academic composer with a rare spark of genius so few people can compare with.. His story is very neo-liberal fairytale, which makes it seem like anyone can make it.

Another reason for hate and jealousy is probably the ridiculous amounts of money circling in that business. And since everybody else makes music for him and arrange the tours and basically his whole life, all he needs to do is smile and look good for the young girls. It's combining everything America advertised for half a century.


But that is just the make-or-break part of it. Then comes the subconscious angels and demons that baph so adequately articulated.

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they should like, not give these children millions of dollars innit. just give them pocket money and don't let them have anything more until they're 35. if they want more they can go and get a proper job.


also, nobody should be allowed to know who they are. all their releases have to be completely anonymous.


also all their music has to be free.


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I feel for the kid though. He is like universally hated for no fucking reason other than being popular. That's quite a load to bear.


I think he's also universally hated for making bad music, having an overblown ego, perpetuating the culture of excess and celebrity douchebaggery, missing stage times by 2 hours for his one actual job, and dressing like a pretty little twink but not getting on with it and having hot gay sex and letting us, all of us, homosexuals, heterosexuals, heteroflexibles, those fluctuating/evolving/questioning, those undefined and undefinable, watch what should be a supremely beautiful act between consenting adults who are getting paid to have anal sex on camera and so fulfilling a clear genetic purpose proven out in that slightly androgynous morphology, which highest act of surrender to the Natural would surely would bring each of us observers closer together as a people, as a species, as a diverse and precariously thriving mass of life clinging close to the Void on our goldilocks lonely dying planet; and who but an incredibly arrogant dipshit would deny us the chance to observe and engage with that magickal sexual act of union, a spell that could and should bind us all together forever as tightly as two lovingly docked cocks? Instead of that Surrender to Purpose he engages only with entropy, the left hand death-drive of excess and domination and accumulation and disintegration and chaos. He is Moloch come round at last to devour our children. Upon his alabaster skin is spelled out our end; his cummily vertical hair threatens to bend and break as a tsunami under which we must drown, our personal hands flailing and failing to grasp the hands of some Other, each of us condemned to disunion at last.


Also look at that smile, what a little shit.



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i dunno if he dresses like a twink so much as he dresses like a 25 year old lesbian.

definitely agree with the rest. especially the moloch part.



Yeah, this is true, Could be better with Bieber as a lesbian anyway. The actual specifics don't really matter much in sex magick. I mean, I think it doesn't matter. This whole thing could be dangerous. Should probably consult with Horus or something before politely suggesting ritual to JB via standard Illuminati channels.


Actually, it shouldn't even be Bieber. That's kind of gross. He's still super young. I thought he was way older. And what was that purple shit about genetic purpose? That's fucked up. Just because he's kind of androgynously pretty? Yikes. I don't even....


Maybe instead of the ritual sex thing he should just be really publicly asexual. There should be some kind of deliberately asexual magick but not involving Morrisey. The whole point is kind of to rid the world of psychosexual hangups and shit so we can just all be nice to each other, anyway. It's probably better to just show sex as being kind of dumb and not important.


Bieber should just never have sex actually.


Ugh, this whole plan isn't going to work. DISREGARD.


But yeah the Moloch bit stands I think? We're fucked imo.

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so he robotrips? that's about as exciting as when Miley Cyrus smoked salvia


I feel for the kid though. He is like universally hated for no fucking reason other than being popular. That's quite a load to bear.

are you sure about that? Because even if he was nobody, not popular at all I'd still hate the fuck out of him


I mean he isn't the type of person I'd be friends with, but I think we've all acted out and been douchebags as young kids to some extent. I'm not saying he couldn't be a total douchebag, but he may just be a stupid rich young kid. Time will tell.


I dunno, but like people calling him a girly faggot, and making plans to castrate him just seems horribly out of line. Like do people really want him to just commit suicide for being a cheesy teen pop star? It's gross the amount of hate I see towards him. Just ignore him if you don't like him.

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I feel for the kid though. He is like universally hated for no fucking reason other than being popular. That's quite a load to bear.


I think he's also universally hated for making bad music, having an overblown ego, perpetuating the culture of excess and celebrity douchebaggery, missing stage times by 2 hours for his one actual job, and dressing like a pretty little twink but not getting on with it and having hot gay sex and letting us, all of us, homosexuals, heterosexuals, heteroflexibles, those fluctuating/evolving/questioning, those undefined and undefinable, watch what should be a supremely beautiful act between consenting adults who are getting paid to have anal sex on camera and so fulfilling a clear genetic purpose proven out in that slightly androgynous morphology, which highest act of surrender to the Natural would surely would bring each of us observers closer together as a people, as a species, as a diverse and precariously thriving mass of life clinging close to the Void on our goldilocks lonely dying planet; and who but an incredibly arrogant dipshit would deny us the chance to observe and engage with that magickal sexual act of union, a spell that could and should bind us all together forever as tightly as two lovingly docked cocks? Instead of that Surrender to Purpose he engages only with entropy, the left hand death-drive of excess and domination and accumulation and disintegration and chaos. He is Moloch come round at last to devour our children. Upon his alabaster skin is spelled out our end; his cummily vertical hair threatens to bend and break as a tsunami under which we must drown, our personal hands flailing and failing to grasp the hands of some Other, each of us condemned to disunion at last.


Also look at that smile, what a little shit.



This is beautiful. But I don't think the hate is justified. People just are just jealous and envious pricks.



It's probably fueled by the fact that someone got picked over the others to be the "white prince" of happy endings. Blieber is probably not a highly educated academic composer with a rare spark of genius so few people can compare with.. His story is very neo-liberal fairytale, which makes it seem like anyone can make it.

Another reason for hate and jealousy is probably the ridiculous amounts of money circling in that business. And since everybody else makes music for him and arrange the tours and basically his whole life, all he needs to do is smile and look good for the young girls. It's combining everything America advertised for half a century.


But that is just the make-or-break part of it. Then comes the subconscious angels and demons that baph so adequately articulated.



Yeah, he is just a commodity for young girls. It's nothing new, and nothing special. idgaf. Why does anyone else?

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I feel for the kid though. He is like universally hated for no fucking reason other than being popular. That's quite a load to bear.


I think he's also universally hated for making bad music, having an overblown ego, perpetuating the culture of excess and celebrity douchebaggery, missing stage times by 2 hours for his one actual job, and dressing like a pretty little twink but not getting on with it and having hot gay sex and letting us, all of us, homosexuals, heterosexuals, heteroflexibles, those fluctuating/evolving/questioning, those undefined and undefinable, watch what should be a supremely beautiful act between consenting adults who are getting paid to have anal sex on camera and so fulfilling a clear genetic purpose proven out in that slightly androgynous morphology, which highest act of surrender to the Natural would surely would bring each of us observers closer together as a people, as a species, as a diverse and precariously thriving mass of life clinging close to the Void on our goldilocks lonely dying planet; and who but an incredibly arrogant dipshit would deny us the chance to observe and engage with that magickal sexual act of union, a spell that could and should bind us all together forever as tightly as two lovingly docked cocks? Instead of that Surrender to Purpose he engages only with entropy, the left hand death-drive of excess and domination and accumulation and disintegration and chaos. He is Moloch come round at last to devour our children. Upon his alabaster skin is spelled out our end; his cummily vertical hair threatens to bend and break as a tsunami under which we must drown, our personal hands flailing and failing to grasp the hands of some Other, each of us condemned to disunion at last.


Also look at that smile, what a little shit.



I think we should close the forum and just have that paragraph display as a splash page at watmm.com

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