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Autechre - Oversteps (WARP210) [The MegaThread]

Friendly Foil

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im beginning to think that they havent released any promos to anyone. there is no way, in this day and age, that not a single word about it would be out by now.


But this isn't true. There was one short preview that nobody thought was real (including me) who said it harkened back to Tri Repetae, and another more detailed one more recently (which apparently was a preview of a longer article or an interview or something) which revealed that the album is very ambient (if I remember right it compared it to Amber) and that there's a possibility that it will be completely beatless.



wait, someone said it sounds like tri repetae? its all beatless? it sounds like amber? first of all, how does that mean someone has it? ill go post on my blog that this album sounds like a watermelon. i must have it if i know it sounds like that. also, if they think tri rep sounds like amber and neither one of them have beats, well then how the fuck could they be a music critic?

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If I was king you would be first against my balls.


I'm going to take that as an enormous compliment so I'm not forced to doing pistols at dawn.

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im beginning to think that they havent released any promos to anyone. there is no way, in this day and age, that not a single word about it would be out by now.


But this isn't true. There was one short preview that nobody thought was real (including me) who said it harkened back to Tri Repetae, and another more detailed one more recently (which apparently was a preview of a longer article or an interview or something) which revealed that the album is very ambient (if I remember right it compared it to Amber) and that there's a possibility that it will be completely beatless.



wait, someone said it sounds like tri repetae? its all beatless? it sounds like amber? first of all, how does that mean someone has it? ill go post on my blog that this album sounds like a watermelon. i must have it if i know it sounds like that. also, if they think tri rep sounds like amber and neither one of them have beats, well then how the fuck could they be a music critic?



well Autechre themselves said something along the lines of, after doing all this beat heavy stuff for the Quaristice tour, when they got back into the studio they just wanted to make songs that had no beats in it. That doesn't mean NONE of them have beats but it certainly sounds like it.


The info is in BOTH of the Oversteps threads, I can't be bothered looking for it again. My point is, you said that "not a single word was being said about it" so I gave you two examples and instantly you dismiss them. You've just arguing for the sake of arguing.


Why is everyone whining about it being announced 3 months before it comes out? this is perfectly normal, it happens with every album, how can you not be used to it by now?!?

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the same reviewer says it sounds like Quaristice (versions) as well. I do think it's a little odd that we've seen no full length reviews of the LP so far this long after it's been announced. It wouldn't surprise me if AE wants people to withhold reviews until a certain date so they can keep building up suspense and mystery. If memory serves, almost within days of Quaristice being announced we saw at least 2-3 full fleshed out descriptive reviews of promo copies by music journalists or bloggers online.

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From that preview...


In contrast to Quaristice, much of which was edited down from live recordings, Oversteps afforded the duo “the opportunity to change everything, right until the last minute. There was more focus this time on making the album a cohesive piece.” Oversteps further represents a return to computer music for the duo, with Booth revisiting Max/MSP for generative composition.


This makes makes me very excited. But I know it was posted a few pages ago...

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Why is everyone whining about it being announced 3 months before it comes out? this is perfectly normal, it happens with every album, how can you not be used to it by now?!?

+1 Sure it might be a dated model and it's time for change, but this is the norm. I've been used to this since I started listening to music.

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This is all I was saying. I'm not disputing what ae said and I'm not arguing for the sake of arguing. I'm just saying the total lack of reviews is surprising if indeed there are promo copies out there for a few weeks

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This is all I was saying. I'm not disputing what ae said and I'm not arguing for the sake of arguing. I'm just saying the total lack of reviews is surprising if indeed there are promo copies out there for a few weeks


yeah exactly

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