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Haitian Earthquake


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glasse i just pray that when the next quake comes and youre done being buried under a house for 5 days that allah will forgive you for worshipping the white devil and you will cast aside your ridiculous beliefs become a nice god-fearing muslim like god intended.



woe there sucka :smile:


what about muhammad on that island and all his power hungry crusades?


what use is forced conversion to God if one does not except it in ones heart?


(i know there are many many good muslims like yourself, but i'm just saying) :blink:


white devil? (watch it...them's big words orange)


Christ was an advocate of pacifism and forgiveness, it's his

followers that mucked it all up.......fucking humans.







....and you are referring to what mr. face-palm-for-words? :rolleyes:


i would love to talk it out :smile:

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sarcasm: it's a lost art form.


i still think troon is just a troll account tho



and there's a lot of effort put into it



why dose everyone just keep on this troll thing? please... lets have an intelligent

discussion about things that really matter and we can talk about trolls later.


people correct my spelling, they throw up face palms or they call me a

troll or a dup, but i think it is all a bit of an excuse for what they don't have the

patience or maybe the intelligence to talk about.


don't cease and suppress, solve and subvert! :smile:

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glasse i just pray that when the next quake comes and youre done being buried under a house for 5 days that allah will forgive you for worshipping the white devil and you will cast aside your ridiculous beliefs become a nice god-fearing muslim like god intended.



Christ wasn't white anyway, he was brown.


The artists depict Christ as white, but he was brown.


He was a brown man, living in that sunny, dry area of the world with all those other brown folks. (olive at least)


i am also olive / brown (italian, spanish, scottish, irish, english, and german)


....and you can't keep the brown man down! :smile:

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Troon you're reading too much into what i was saying (like you probably do with most things). i'm not a muslim nor am i religious, i was merely pointing out that many people in religion think they're entitled to judge others because theyre the ones worshipping the "correct" god. Should glasse undergo some horrific tragedy and have his home destroyed in an earthquake, is he going to think he's worshipping the the wrong god and switch to islam for forgiveness from the muslim god? No he wont and because other people say it's so doesnt mean its true. Which is why i thought its absolutely ludicrous to blame voodou as one of the reasons haiti was hit (despite having a large catholic demographic).


I dont think people take you seriously because youre extremely preachy all the time. You seem to have very little time for this community when youre not spouting your own self-righteous idioms and then wonder why few have the patience to try debating with you on a factual basis. Your heart seems to be in the right place, and you dont seem to take your beliefs from any one source. however, you don't seem to (pardon me if i'm phrasing this incorrectly) conform to mutually exclusive schools of thought and just pick apart teachings to reaffirm your own beliefs which often proves to be hypocritical, but when you're called out on it, you back down with more of your self-affirming idioms and faith/emotion-based thinking, for instance, you condemn the church, but you'll gladly quote a book written by them in the same breath. Though what you talk about isnt necessarily detrimental to a person's free will (like the guilt-tripping of the church can be), it doesn't seem like you are interested in objective truth of things. Faith is a good thing to have, but it has (rather constricting) limits.

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Which is why i thought its absolutely ludicrous to blame voodou as one of the reasons haiti was hit (despite having a large catholic demographic).


*sigh* the catholics are pretty much pagans. it's obvious that this had something to do with their primitive heathen religion.

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sarcasm: it's a lost art form.


i still think troon is just a troll account tho



and there's a lot of effort put into it



why dose everyone just keep on this troll thing? please... lets have an intelligent

discussion about things that really matter and we can talk about trolls later.


people correct my spelling, they throw up face palms or they call me a

troll or a dup, but i think it is all a bit of an excuse for what they don't have the

patience or maybe the intelligence to talk about.


don't cease and suppress, solve and subvert! :smile:


See, this troll thing wasn't very subtle since you've dropped the word 'intelligent' twice, claiming I, and anyone else who calls you out, is less intelligent than you. A good way to tick someone off, but it was just that little bit too obvious now. You're usually more subtle in claiming someone else is less smart or 'enlightened' than you, more subtle in thinking highly of yourself.


Also, you say "lets have an intelligent discussion about things that really matter" while just above, you are completely oblivious to a very sarcastic post. This doesn't sound very intelligent to me. NO single person would take it seriously here. Mostly an act, since you are, in fact, completely ignoring the sarcasm of the post so you can find an excuse to say the same shit you've been saying the past thousands of post over and over again. That's a'trollin'


Again, "lets have an intelligent discussion about things that really matter and we can talk about trolls later." wich is a desperate attempt to keep talking about the shit you keep coming up with (as you call it "things that really matter") wich means we'll never talk about you being a troll. Claiming that anyone who doesn't respond seriously to your shit (stuffthatreallymatters) is unintelligent is a desperate attempt at invoking uncertianities at the reader so you can keep playing your shit. You try to avoid every attempt to talk about you.




Also, hey! Hello! Hi! Over here! Do I have your attention? Your attention? Great! Walk with me, hold my hand, don't be shy. Great. Let's have a little walk around.


See that over there? That's one of our threads! Wanna know what it's about? Batcocks! See that one over there? That one's about tits! That one? That one's about someone talking about his stool and experiences on the toilet! And do you see that one with the countries shaped like poo? And the one about MSpainted cocks? Have you read the posts in there? More talk about cocks and shit and photoshopped cocks and tits and all the fuckingwhatnotgaflunkafuckin'gazazzle.


Did you really look at this forum, saying "This is THE place i need to go to, THE place to talk about my christian believes, where i will force it upon everyone and no one will mind/complain. THE place to derail every thread with humanitarian morality as much as possible. This seems to be the kind of serious place to spread 'enlightement' and 'wisdom'."


No. I don't believe that. Not a single sane person who supposed to represent someone who thinks like you would do that. Someone who's acting like he's so well-read, dropping as many quotes and names as possible, but who's completely oblivious to the sarcasm around this forum... that doesn't exist.


Sorry, you can't fool me. Very good try tho'.



Man, i still haven't said all i wanted to say, but fuck it. I never go so deep into forumdiscussionshit anyway (and if you're a troll, thats just what you want anyway). You will either ignore this, OR you will find little holes in this text you can grab and use it to talk your christ-shit again and drop another quote from whothefuckknows



Oh, and if i'm wrong, if you're not a troll account (and actually are a derailed fundamental thinking-like-a-cultist freak), the way you are always giving tiny little jabs at people who show disagreements: that's still trollin'.



Before i clicked 'add reply' i browsed again and saw that 42Orange posted something in a much better and smarter way than i did. I will still post this tho. Fuck you.

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glasse i just pray that when the next quake comes and youre done being buried under a house for 5 days that allah will forgive you for worshipping the white devil and you will cast aside your ridiculous beliefs become a nice god-fearing muslim like god intended.


Hey, don't worry about me 'getting mine.' I'm afraid I do not expect to be raptured out before the crap hits the fan. I don't necessarily see it in scripture. What I do see, is this:


Revelation 13:5-10 (New International Version)


5The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months. 6He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. 7He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. 8All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.[a]


9He who has an ear, let him hear.

10If anyone is to go into captivity,

into captivity he will go.

If anyone is to be killed with the sword,

with the sword he will be killed. This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints.


This will happen in our lifetime. *Does his best Palpatine voice* I have forseen it. Those who refuse to take the mark will be rounded up and killed. (Troon this is something I have been meaning to talk to you about.)


You know that Wax Trax thread? Well there was one similar to it recently I think on another board. So, I think, oh yea Pankow. "Me and My Ding Dong," remember? (It was on Black Box). So I go looking up Pankow on youtube for a video to post, and here is the very first one I find!




Me and a friend of mine have both had dreams where we were either on the run, in detainment centers, or that had something to do with this. Anyway, I realize we are getting a bit off topic, but don't think I expect to run my mouth (or fingers) for a bit and then get raptured out or something. I know exactly what it will cost me, but even knowing it I hope to have a greater opportunity than just preaching a bit on some messageboards. Also, I believe I did not go so far as to say that Haiti's earthquake happened because of Vodou, nor did I say it happened because of the gangs, kidnapping, human trafficking, deforestation, or any of that. All I said was that it is written that earthquakes will happen, and in greater frequency and severity the closer we get to the end.

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only i worship the correct god. the rest of you can fuck yourselves



LOL (i am with you on the sarcasm)




there is only one God, it is just that it is understood through different cultures in different ways.


some peoples in some cultures understand (especially at this point in time) ancient spiritual wisdom somewhat more accurate then others unfortunately,

for many different reasons.


....and who's to say who's right it is claimed, and around and around we go.


i think the truth of the virtues in their most plain and simple understanding is hard to deny.


(towards all living things we must show)















as well as many others.

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I mean obviously i'm wasting my time here because you believe that there is a God that has thought and makes judgements but if you could see that there is no free will you'd see that the idea of judgement is nonesensical.


arguing with religious people is pointless because they can always pull the "well, god says it's like that, so it is!" thing. save your breath guys.


lol touche

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Troon you're reading too much into what i was saying (like you probably do with most things). i'm not a muslim nor am i religious, i was merely pointing out that many people in religion think they're entitled to judge others because theyre the ones worshipping the "correct" god. Should glasse undergo some horrific tragedy and have his home destroyed in an earthquake, is he going to think he's worshipping the the wrong god and switch to islam for forgiveness from the muslim god? No he wont and because other people say it's so doesnt mean its true. Which is why i thought its absolutely ludicrous to blame voodou as one of the reasons haiti was hit (despite having a large catholic demographic).


I dont think people take you seriously because youre extremely preachy all the time. You seem to have very little time for this community when youre not spouting your own self-righteous idioms and then wonder why few have the patience to try debating with you on a factual basis. Your heart seems to be in the right place, and you dont seem to take your beliefs from any one source. however, you don't seem to (pardon me if i'm phrasing this incorrectly) conform to mutually exclusive schools of thought and just pick apart teachings to reaffirm your own beliefs which often proves to be hypocritical, but when you're called out on it, you back down with more of your self-affirming idioms and faith/emotion-based thinking, for instance, you condemn the church, but you'll gladly quote a book written by them in the same breath. Though what you talk about isnt necessarily detrimental to a person's free will (like the guilt-tripping of the church can be), it doesn't seem like you are interested in objective truth of things. Faith is a good thing to have, but it has (rather constricting) limits.


i apologize orange, it did seem like you were being serious though. next time i will ask if you are or not first :smile:


Voodou in it's true form is actually very loving, kind and community oriented. it's just a shame that they

have sacramental ceremonies that involve animals sometimes (among a few other things). for me. i don't choose the demigod thing because

it seems more practical to go right to the source or to learn from saints and holy men and women who have lived and

breathed on earth and learned from God in human form. I would never say that people who are involved with Voodou are damed or

have no relevance in the eyes of God, i just think we are all in need of alittle re-focusing :smile:


the writings of the Bible passed through the church, they were not written by the church.

there are some that are from here, there are some that are from there, there are some (which in most

cases i most highly revere) that were not chosen to be put in the Bible (essene and gnostic for example), but they are all

at least loosely based on true communions with the Holy Spirit.


i am not a hypocrite!


faith, love, peace ect ect..... all these things must be mixed with wisdom or they are empty and undefined.

we can say we are christian or muslim or vegetarian, or in love or at peace, but until we say how

then there is no way to say if this is really true.


it's all in the how.

how do we want peace on earth, does peace include killing animals? what dose it include and what does it exclude?

is this a matter of opinion or circumstance? as far as i believe it is not. i would tend to say that peace in it's most

stringent definition is what peace truly is.


do you understand what i am saying 420range?


i hope what i have written here will help shed some light on some things :smile:

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there is only one God, it is just that it is understood through different cultures in different ways.


And here is the leaven in your loaf, Troon. How long will you believe this pluralism? Freemasonry believes that, Catholics (sometimes) believe that (the Pope will kiss the Koran, or read Hindu scripture during mass, but the next day will denounce them)and the coming one world religion will certainly be based on it.


You can't use a Six Flags ticket to get into Disneyland. I want you on my side, Troon, but you need to decide if you are going to be a pluralist or not, and I need to know. Ten Commandments - I am the LORD your God and you shall have no other god before me.

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the writings of the Bible passed through the church, they were not written by the church.


you don't think the apostles were part of the church?

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I mean obviously i'm wasting my time here because you believe that there is a God that has thought and makes judgements but if you could see that there is no free will you'd see that the idea of judgement is nonesensical.


arguing with religious people is pointless because they can always pull the "well, god says it's like that, so it is!" thing. save your breath guys.


lol touche




so are you saying we should not be involved in moral decision making because there is no free will, there is no form of judgment?

where are the checks and balances then?

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i think you have me all wrong, but with all the blinds i don't know if i will ever be able to prove that to you triachus.

you seem to be pretty angry at me and for my part in that i do apologize. i would like to get to a place where we understand

each other more and can have conversation, but by the looks of your post you are pretty decided on not liking me.


if that should change then i am here and i am willing.


again, triachus i am sorry for any misunderstanding... i was feeling attacked and spoke my mind

as you have also now done and i think we are both better for it.


maybe we can move through this?

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can someone make a poll that says something to the effect of


All those in favor of banning troon




and at the end of the week, if it's a yes, the mods would have to ban him. Can we do this?

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