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Sleeping Headphones


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Just constant noise in your ears isnt good for hearing. Night is usually the time when you have the most silence.


I dont really have any evidence to back it up, and im probably being a hippocrite as i enjoy sleeping with a fan on and it's never given me any trouble with my hearing. However, headphones, being so close to your ear (especially canalphones) might "tire" your ears more than listening to ambient sound reverberating off the walls of your room, but take that with a grain of salt, as there's probably no real evidence to prove this is true. It all comes down to whether you believe people who say theyve damaged their hearing by sleeping with headphones, which many claim they have (and many claim they haven't). Either way, listening to one album on low volume as you drift off is not going to do any real damage in the long term.

Well, no need for any real evidence, what you both say makes a lot of sense and I hadn't really considered it. Even at low volume all day, I can see it tiring the ears. I do feel my ears need a break sometimes. It's not just the ears either, it's probably good for your brain and the rest of your body to not have sound constantly forced into your ears.



I must try this. Ive never gone a week without using them. I was thinking about buying earplug and wearing them just to get a few hours of silence a day.


I also thought about buying a pair of those noise headphones builders wear and putting them over earphones so I dont have to listen at quite so high volumes.

Yeah sometimes I wish I could pry myself away from music for a week, not just to benefit my ears but to try letting go of the addiction. :emotawesomepm9: It really takes precedence over almost everything else in my life (even work!).


And speaking of work, I think some ear plugs or some of those construction headphone things you mention would be great for me. I find myself listening to my music too loud just to drown out the sound of my loud coworkers and it's really irritating. Sometimes I don't even want to listen to any music because I need to focus on a specific task that requires concentration, but I get annoyed by people talking so I put on my headphones and music...and then I'm distracted and can't focus. Earplugs. Yes, I should get some.



just go to sleep


listening to music before you sleep is just creating a dependency. it's stupid.

Valid point too. I don't do it often, in fact I rarely do it anymore. If I do it'll be a weekend. I used to do it more when I lived with my girlfriend and she annoyed me. :emotawesomepm9:


In college I used to put on RDJ Album to go to sleep. Not sure how that worked, but it did.

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  • 1 year later...

Im looking for a new pair of headphones. I actually listen to audiobooks a lot when i go to bed. At the moment I have a shitty pair of Sony wrap around headphones that are dying.

Since I only really listen to audiobooks in bed, I don't care much for getting good bass or agonising over the sound levels of the narrators voice. As long as it's clear and I'm comfortable.


I'm thinking about getting these:






Anyone tried these?

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I was actually thinking that I might be able to make something like that for much cheaper from components bought at an electronics store. How easy would it be do you think? Those sleep phones retail for $40 +$5 shipping.

I wonder what kind of thin speakers they use, and where I can get something similar?

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I use a pair of Shure SE-535s. They're IEMs, so you won't be able to hear much external noise, but they sit very flush in your ears, so you can lay on your side. My apartment complex gets a little noisy at night, and they help me sleep. I wouldn't really use them if I were alone in my apartment at night, though, since I'd probably miss any alarms going off.


Granted, they're about 400 dollars. But they sound amazingly detailed, balanced, and musical. I'd highly recommend them if you're in the market for good monitoring headphones, with the bonus of being completely low-profile and very isolating.


This isn't me:




Seriously, they might sound better than my amped Sennheiser HD-650s.

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I used to use headphones, now I just put my monitors on quietly or just play it direct from the laptop speakers depending on what I'm listening to

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been wondering about this myself lately! let google be your friend:




edit: that pillow breaker thing does look pretty cool. a good alternative to installing speakers in my headboard instead of using headphones.

lol the first review is great. i can't believe i missed that.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I just use my laptop speakers on a medium-low volume. Does the job and for some reason music always sounds great when I'm going to sleep. Always so warm and lovely. Gotta sleep to music, not even sure if I can without it anymore...

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