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I like that it is leaps beyond Sealab 2021 (which I loved). It's like, Frisky Dingo certainly had some strong Sealab elements here and there. And now it's moved kind of past that, gotten a bit more organized and has "tighter" plots. SO now it has some obvious elements of Frisky Dingo (ie- Archer pretty much being Xander Crews but with H. John Benjamans voice)...but the Sealabness has withered away a bit more. But it's still all the same kind of humour, but it's not the same ol' same ol' rehash at all.




ALso, it makes for a lot of irl out loud laughter since it is a little more organized and less random. Instead of being like that's so absurd it's funny or that's crossing the line so far it's funny, haha, I actually get good hearty laughs out of a lot of the stuff.


Love the awkward pauses and quick snips. Really makes the show.

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Guest iamabe

"Every Friday, Lana and I cook stir-fry. You know what we call it?"

"Stir Friday?"


"Wow that's a lot better than what I have"


I like when characters talk over archer and he just keeps going. Makes for some of the best moments IMO.

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absolutely hilarious show! and it keeps getting better. also cheryl/whatever she's called now just runs it.


edit: for some reason it reminds me of james bond crossed with mad men crossed with family guy.

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Yeah, I love Carol/Cheryl. And she's Judy Fucking Greer, which makes the character both more hilarious and strangely adorable.

I frigging IRL love Judy Greer.

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Yeah I love Judy. She has always been cast as a strong but supporting character (ie: jawbreaker, 13 going on 30), but has always kinda stolen the show a bit b/c she's so fierce!


Good to see her owning it! She really fell right into the quick snips and off beat sense of humour of the show very well.

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Guest Gary C

I must admit that I'm not very impressed actually.


which did you watch?


The first 2 episodes. It's fine, though. Maybe it's just not my thing.

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You've really gotta get i'd say 4-5 episodes in to really appreciate a show like this. Then you go back and watch them over again and the humor just sticks. Before you know it you're shouting DANGA ZONE at everyone you see. This type of show is certainly not for everyone though.

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Guest Gary C

Okay, it got better. Especially between 6 and 9.


Good stuff. At least 1 guaranteed lol from Archer in each episode. Not great, but I might keep up with it.

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