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help me with blog/website stuff please watmm

Guest Coalbucket PI

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I've got a blog on blogspot, and I've got a website with a .com domain.


I want the blog to be at the domain, not just linking through to blogspot, but I can't seem to do it. I followed this guide which sounds like exactly what I want but then I found out that blogspot are not supporting FTP anymore due to security risks, so that doesn't work now.


I followed this guide and did something with CNAME settings but it doesn't seem to work, there is something at the bottom about DNS settings taking a day to come in to effect, is that true?


It might be better to have a blog that isn't anything to do with blogspot but as it is I'm happy with that one and I need it so different people can post stuff to the blog easily without having to use ftp or have access to all the rest of the website or anything, is that possible?


Also any advice on good simple website building programs (Mac)? I've been trying Kompozer and Rapidweaver but I'm finding them both really awkward, might just be me though.



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I've got a blog on blogspot, and I've got a website with a .com domain.


I want the blog to be at the domain, not just linking through to blogspot, but I can't seem to do it. I followed this guide which sounds like exactly what I want but then I found out that blogspot are not supporting FTP anymore due to security risks, so that doesn't work now.


I followed this guide and did something with CNAME settings but it doesn't seem to work, there is something at the bottom about DNS settings taking a day to come in to effect, is that true?


It might be better to have a blog that isn't anything to do with blogspot but as it is I'm happy with that one and I need it so different people can post stuff to the blog easily without having to use ftp or have access to all the rest of the website or anything, is that possible?


Also any advice on good simple website building programs (Mac)? I've been trying Kompozer and Rapidweaver but I'm finding them both really awkward, might just be me though.



yeah, DNS can take a while to update...you'll probably find it's all working tomorrow, maybe even later on today

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Guest Fishtank

There should be a hot-linking or embedding option withing the blog but I've never made a blog so I don't know.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

blogspot is a PITA. if you want something on your own domain i'd suggest installing wordpress. you can have as many contributors as you like, very easy to extend (you can browse plugins when you log into your own site, install from your own site too) and there are lots of free templates about to get you started. You can demo the admin side of it here http://php.opensourcecms.com/scripts/details.php?scriptid=88

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Guest Coalbucket PI

blogspot is a PITA. if you want something on your own domain i'd suggest installing wordpress. you can have as many contributors as you like, very easy to extend (you can browse plugins when you log into your own site, install from your own site too) and there are lots of free templates about to get you started. You can demo the admin side of it here http://php.opensourcecms.com/scripts/details.php?scriptid=88

thanks, will looks into this later. what is a PITA? I'm guessing Piss In The Arse?

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Wordpress wants $10 a year for the privilege of having my own domain. Don't really feel like paying for it.



The CNAME thing didn't work. after a while, presumably when the DNS changes had kicked in it started directing to a google 404 page. I've slightly changed the subdomain (removed the www.) and I'll try again

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Guest futuregirlfriend

Hey oh you don't have any web hosting do you, just a domain? I skipped a step and assumed you had somewhere to install wordpress.

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Guest blicero

simple: just go to your domain registrar (wherever you purchased the domain) and set the domain to forward to your blog URL. sorted.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

simple: just go to your domain registrar (wherever you purchased the domain) and set the domain to forward to your blog URL. sorted.

thats what I have it doing now, but I want the site to have some actual content aside from the blog, and the blog be a page within the site. I'd rather not link to an external blog as people might not come back to the main site

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Hey oh you don't have any web hosting do you, just a domain? I skipped a step and assumed you had somewhere to install wordpress.

Oh yes I do have webspace, maybe I misunderstood what I was trying to do here. Looking again...

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Guest futuregirlfriend

if you have hosting there MAY be a control panel, typically yourdomain.com/cpanel. you might have already used it to make @yourdomain email addresses. the email you got from your host probably has every bit of info you need. there could be a quick and easy way of setting up a wordpress installation from the control panel, there's probably a bunch of other stuff too like simple shopping carts and forum software. if not setting up wordpress is pretty simple http://codex.wordpress.org/Getting_Started_with_WordPress#Installation


if this is what you want to use, of course.

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Guest blicero

simple: just go to your domain registrar (wherever you purchased the domain) and set the domain to forward to your blog URL. sorted.

thats what I have it doing now, but I want the site to have some actual content aside from the blog, and the blog be a page within the site. I'd rather not link to an external blog as people might not come back to the main site


So you are asking how to build a website? I thought you were just asking how to point your domain at your blog.


Why can't you use your blog as your website? You can add pages to your blog, etc. If you don't know how to build a website, you aren't going to learn from a music forum thread.


HTML: http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_intro.asp

CSS: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_intro.asp

Javascript: http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_intro.asp

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  • 3 years later...

Gonna ask here because you guys are all savvy internet users.


Do any of you have any experience in safe web squatting? Say I suspect that a domain may be about to be bought, how can I nick it first and skim some cream off the top without the buyer ever knowing?


I see these domain reselling things around, but are they just scams? I gather that legally, web squatting is a losing battle, but acting like a seller isn't, right? Unless I have to register a business and pay tax on that.

Anyway, yeah. I want blahblah.com because I suspect CompanyX want it, can I get away with that?


Oh yeah, I work for CompanyX. lol.

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Gonna ask here because you guys are all savvy internet users.


Do any of you have any experience in safe web squatting? Say I suspect that a domain may be about to be bought, how can I nick it first and skim some cream off the top without the buyer ever knowing?


I see these domain reselling things around, but are they just scams? I gather that legally, web squatting is a losing battle, but acting like a seller isn't, right? Unless I have to register a business and pay tax on that.

Anyway, yeah. I want blahblah.com because I suspect CompanyX want it, can I get away with that?


Oh yeah, I work for CompanyX. lol.


don't be a cunt. this can kill some smaller businesses. :(

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Gonna ask here because you guys are all savvy internet users.


Do any of you have any experience in safe web squatting? Say I suspect that a domain may be about to be bought, how can I nick it first and skim some cream off the top without the buyer ever knowing?


I see these domain reselling things around, but are they just scams? I gather that legally, web squatting is a losing battle, but acting like a seller isn't, right? Unless I have to register a business and pay tax on that.

Anyway, yeah. I want blahblah.com because I suspect CompanyX want it, can I get away with that?


Oh yeah, I work for CompanyX. lol.

ICANN can rule against you if they have a legitimate business claim and turn the domain over to your company.

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  • 2 months later...

Fuck you, WATMM.


I've just been asked to write copy for the potential website. And I've just investigated that some militant Islamist from London has already bought the domain (the one I was considering buying before CompanyX get around to it) and is selling it for £5000. So well done, WATMM.


Now I feel implicit in the funding of terrorism.

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Fuck you, WATMM.


I've just been asked to write copy for the potential website. And I've just investigated that some militant Islamist from London has already bought the domain (the one I was considering buying before CompanyX get around to it) and is selling it for £5000. So well done, WATMM.


Now I feel implicit in the funding of terrorism.

So why not get your company to contact ICANN and get them to release the domain to your company - mind you, the domain name would have to be closely associated with the business or a product - if it's just some common word or name, it's unlikely your company would prevail.

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I'm just bumping this thread cause I'm sure I will need some help soon as the RA work I'm doing at school involves managing the wordpress site the institute I'm affiliated with owns.

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