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Has anybody here received an ASBO?

Guest KY

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I was perusing an old issue of Vice magazine whilst shitting at a design firm I was freelancing at, when I came across an article about the troubled youth of the UK (lol).


It described those with ASBOs in varying degrees—some as rough and tough ballers, and some unwarranted recipients. Since then, I came across another article mentioning somebody slapped with the order.


Is it not incredibly uncommon? Has anybody here ever received it? Is it improper to ask shit like that? In the America, we don't have these orders at all, we just get jail or a fine and a sweet minute on the local Fox news.

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there was a trio of little 17 year old horror bags who decided that whoever could get the most ASBO's in a year could try and shag one of the other ones mums. 2 of them are now in prison.

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lol the guy with the stupidly low trousers comes from Rushden, Northamptonshire which is where my girlfriend also comes from and where my Dad lives. It's a fucking shit hole.

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Guest ezkerraldean

known a bunch of shitty chavs with ASBOs. it didn't stop them being absolute twats

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Guest Jimbob

me and my old band were threatened with one for jamming too loud, in a large mid terraced house. We did back down in the end, fair enough


you can get an ASBO for fuckin anything really

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me and my old band were threatened with one for jamming too loud, in a large mid terraced house. We did back down in the end, fair enough


you can get an ASBO for fuckin anything really

haha yeah, i've heard things like this warrant ASBOs. Shit that is totally the opposite of anti-social. What kind of side effects are there to shit like this? Is it like getting some sort of probation?


and goddammit kaen, not enough drywall to keep you away innit

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I had a man from the council threaten us with one for playing drums at 2am but I think he was talking shit.


I met a cunt end on the bus once called Stuart who had a strange manner of being threatening and very camp all at once, he told me he wasn't supposed to be on the bus in to town because he had mugged an old lady on the historic city walls. I presume he also had a proper sentence but I didn't ask.

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Guest Rambo

Yeah, it's very much a chav thing. About 0.00001% of the rest of population would ever have had one.

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