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DIY midi controller

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I'm getting more into Live, and I'd love to have a launchpad or something like that, but I just can't be fucked to pay 500 bucks for it.


I\ve been mulling over the possibility of just building a simple controller that would look like a launchpad or monome (no light feedback though) and send out note data. Maybe one or 2 sliders or something.


I've found some things like this >> http://www.audiomulch.com/midipic/


Basically just using a BASIC stamp to create the MIDI note messages and send them out via USB.


Anyone tried this before?




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Dude, I built my bliptronome for about $120. A poor mans mini-monome based on the arduinome. I'm using it w/ max4live and loving it. Here's a link to my thread about it including pictures. Not sure how much money you can/want to put into this though.

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thanks for the tips. Might do that. I don't really need anything that involved though, a simple ntoes on a grip would be fine for launching clips. :p I do love those mini synth kits there though.

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Ya he has some cool DIY synths. The one I've been looking at (now discontinued due to limited supply of chips, but they're about to come out with the sequel) is this one from Mutable Instruments, but I don't have the money and I don't really need it as I'm still learning the ins and outs of my Tetra and Max4Live. Damn you gear lust

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