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The Official 2010 World Cup Thread

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest Mirezzi

Best World Cup of my lifetime. Yes, even better than 2006.


Fuck the haters. It isn't Spain's fault that they came up against teams, as has frequently been pointed out, playing the most ruthlessly negative football they possibly could.


From Switzerland to Paraguay to Germany to, far worst of all, the Dutch...Spain had to contend with one horror show after another and came out on top. I love this World Cup, if nothing else, because the most positive team in the tournament won and deserved it, hands-down.


A buddy described it this way and although I don't entirely agree about the NED performance, it's pretty fucking funny and a lot accurate, too:


Both teams deserve to win this, the Spanish for being far, far better than the Dutch, and the Dutch for their sheer ruthlessness. Much as it is shit to watch and morally repugnant you've got to admire a team that can reach the world cup final and still refuse to allow the game to be played. That these men step out onto this pitch, the biggest stage in world sport, and kill the game with negative tactics and repeated cynical fouling it shows sensational dedication to negativity. I've never seen a team put in such a relentlessly grim performance. These men are playing bad guy football, and they are playing it like something out of HP Lovecraft, without hope, without sanity, just horror.
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Iniesta should have been boked for simulation, the free kick that he won shortly after Heitinga got sent off was an atrocious dive, worthy of C. Ronaldo class.


Spain I guess were marginally the better side, but fuck me that was a boring final. LOL at Robben getting booked for too much yipping at ol Webby.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Wait, according to the BBC, District 9 was a documentary.


It's a film shot in part to look like a documentary.


God help us if the BBC really believe Distrct 9 is a documentary lol.



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Guest Mirezzi

Honestly, what final have any of you seen that was more compelling/entertaining than this one?


I'm going all the way back to 1990 and failing to come up with a better one. I'm open to a convincing argument, but otherwise, I think this final was delicious.

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I'd rate the 2002 final as better football. This was tighter, but it was a boring match to watch. Foul after foul after foul.

The 1986 final between Argentina and West Germany was a belter as well.

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Guest Mirezzi

I'd rate the 2002 final as better football. This was tighter, but it was a boring match to watch. Foul after foul after foul.

The 1986 final between Argentina and West Germany was a belter as well.

Yeah, I can't say shit about the 1986 final because I was a wee lad and the very thought of world cup football was boring to me.


I think the 2002 final was horrible, so we definitely disagree about that. It produced one good looking goal and Germany were never a threat, so yeah that game was pish.


You're right about all the fouling, but you can blame the Dutch for that. Spain did what needed to be done and NED goes home losers.

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So the 2010 final produces a goal (not especially pretty in the build-up, the execution was nice) and the Netherlands were never in the game barring two chances from Robben, and you think it was better than the 2002 final which had way fewer fouls and some actual excitement in the play?


I guess dude....


Spain did their fair share of the fouling, what did they have, 5 yellow cards? And like I said, Iniesta should have been booked for simulation.


I dunno how the fuck ol' Webby gave a goal kick off that Sjneider free-kick.



edit: Maggie - stick with john o'shea.

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Guest Mirezzi

Eh, it's all heavily subjective and I can clearly tell you wanted NED to win, so that might have something to do with it.


Anybody who talks about officiating in this game would be wise to recall, no matter what may have gone Spain's way in the last 10 minutes, that NED was lucky to have 11 players on the pitch for as long as they did. Period. End of story. De Jong should have seen Dead Red and Van Bommel was the most foultastic, useless sack of excrement on the pitch during this entire tournament. He, too, was lucky to be on the pitch.

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