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Funny Pictures - The Official Thread


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Esquire did a piece with Justin Timberlake and I thought the journalist did a good job describing fame. When a mob quickly accumulated around them as they exited a hotel, the journalist said that there were no smiles and no joy. I never thought about that but it's weird to think that your reaction to someone that ostensibly makes you so happy is not happiness but some kind of 6-days-straight-on-meth frenzy.

been the case since the beatles if not before.

sounds like a person whose playing video games i never see a happy person playing video games except me cuz i only am coom in video games

you are tiresome and you suck.


what the hell. Sup is young don't be hard on him. Don't bash him like you bashed craig

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This pic makes me want to be Justin Bieber for a day. It would be magic. And if I was on stage that day and had a show and a computer and big screen and ms-paint I would make millions of young girls burst into premature fertility with a few twists of my naughty hand. Then I'd scream Watmm made me do it and ask rambo to walk up stage and finish the show in any way he likes.


Yes, I would be Bieber for just one special day.

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