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Funny Pictures - The Official Thread


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Reddit is saying the picture is fake (viral advertisement or something like that). Still, i'm pretty sure someone somewhere did/will tattoo that to their face.. people are that stupid.

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It's wrong to allow people to spread hate and dissension where the sole purpose is to create anarchy and hurt others, directly or not.


And not caring how people feel or think contradicts your desire for free speech - if you don't care how something affects someone, why should they care about allowing you to speak your mind or voice your opinions?

first sentence: nah, don't agree. Talk is just talk. Free speech is indivisible and absolute, you either buy it as a concept or not. For example, I should be free to say I am going to be the next Timothy McVeigh...but until I actually buy the fertilizer, I haven't done anything wrong.


Second sentence makes no sense at all to me. Free speech is in no way dependent on what the other person thinks of me. It's a principle, not a plea for "mutual respect."

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Guest couch


fucking lol

Yea man don't remind him of how much money he made from that movie.


Makes me think of somebody asking Shaq about that movie he made and Shaq was all "lol some dude came up and said here's 5 million play this part in this movie" "OK LOL"

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'all men must kill babies!'


'in my opinion, all men must kill babies!'


now, let me quote mr. bill hicks.



Dear Sir,


After reading your letter expressing your concerns regarding my special 'Revelations', I felt duty-bound to respond to you myself in hopes of clarifying my position on the points you brought up, and perhaps enlighten you as to who I really am.


Where I come from — America — there exists this wacky concept called 'freedom of speech', which many people feel is one of the paramount achievements in mankind's mental development. I myself am a strong supporter of the 'Right of freedom of speech', as I'm sure most people would be if they truly understood the concept. 'Freedom of speech' means you support the right of people to say exactly those ideas which you do not agree with. (Otherwise, you don't believe in 'freedom of speech', but rather only those ideas which you believe to be acceptably stated.) Seeing as how there are so many different beliefs in the world, and as it would be virtually impossible for all of us to agree on any one belief, you may begin to realize just how important an idea like 'freedom of speech' really is. The idea basically states 'while I don't agree or care for what you are saying, I do support your right to say it, for herein lies true freedom'.


You say you found my material 'offensive' and 'blasphemous'. I find it interesting that you feel your beliefs are denigrated or threatened when I'd be willing to bet you've never received a single letter complaining about your beliefs, or asking why they are allowed to be. (If you have received such a letter, it definitely did not come from me.) Furthermore, I imagine a quick perusal of an average week of television programming would reveal many more shows of a religious nature, than one of my shows — which are called 'specials' by virtue of the fact that they are very rarely on.


All I'm doing in 'Revelations' is giving my point of view in my language based on my experiences — much the same way religious broadcasters might organize their programs. While I've found many of the religious shows I've viewed over the years not to be to my liking, or in line with my own beliefs, I've never considered it my place to exert any greater type of censorship than changing the channel, or better yet — turning off the TV completely.


Now, for the part of your letter I found most disturbing.


In support of your position of outrage, you posit the hypothetical scenario regarding the possibly 'angry' reaction of Muslims to material they might find similarly offensive. Here is my question to you: Are you tacitly condoning the violent terrorism of a handful of thugs to whom the idea of 'freedom of speech' and tolerance is perhaps as foreign as Christ's message itself? If you are somehow implying that their intolerance to contrary beliefs is justifiable, admirable, or perhaps even preferable to one of acceptance and forgiveness, then I wonder what your true beliefs really are.


If you had watched my entire show, you would have noticed in my summation of my beliefs the fervent plea to the governments of the world to spend less money on the machinery of war, and more on feeding, clothing, and educating the poor and needy of the world ... A not-so-unchristian sentiment at that!


Ultimately, the message in my material is a call for understanding rather than ignorance, peace rather than war, forgiveness rather than condemnation, and love rather than fear. While this message may have understandably been lost on your ears (due to my presentation), I assure you the thousands of people I played to in my tours of the United Kingdom got it.


I hope I helped answer some of your questions. Also, I hope you consider this an invitation to keep open the lines of communication. Please feel free to contact me personally with comments, thoughts, or questions, if you so choose. If not, I invite you to enjoy my two upcoming specials entitled 'Mohammed the TWIT' and 'Buddha, you fat PIG'. (JOKE)




Bill Hicks

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Guest Gary C

I love Breaking Bad, but I don't get any of those... aside from 'chickens', but it's not funny.

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