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Indentifying Shrooms


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Just grow your own you bimbo.

I'm finkin' bout it..






i know you live in florida boomtssphace, as do i... it'd be much appreciated if you reported back with your findings... :spiteful:



I know, I know :rolleyes:



supposedly it's quite hard to grow shrooms. way easier to go out and pick them, cheap, too. just bring someone who knows what they are doing (as suggested).

i know during the season over here they grow in cow patties (sp).

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i don't know for sure, but heard that any shroom that dries purple is a hallucinogen


psilocybin stains blue when the stem is bruised/pinched, but i WOULD NOT use this rule to guarantee a mushroom is safe.


supposedly it's quite hard to grow shrooms.


it's very easy, just make sure everything is sterilised

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i find it slightly disturbing that some species of these psilocybine shrooms look like penises.


there's a strain of cubensis bred by growers called penis envy. The shrooms can get massive, sometimes weighing 10+ grams each and theyre really potent.


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Guest nene multiple assgasms

How does the mushroom that gives you 1UP looks like?


orange with green polka dots

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I don't understand these growing kits that are available. Isn't buying the spores illegal?

not for microscopy-purposes :emotawesomepm9:


but yeah its illegal


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ive never even thought about it over here, just ambled around trampled treeless fields at dusk in autumn picking and eating everything i found. you only ever find small liverty caps at that time. i just grab the extract off people who sort it out for me these days though, saves waiting till autumn and also walking around.

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Guest Babar

If healthy, when fractured, torn, or scratched, the stem turns a shade of purple.


Even if you don't know the name of a mushroom, I recommend you to do this immediately after you have picked it and note somewhere whether its color has changed or not. This can be crucial in distinguishing two different varieties and it happens only during a couple minutes.

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Guest Space Coyote

Someone who isn't me that I know has been going out for last for saturdays to national parks with a few friends and enjoying the spoils of the cold climate Australian mad season. We seem to get two differant types


From what I gather from the vast resources online, growing mushrooms in controlled conditions doesn't seem particuarly hard. The biggest challenge as another poster already mentioned is maintaining sterility and initially obtaining spores


As far as identifying mushrooms goes, if you can't take someone experienced with you, take a camera and a notepad and record the area you're in, the types of vegetation the mushrooms are growing on and nearby, as well as detailed photos of the mushrooms themselves. A good idea is to take several differant paper bags to store differant types in so as not to get them all mixed up. With these details and photos you can post on the shroomery forums and have more knowledagable types weigh in their opinions on your find.

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iirc there are no types of magic mushrooms that won't bruise blue, so if it doesn't bruise when you squeeze it, then throw it away. It does not work conversely, however, as not all species that bruise blue are necessarily non-toxic.

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iirc there are no types of magic mushrooms that won't bruise blue, so if it doesn't bruise when you squeeze it, then throw it away. It does not work conversely, however, as not all species that bruise blue are necessarily non-toxic.

not all mm turn blue when they are squeezed, some people believe its because of the different amount of Psilocin, which -some other believe- turns blue when oxidized. Not all mm contain Psilocin, e.g. the liberty caps (P. semilanceata)

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Guest badgermeat

If you're serious about finding shrooms in the safest way possible, then you should definitely check out books by this chap, Paul Stamets. He runs workshops on how to grow gourmet and medicinal mushrooms, but has also written 'Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World' (1996, ISBN 0-89815-839-7), which is a thoroughly informative read. Happy hunting!

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