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Klyxn - who was she?

Guest SecondaryCell

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Guest SecondaryCell

WATMM... your help is needed!


Background for those that don't know the story:


Klyxn was supposedly Elisabeth Marianne Schade from Frankfurt, Germany. Klyxn joined FEM Records as an artist after we contacted her via MySpace around the end of July, 2009. Two Klyxn albums were released: konf/ac (10/26/09) and Points That Matter (11/16/09). A few days after her 2nd album was released we received word from Kylxn's mother that she had died on 11/14/09 - she had been apparently suffering from a brain tumor.


In December '09 plans were made to create a tribute CD using Klyxn remixes and collaborations from various artists. Initially Klyxn's family was receptive and even flattered by this, but after a month passed they decided against it. Also, they requested that we stop selling all Klyxn releases, which we didn't agree with but respected the family's wishes. We had already sent payment to the family for sales up to that point, and it seemed the best way to keep the memory of Klyxn alive and allow her music to be known to the world as much as possible.


Shortly after this all traces of Klyxn began to vanish as various Klyxn accounts such as her MySpace, etc. began to be deleted. FEM Records continued to keep her photos, artist & release info on our site even though we were not selling any albums.


Fast forward to earlier this week when we became aware of Nadja Barker, also of Germany. Nadja was upset because she had discovered that her photos had been used to portray Klyxn. Checking the comments on her MySpace photos we discovered that they pre-date FEM Records by many months - so the pics appear to be legitimately of Barker. See for yourself:




We have attempted to find the truth by contacting Klyxn's family, but the three contact email addresses (mother, sister, sister's boyfriend) have been deleted.


So, what is going on? Did Elisabeth ever actually exist? Was she/he someone else playing a fantastically elaborate trick on all of us?


I have been looking through all of my email conversations with klyxn and her "family" (if they are even real) and my first thought is that Lisa was real but was using these stolen images... perhaps because she was not so young, or thought herself to be not so beautiful. If this is the case I would really like to know who the real klyxn was, because the music is outstanding.


The really weird thing is that the RIP photo of klyxn posted to her MySpace page after her death is yet another pic of Nadja Barker! Either klyxn or someone with the MySpace account information went in and changed the profile pic.



Dear WATMM - I know that many of you are super-sleuths in all matters concerning the internets. Some of you live in Germany as well. I'm asking if you can bring your formidable talents to bear on this mystery in an effort to discover the truth. Are there any obituaries for Elisabeth Marianne Schade in Germany? So far I'm unable to find any.


SOMEBODY made that music, and regardless of what they looked like, or if they were male or female the music is exceptional.


Any help would be greatly appreciated - please contact me at: staff@femrecords.com


John T.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Dude, if I were you, I'd let it go. You do not need to delve into this matter. Quite frankly it's not something anybody other than anyone directly involved needs to be going into. Yes she made some fantastic music, let that be that. Not to be offensive, but it's nobody's fucking business except the family's.

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Guest SecondaryCell

Typical public reactions... however I have already received interesting info privately.


To the lurkers, thanks.. keep it coming.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Typical public reactions... however I have already received interesting info privately.


To the lurkers, thanks.. keep it coming.


"typical public reactions"


Lol, did you expect me to tell you it's your business to get involved and that I suggest you investigate this because that's a really good idea?

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#is amazed that a label can somehow (inadvertently) go even further to fuel the fire towards a male fuelled genre. good going secondarycell...

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Guest analogue wings

There are a lot of really smart people on WATMM, many of whom use humour to get their points across. What we DON'T have a lot of on WATMM is knuckle-dragging misogynists.


So it's kind of a shame that when you first revealed your deeply misguided plans for an affirmative action record label to WATMM, you arrogantly dismissed your naysayers as "sexist".


I'm genuinely sorry that you have had to go to so much trouble and expense to learn that affirmative action doesn't work. You probably could have learned the same thing with about 2 hours' of googling.


You can't fix a people problem with a system. Because it's the people that need to change. The people will game your system. You will only ever generate resentment and worsen the very problem you were trying to fix.


I hope you will learn from this and employ the energy and resources you clearly have in abundance towards something genuinely constructive.

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Guest disparaissant

i imagine you as a sweaty fat bald man in a poorly tailored tan suit who perpetually has a half smoked cigar stub sticking out of his mouth and who constantly refers to women as "broads." i also imagine you use the word "moxie" a lot. am i right y/n.

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Guest ms-dos

you're suckin some serious cock here man


your label is all dudes


while i'm here, does anyone have a username\pass for femjoy?

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