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any vegans/vegetarians/raw foodists up in da WATTM?

Guest yikes

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joshier, extremely well said. i guess it goes over most people's heads. it's not necessarily that they make the choice to eat meat, they just don't understand why it is morally incorrect. it simply is not a matter of religion, or of opinion or personal belief . . . as much as an atheist would say:


"creationism is a myth, evolution is fact"


it is also:


"mass slaughter of any animal is wrong, vegetarianism/veganism is CLEARLY morally superior - fact"


if you truly think that atheism is nihilism (in that morality is just a figment of our imaginations - that morality is a matter of faith), you are in fact worse, much worse, than any "religious person." do you see?


pain is pain.


you say, "a bear will tear you limb from limb without thinking. why would you feel bad about killing a bear?"

--- i'm sorry, but this argument... makes me so fucking mad that anybody on this forum could be so stupid - - -


take some fucking responsibility. instead of seeing me and others like me as raving preaching lunatics, see the truth! stop denying the fact that you are simply doing the WRONG thing!


any, absolutely any person with any respect for existence and life should see this, without much trouble.




i would like, hopefully within the next decade, to see this blunt, widespread, willfully accepted ignorance regarding this topic to be SHUNNED by all people LIKE US. people who clearly can think, and think often. people who are AWARE and CONSCIOUS of reality.


stop with the caveman bullshit folks, it's not funny. you can have your immature "lols" and "ima eat my beef" shit but just know that you can stop anytime and nobody will hold the previous ASININE things you have said against you. join the club, it's nicer here.

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if animals are incapable of wrong and right then why do you project our wrong and right onto them when it's time to eat? seems like those who think it's clearly morally offensive have a double standard in place to overly protect the moral grounds of the animals. it's like white people passing legislation that sports mascots depicting native americans is offensive when in actuality some of the tribes are proud to be symbols of fighting spirit and sport.


also, pain is not pain. pain is quick. depression and anxiety are real pain. i'm guessing animals experience very little of that.

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Guest Rabid

on the other hand i visited some goats in buena vista, colorado last week. bunch of baby goats running around, jumping off shit. cutest thing ever. they seemed to be pretty down with being goats. i could watch baby goats run around for an eternity. then i had some goat cheese. thanks, goats.


Baby goats are amazing.


(close enough to a baby goat)


Not to mention Google rents goats to take care of their lawn. I love goats.

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what would jesus do?


what would ghandi do?


what would the dalai lama do?


what would buddha do?


compared to:


what would YOU do?


face it, you guys can laugh, you can facepalm, you can say whatever you want, but you are the ones perpetuating the infinite pain of our fellow earthlings.




i would take 100 years of depression over being raised for a few years in my own shit with no room to move, being skinned alive and dipped in fucking boiling water, screaming all the while, watching my whole family die.



(not to mention that...well...this happens to how many individual creatures DAILY?!!!!!! please folks, use your brain, it's there for a reason).

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if i could push a button to kill everyone who disagrees with me at the same time INSTANTLY and incredibly PAINFULLY not to mention watch their entire families raped in front of them for an infinite amount of time then killed, forcing them to drink the FUCKING blood and stick needles into their eyes and noses and ears and fucking vomit and drink and vomit and shit and eat shit and sex their family members for eternity, and then force them to watch it all on a screen like a clockwork orange for ETERNITY, literally disconnecting their body from their brain and attaching their brain to the images forever, sustaining the emotions and pain for literally an infinite amount of time, while their nerves were each individually hooked up to pain creators for eternity, i would gladly do so

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what would jesus do?


what would ghandi do?


what would the dalai lama do?


what would buddha do?


compared to:


what would YOU do?


face it, you guys can laugh, you can facepalm, you can say whatever you want, but you are the ones perpetuating the infinite pain of our fellow earthlings.




i would take 100 years of depression over being raised for a few years in my own shit with no room to move, being skinned alive and dipped in fucking boiling water, screaming all the while, watching my whole family die.



(not to mention that...well...this happens to how many individual creatures DAILY?!!!!!! please folks, use your brain, it's there for a reason).


so are you just arguing mass meat production because i dont think anyone is really for that. you dont have to be a vegan to support your local farms and people that treat animals humanely.

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Guest Rambo

The argument is valid and everything but it's going to be moot pretty soon. As someone said earlier in the thread, meat will be grown in the near future.

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literally everything in this thread is a projection of some sort


how is this a projection?


this being the quoted post.

lol ok so i didn't mean literally everything, just mostly everything. morality, etc... it's all projection.

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nm dont answer you seem to think that animals give a crap about their families

mcgriff's on my page. not saying i support the slaughter of animals in this fashion (i don't, really) but we plain don't know what anyone or thing other than ourselves is thinking. we don't.

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Guest all_purpose_sandpaper

I bicycled very close to a large goose and it gave me a raspberry. That is decent parenting.

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just to make it clear, here are my views on the practicality of my beliefs and what it means to have this understanding:


A. no shit meat isn't going to go away

B. all we can do is make the farms more humane, pressure the government, and for those who care enough, fuck shit up


people who have the understanding also have the responsibility, because not many know.


i have yet to do a single thing with my anger. going vegetarian can be very, very difficult for people who enjoy food.


C. it will only change with baby steps, and those steps are taken by the forward thinking people, in all periods of time. in 100, 1000 years, we will look back on these times much worse than we look back on the dark ages today.


exponentially exponentially worse.


i can feel that some of you are starting to realize that i'm right, i can't keep arguing but even if i get just a single person to start thinking differently, i will have succeeded.

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Guest all_purpose_sandpaper

just to make it clear, here are my views on the practicality of my beliefs and what it means to have this understanding:


A. no shit meat isn't going to go away

B. all we can do is make the farms more humane, pressure the government, and for those who care enough, fuck shit up


people who have the understanding also have the responsibility, because not many know.


i have yet to do a single thing with my anger. going vegetarian can be very, very difficult for people who enjoy food.


C. it will only change with baby steps, and those steps are taken by the forward thinking people, in all periods of time. in 100, 1000 years, we will look back on these times much worse than we look back on the dark ages today.


exponentially exponentially worse.


i can feel that some of you are starting to realize that i'm right, i can't keep arguing but even if i get just a single person to start thinking differently, i will have succeeded.


I enjoy food.


Also interested in the synthetic meat stories.


Will eat whatever if it comes down to it. Space packets, veggie burgers etc. Especially if the practice gives everyone on the planet a fair shake of the stick.

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