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any vegans/vegetarians/raw foodists up in da WATTM?

Guest yikes

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Guest Laughable Butane Bob

I've been seeing a vegan woman for the last 6 months. It's nice cooking with her, I have a very healthy respect for tofu and soy milk now. Vegan baking is my favorite. Vegan women are great, nice and fit.

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Guest Laughable Butane Bob

Why? Just.....why?

Most things people eat, that they think are food, are not food. Nearly anything processed, while edible, is not "food". I would go vegan, I rarely eat meat, but I cannot give up dairy.
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I've been seeing a vegan woman for the last 6 months. It's nice cooking with her, I have a very healthy respect for tofu and soy milk now. Vegan baking is my favorite. Vegan women are great, nice and fit.



They would be thin alright, but isnt vegan a bit unhealthy for you. Do you not have to take a shit load of supplements?

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Guest Masonic Boom

I haven't eaten meat in about 20+ years (after a particularly bad acid trip where my mother gave me a plate with a rib-eye steak for lunch and as I was eating, it OPENED ITS EYE AND LOOKED AT ME - completely freaked out, haven't eaten meat since) but I confess, I could not survive without cheese or eggs.


You can be vegan and healthy, but it involves a *lot* of eating seeds and nuts to get omega oils and the like. (I have dated a couple of vegan boys in my time)

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Guest yikes



last time i ever ate chicken was at a bbq and i was high as a kite on good weed and i just got disgusted at myself and felt ....nausea as I scrutinized myself pulling flesh from a bone

chucked the chicken leg into the woods and never really ever ate ANY red meat since

when i was in italy i had cheese because it was impossible not to 50% of the time

good thing i love real reggiano parmesan and mozzerallla


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Guest Laughable Butane Bob

Everyone always says "veganism can be unhealthy", but your average non-vegan lifestyle is almost always considerably more unhealthy. Taking care of yourself, getting a balance of nutrients, is important no matter what your dietary choices are. My lady is very healthy, she cooks nearly all of her meals, while on the other hand I have a friend who is vegan who eats HoneyBunny's and drinks Pepsi.

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Guest Laughable Butane Bob

I live in the south, so it is hard to find good cruelty free meals, but there is a raw food restaurant in town, I can't get enough of it.


I feel better when I eat food that isn't processed. Veganism has its merits in the sense that it keeps you from eating most of the garbage being passed off as food these days.

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my vegan friends' diets consist of lots of legumes, dark greens (like kale which contains iron, mustard greens, collards), roasted root vegetables, curries, chilis, soups+dhals, occasional tofu products, fresh fruit juices, fresh herbs, tasty breads, vegetarian sushis.. and a bit of nutritianal yeast to get your b vitamins.. etc etc etc. it's an incredibly healthy diet and the sky is the limit really in terms of what you can eat.


of course you can live on refined soy products and be the unhealthiest vegan ever.

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when i was a young human, i grew my own sharp canine teeth for eating meat. meat is good. its a form of recycling. and recycling is good. i recycle animals.

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Everyone always says "veganism can be unhealthy", but your average non-vegan lifestyle is almost always considerably more unhealthy. Taking care of yourself, getting a balance of nutrients, is important no matter what your dietary choices are. My lady is very healthy, she cooks nearly all of her meals, while on the other hand I have a friend who is vegan who eats HoneyBunny's and drinks Pepsi.



Thats what Im saying. Its all about balance. I dont get why you would not allow yourself to eat something? Just keep everything in check. If you have the will to pull of being a vegan you could easily keep a balanced controlled diet and have an even healthier diet.

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The all-wise Sarah Palin said it best: "If any vegans came over for dinner, I could whip them up a salad, then explain my philosophy on being a carnivore: If God had not intended for us to eat animals, how come He made them out of meat?"

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I was veggie then pescetarian for about 8 or so years due to being grossed out by eating slimy chicken off a bone and just avoiding it along with beef and pork altogether.


I didn't eat many fancy veggies or grains all the time, but i often utilized the soy or veggie options (boca burgers, veggie bacon, etc.) which can be argued are like the junk food of vegetarianism.


Then one day I craved chicken (white meat, off the bone) and so I ate it. Didn't get sick or anything. Now I eat white meat chicken and occasionally pork but still don't mind vegetarian dishes on the regular. If anyone has any favorite veggie meal recipes, you should post them!


I agree that if your body is craving something, why deprive it? To a healthy extent of course.

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I was veggie then pescetarian


I've never quite grasped why, if "vegetarian" means "only eats vegetable/plant products," wouldn't "pescetarian" mean "only eats fish/seafood products?"


I totally agree. Doesn't make sense. I suppose the alternate term "pesco-vegetarianism" makes more sense, but I'd never heard it used before I saw that wiki article.

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Guest Laughable Butane Bob

I think being around lots of vegans has just improved my cookin' skillz (and opened my tastebuds in general)

Yeah, I don't just dump butter in whatever I am cooking these days, I am much more mindful of my ingredients.
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(This is not directed at anyone)


I see a lot of pescetarians eating the most unsustainable stuff and it really pisses me off (at least to the extent they claim their dining choices are based on moral/ethical/environmental reasons, which seems to be often 'round these parts). One such girl I know probably goes through 6 blue fin tunas a year.


The Monterrey Bay Aquarium has a really helpful guide to seafood which I try to use as much as possible; I slip up from time to time but I'm making an effort. I'm not trying to preach, but if you're so inclined, maybe check out one of these guides or something similar if you're considering pescetarianism or eat a lot of seafood:




I grew up around basically a fishing community (or what was left of it), so these issues are a little close to m'heart. Sorry.


I'm currently an omnivore, but I've been considering a move to vegetarianism/pescetarianism for a while. I would not be able to give up eggs/dairy, though. I get intense cravings for that, especially when I've been cutting back on meat, and I'm pretty sure my body needs that shit (if nothing else, to keep me from getting all depressed).


I mean, seriously, I can pretty much spontaneously orgasm while eating some decent brie. You. . . you probably didn't need to know that.

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Guest ruiagnelo

I don't think a vegan diet will ever be healthy and balanced and i won't believe even scientists saying that.


Balanced and healthy food habits are all about MODERATION. Not what you eat.

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