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any vegans/vegetarians/raw foodists up in da WATTM?

Guest yikes

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This is all nice, but what if we didn't eat meat?

There'd be no need to keep and raise live stock... so, what are we supposed to do with the all the animals? Let them free to roam the cities looking for food? Or just have a nice worldwide holocaust where we burn all the unwanted cows/pigs/chicken/geese/sheep etc to stop them from fucking up our eco system?

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This is all nice, There'd be no need to keep and raise live stock... so just lets have a nice worldwide holocaust where we burn all the unwanted cows/pigs/chicken/geese/sheep etc

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Can a vegetarian here give me an example of their eating "plan" for one day, please? I'd be interested to know what your meals are like over the course of a day.


I don't know if I'm looking after myself well enough... I feel healthy... as far as I know the main point is to remember the balance of each meal should have some fruit/vegetables, a carbohydrate (like rice, bread, potatoes etc) and a protein (beans, chickpeas, tofu, and other vegetarian meat replacements like vege sausages, YUM! Also nuts and certain grains like quinoa are good sources of protein, and I still eat freerange eggs, I'm FAR from being vegan).


I eat dense, heavy wholegrain bread (usually for lunch... toast with peanut butter or hummus) because it's high in iron (and also cos white bread in New Zealand is awful, I stopped eating white bread when I was 9) and most muesli is good for iron and protein as well (for breakfast). Dinner might be something like... falafel (I just buy ready made falafel mix) or vegetarian sausages, sweet potato and a salad... or tofu with rice and stir fried vegetables.


Apparently I should be taking flaxseed oil as well but I'm lazy and I hate taking pills. This is instead of eating salmon (I think it's omega 3's or something like that). AS far as I know, most vegetarians won't have to take any other supliments other than this if they balance their meals right.

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Guest joshier

Think it's worthy of a mention the disease outbreaks that have occurred not so long ago, perhaps mainly because of the poor conditions a lot of these farms have eg,. Foot and mouth. The problem is at such a level that nature actually intervenes.

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Former President Ronald Reagan - Due to the publicity concerning Ronnie’s colon cancer, the general public is very aware of this serious subject.

Many people are eating better and examining natural approaches to prevent colon cancer.


John Wayne - Autopsy revealed that John Wayne's colon weighed 82 pounds. 77 pounds were composed of dried fecal matter. The remaining 5 pounds was living tissue.


Elvis Presley - A Memphis, Tennessee newspaper reported on August 28, 1977 that Elvis Presley had been hospitalized for 32 days with an impacted colon.

One year later he was dead. Reporting on his death the Knight News Wire stated, "Presley was found dead at 2:30 P.M. August 16, green pajama bottoms

around his ankles, face down on the red shag rug in front of the toilet. He had been dead for several hours. Medical investigators believe his last act

had been, in their terms, “straining at the stool” the rarely mention cause of 1 in 20 deaths.”


Cartoonist Charles M. Shulz - Creator of the comic strip, Peanuts, died Saturday evening, February 12, 2000 of complications from colon cancer in Santa Rosa, CA. He was 77 years old.


they call it the animals silent revenge and it comes in many forms - colon related illness is just one
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Former President Ronald Reagan - Due to the publicity concerning Ronnie’s colon cancer, the general public is very aware of this serious subject.

Many people are eating better and examining natural approaches to prevent colon cancer.


John Wayne - Autopsy revealed that John Wayne's colon weighed 82 pounds. 77 pounds were composed of dried fecal matter. The remaining 5 pounds was living tissue.


Elvis Presley - A Memphis, Tennessee newspaper reported on August 28, 1977 that Elvis Presley had been hospitalized for 32 days with an impacted colon.

One year later he was dead. Reporting on his death the Knight News Wire stated, "Presley was found dead at 2:30 P.M. August 16, green pajama bottoms

around his ankles, face down on the red shag rug in front of the toilet. He had been dead for several hours. Medical investigators believe his last act

had been, in their terms, “straining at the stool” the rarely mention cause of 1 in 20 deaths.”


Cartoonist Charles M. Shulz - Creator of the comic strip, Peanuts, died Saturday evening, February 12, 2000 of complications from colon cancer in Santa Rosa, CA. He was 77 years old.


they call it the animals silent revenge and it comes in many forms - colon related illness is just one

Yeah, that's actually complete bullshit mate.




If you do a quick google search almost every page says his colon was not weighed and that such a thing was never discovered, nor would it be possible because like that article says, merely one kg of impacted fecal matter would normally cause bleeding from the asshole and extreme pain. You shouldn't even have to do a google search, as soon as I read "his colon weighed 89 pounds" my bullshit meter nearly broke from how hard it hit the top. Come on man, you're making a poor example for your supposedly intelligent and morally superior, spiritually-advanced(or whatever nonsense was being spouted in this or the other thread) vegan friends.


Or maybe you are smart and you're just spinning the tits off of facts and using false rumors like your friends at PETA?

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i think you can eat extremely unhealthily no matter what you subscribe to.. i know people whose diet consists almost entirely of refined flour and low quality meat, and they look about a decade older than they actually are

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I find it hilarious how many people (including, apparently, Madonna) buy into the myth about fecal matter backing up inside them, and pay big money for "high colonics" and other ass-violating quack remedies. It seems to be the thing that replaced "psychic surgery" after people finally realized that was bogus.

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they call it the animals silent revenge and it comes in many forms - colon related illness is just one


living in ignorance is our choice - 'ignorance is bliss' (so they say)

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And some vegans are against eating honey? What the fuck?


while i'm clearly sympathetic towards veganism, that's about the only thing I could never agree with. i mean we are made from the same stuff animals are made of, common ancestry and dna, we can even swap animal organs into humans sometimes.. we have a remarkably similar brain+cns so you can totally argue animals feel pain and experience some sort of emotion comparable to humans. and some animals (dolphins+apes) are remarkably intelligent and really push those 'boundaries'


but bugs are getting to that fuzzy line where it's like, should i eat vegan yogurt because I'm eating bacterium? not only that but the so-called suffering inflicted on honeybees happens regardless of whether or not humans are there to harvest the honey


i don't go out of my way to torture insects, but i do swat flies and lay out ant poison when my house gets infested.

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btw - i'm not a proponent of colon therapy. i think that it is invasive and disruptive to the natural

balance and microbiology that exists in the colon - i instead recommend that people avoid the cause

of this and any problem instead of relying on quick fixes and medications - approach and illuminate

the root of the problem with diet and lifestyle changes.

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And some vegans are against eating honey? What the fuck?


its a very subtle area to get into - but true non-the-less. harvesting honey and bee products of all kinds is a form of theft from the bees - just as dairy and eggs are a form of

theft from animals (again-the best way to truly understand this is to put yourself in the position of the victim here and ask oneself how it would feel to have these important items

you created as your family/for your young or were saving for the long hard winter stolen) it's hard for most people to come to terms with these subtleties in their

lifestyles - but they are there if we choose to slowly approach them.

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Guest theSun

btw - i'm not a proponent of colon therapy. i think that it is invasive and disruptive to the natural

balance and microbiology that exists in the colon - i instead recommend that people avoid the cause

of this and any problem instead of relying on quick fixes and medications - approach and illuminate

the root of the problem with diet and lifestyle changes.


the cause of what? the myth that you can have tens of pounds of shit stuck in your shitter?


also - you hear about livestock disease outbreaks because (most of )our cattle are turning more and more into a monoculture where every animal has similar natural strengths/weaknesses in their genes, leaving them susceptible to the same strains of disease. same thing is happening with many other crops, such as the potato.

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Apparently I should be taking flaxseed oil as well but I'm lazy and I hate taking pills. This is instead of eating salmon (I think it's omega 3's or something like that). AS far as I know, most vegetarians won't have to take any other supliments other than this if they balance their meals right.


I've noticed that there are a few brands of soy milk and other vegetarian products that have omega oils taken from seaweed, etc, and this is the stuff I personally would go for, as those contain your DHA fatty acids which the body makes far more efficient use of than ALA from flax seed (the body only metabolizes a fraction of ALA into DHA, and even less if you are a male).

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Guest aeser

vegan for about 12 years now. tried going raw about 5 years ago but couldn't hang with it.


fuck the haters.

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Guest joshier

... The meat eaters here - unfit and driven to tears have collapsed on their keyboards while the cinemen bun fart smelling vegetarians with their smooth olive, fresh and healthy skin have just started on their rampage-athon thread abuse war. These slick raiders of the veg-for-life fighters live for this moment, a calm soft pulse like the spinning and confident lighthouse of the seas - unscathed by the blood ridden fat handed and sweaty keyboard pushers with the egos the size of that well fucking tall new building in Dubai, they fight to the death and will shine the fearsome silhouetted fat-penis looking flag of courgettes between their sensitive green fingers, the fucking turtle stealing grub fuckers they are.


Green power!

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... The meat eaters here - unfit and driven to tears have collapsed on their keyboards while the cinemen bun fart smelling vegetarians with their smooth olive, fresh and healthy skin have just started on their rampage-athon thread abuse war. These slick raiders of the veg-for-life fighters live for this moment, a calm soft pulse like the spinning and confident lighthouse of the seas - unscathed by the blood ridden fat handed and sweaty keyboard pushers with the egos the size of that well fucking tall new building in Dubai, they fight to the death and will shine the fearsome silhouetted fat-penis looking flag of courgettes between their sensitive green fingers, the fucking turtle stealing grub fuckers they are.


why start a war.. subjective metaphors do nothing to further any cause no matter how worthy it is. neither does getting people's backs up.


if you're joking, i'm just mentioning it because i've seen similar reactions that are outright intended to be serious

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