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any vegans/vegetarians/raw foodists up in da WATTM?

Guest yikes

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Guest joshier

Because personally offending will spark neutral debate? My "rant" was clearly Tongue in cheek. Nevermind...

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true facts about eating meat/predatorianism/killianity:


sean booth died of 700 pounds (great british) of animal feces in his liver, this is the result of hamburgers.


1,000,000,000 animals (koalas, beavers, tarantulas, hams, etc) are slaughtered by cruel americans who eat their scrotums out while the animals are still alive, then they kick their balls to death.


meat eaters only live 15 years old.


humans are supposed to protect other animals b/c that's why GOD MADE US IN THE FIRST PLACE (cf, Voltaire)


WAKE UP if you were in a wooded area being chased by a killer whale you would wish that animal was a vegan so that why you should be a vegan. MORALS DUH

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... The meat eaters here - unfit and driven to tears have collapsed on their keyboards while the cinemen bun fart smelling vegetarians with their smooth olive, fresh and healthy skin have just started on their rampage-athon thread abuse war. These slick raiders of the veg-for-life fighters live for this moment, a calm soft pulse like the spinning and confident lighthouse of the seas - unscathed by the blood ridden fat handed and sweaty keyboard pushers with the egos the size of that well fucking tall new building in Dubai, they fight to the death and will shine the fearsome silhouetted fat-penis looking flag of courgettes between their sensitive green fingers, the fucking turtle stealing grub fuckers they are.


Green power!



Oh joshier, you certainly bring teh lols.

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Guest Rabid

true facts about eating meat/predatorianism/killianity:


sean booth died of 700 pounds (great british) of animal feces in his liver, this is the result of hamburgers.


1,000,000,000 animals (koalas, beavers, tarantulas, hams, etc) are slaughtered by cruel americans who eat their scrotums out while the animals are still alive, then they kick their balls to death.


meat eaters only live 15 years old.


humans are supposed to protect other animals b/c that's why GOD MADE US IN THE FIRST PLACE (cf, Voltaire)


WAKE UP if you were in a wooded area being chased by a killer whale you would wish that animal was a vegan so that why you should be a vegan. MORALS DUH

lol, win.

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Guest joshier

Don't know if it's been mentioned but human brains are similar to animals ones - an animal brain has all the same parts as ours (the more evolved and complex ones) but some parts of ours are just larger or a variation of the same parts.


As for elephants - they have bigger brains and show signs of live/care. They are one of the few animals along with dolphins that have been shown to help non-similar species out in case of danger. Ref: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant_intelligence

I highly recommend this interesting read unless you are reserved about humans beings being alone in feeling or having emotions.



Elephants are thought to be highly altruistic animals that will even aid other species, including humans, in distress. In India, an elephant was helping locals lift logs by following a truck and placing the logs in pre-dug holes upon instruction from the mahout (elephant trainer). At a certain hole, the elephant refused to lower the log. The mahout came to investigate the hold up and noticed a dog sleeping in the hole. The elephant only lowered the log when the dog was gone.[19]


Cynthia Moss has often seen elephants going out of their way to avoid hurting or killing a human, even when it was difficult for them (such as having to walk backwards to avoid a person).


Joyce Poole documented an encounter told to her by Colin Francombe on Kuki Gallman's Laikipia Ranch. A ranch herder was out on his own with camels when he came across a family of elephants. The matriarch charged at him and knocked him over with her trunk, breaking one of his legs. In the evening, when he didn't return, a search party was sent in a truck to find him. When the party discovered him, he was being guarded by an elephant. The animal charged the truck, so they shot over her and scared her away. The herdsman later told them that when he couldn't stand up, the elephant used her trunk to lift him under the shade of a tree. She guarded him for the day and would gently touch him with her trunk.[10]

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The all-wise Sarah Palin said it best: "If any vegans came over for dinner, I could whip them up a salad, then explain my philosophy on being a carnivore: If God had not intended for us to eat animals, how come He made them out of meat?"




she is so fucking obnoxious!

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The industrial farming of meat in America and undoubtedly the rest of the world has become incredibly out of hand and unacceptable. Cow farts alone account for something like 20% of the carbon emissions of this country.


rolling drooling lol's

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Wow, i totally want a flock too (so I can *cough* make lots of money$zzzzzz*cough*) If I start a religion will anybody join up? High-ranking positions are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

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If I start a religion will anybody join up?


the more accurate the less people will want to join - i've found that the majority of the world hates the truth and will avoid it at all costs

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