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any vegans/vegetarians/raw foodists up in da WATTM?

Guest yikes

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The way I see it, the vegans and vegetarians are messing up everything by living longer cuz the last thing this world needs is more people.


And I'm happy the regular people are dying.


So really I wish everyone would die.

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The way I see it, the vegans and vegetarians are messing up everything by living longer cuz the last thing this world needs is more people.


And I'm happy the regular people are dying.


So really I wish everyone would die.



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The way I see it, the vegans and vegetarians are messing up everything by living longer cuz the last thing this world needs is more people.



Sure, some may be living longer but the rest are all committing suicide.

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Guest theSun

troon/joshier/other vegans or whatever in this thread, what's your stance on GM foods?


Genetically modified foods can be beneficial, but it's better to diversify. The potato famine in Ireland happened because they mostly grew one type of potato. When a spore came back on a ship from South America, it wiped out all of their crops. This happened because the spore was only detrimental to one type of potato. If they had grown many different types, there may have not been a famine.


Living in a food monoculture is dangerous. We only have three or four popular types of apples in the US even though there are hundreds of different types.


lolyou read michael pollan?

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troon/joshier/other vegans or whatever in this thread, what's your stance on GM foods?


Genetically modified foods can be beneficial, but it's better to diversify. The potato famine in Ireland happened because they mostly grew one type of potato. When a spore came back on a ship from South America, it wiped out all of their crops. This happened because the spore was only detrimental to one type of potato. If they had grown many different types, there may have not been a famine.


Living in a food monoculture is dangerous. We only have three or four popular types of apples in the US even though there are hundreds of different types.


lolyou read michael pollan?



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Guest joshier

troon/joshier/other vegans or whatever in this thread, what's your stance on GM foods?


Genetically modified foods can be beneficial, but it's better to diversify. The potato famine in Ireland happened because they mostly grew one type of potato. When a spore came back on a ship from South America, it wiped out all of their crops. This happened because the spore was only detrimental to one type of potato. If they had grown many different types, there may have not been a famine.


Living in a food monoculture is dangerous. We only have three or four popular types of apples in the US even though there are hundreds of different types.

Much like bananas then in the case of having one strain.

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  • 2 weeks later...

troon/joshier/other vegans or whatever in this thread, what's your stance on GM foods?



ET :


all the scientific data suggests GMO are death and its gonna/is fuck(ing) up a lot of shit. and whats this about how theres no cancers? man, cancer rates are on the rise and there not going back, and its only gonna get worse with the GMO, chemicals, and everything else. "cunts are still living too long" because they didnt start the whole GMO thing until the early 90s about, and so were only a decade or so in. the beginning effects have begun, and its a downhill spiral


and there can be plenty of non GMO food for everyone...we dont need monsanto to survive as a human race! if that was true, they would be a highly targeted organization by terrorist groups. and our tissue isnt like leather



could not have said it better myself

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  • 4 years later...



I don't see the relation between needing meat and getting stronger muscles. People know of elephants and rhinos, right? Plant based diet,




Humans do not share the same digestive systems, body compositions, metabolism, or biological mechanics of rhinos and elephants.



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I don't know any unhealthy vegans. All the vegans I know have been vegan for at least a decade and vegetarian far longer, and are probably a lot healthier than I am.

Saying you can't gain muscle mass when you are vegan is complete and utter bollocks.. there's vegan athletes out there and if you look at their photos they are not hurting for muscle mass.

RAS G is Vegan!



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Vegan women are great, nice and fit.

they also smell better overall and taste better down below :spiteful:


right so that's not true of raw-vegan (mainly fruit based) AT ALL


proper dodgy taste

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21 years vegan no real ethical reasons anymore. started off because i hated my mums cooking (sorry mum)


also i saw some documentaries about this starvation diet thing (which i now do for about 2 years ) eat a quarter of your calorie intake 1 day then eat whatever the next. really works for me bags of energy, weight loss, feel great from it.


the scientists who looked in to this studied that during times of social poverty when there was a lack of food etc the death rate fell. and most people who live for ages usually eat much less than others. baby portions almost. think its called something like the 2:1 diet



i like these vegetarians who just eat chips or vegetarians who eat white meat

also, reading lots at the moment about super foods

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what sold this fasting diet to me was that after 24 hours of fasting the cells apparently go in to repair mode as opposed to when you have protein which creates lots of new cells. i thought that sounded cool.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest HokusPoker

what sold this fasting diet to me was that after 24 hours of fasting the cells apparently go in to repair mode as opposed to when you have protein which creates lots of new cells. i thought that sounded cool.


Others say your body goes into HUNGER!PANIC! mode and you can end up having metabolic damage which may take years to heal.


Vegan for more than one and a half years here, vegetarian for more than 2 years. Lots of it raw, I never restrict my calorie intake, lots of carbohydrates.

No weight gained, no weight lost (don't need to), feeling great.

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I will probably never go full veggie but I do want to have a fairly low meat intake, especially red meat, mainly for environmental reasons. 75% of what I cook for myself and the missus is veggie these days (Big thanks go to Yves Veggie Ground Round)


Re the fasting diet, I have never done it consciously but my natural eating pattern seems to be close to what it entails. Never noticed anything physical, but I certainly notice that I feel more mentally agile when I am chronically a little bit hungry


That which is unfed may never die.


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