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any vegans/vegetarians/raw foodists up in da WATTM?

Guest yikes

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I guess I'm semi-vegetarian or something. The only meat I really eat is chicken, turkey, and fish. I stopped eating red meat and pigz, cute animals, etc. when I was about 11 years old. I never missed it. Although I eat hamburgers and hotdogs if someone else is offering them to me for free. But I'd never buy that shit for myself.


I don't really like chewing on meat by itself. I never crave it so I don't eat it.

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I only eat raw fruit that's fallen to the ground naturally, because I believe that picking it off the organism that gave birth to it is inhumane.

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Guest Babar

I never understood what is the point in being a vegan/etc. I mean i met some vegans throughout my life, but when I asked them why they made this life-choice they were unable to come up with a structured answer. What are you motivations ? Can it be beneficial to your health ?

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Guest ruiagnelo

I never understood what is the point in being a vegan/etc. I mean i met some vegans throughout my life, but when I asked them why they made this life-choice they were unable to come up with a structured answer. What are you motivations ? Can it be beneficial to your health ?


Exactly. What i really hate its that they can't really explain why.

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There are plenty of explanations as to why. I'd imagine everyone has a different one. Red meat in typical Western diet quantities is fucking terrible for you, for one thing. Obviously, subsisting on a diet of soymilk and wheat grass isn't good for you either, but I don't think that's typical.


On the ethical side, you could read some Pete Singer or something, although there are more subtle/mainstreamy ethical arguments for not consuming animals out there.


There's also a resource-level reasoning; putting land into production for, eg, cattle is hugely resource intensive and not particularly sustainable. The ecological footprint is huge.


I'm not an advocate for veganism (and I currently eat meat), but just because some people can't explain to you their position doesn't mean that others can't, or that there is no reasoning behind their choices. Whether you agree with those choices is one thing, but don't be so fucking arrogant as to think all vegans are jumping on some feel-good irrational trend.

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My girlfriend is a vegan, it's ok, but I'm not giving up meat.

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Guest Drahken

I've met two kinds of vegans in my life. Trendy hipster fucks that are vegan so they can show how much more awesome than a meat eater they are, and legit ones that don't get all righteous on people about it. My sis is a vegan when she can afford it, a fairly realistic statement if ever I heard one, and realizes its a life style choice not everyone is blessed enough to be able to choose, nor is it a sustainable one for the entire planet. I have no issue with vegans or most of the reasons why they choose to be. Its when they start babbling about how its the only 'natural' choice, or that it is possible for everyone to be vegan.

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Even as a meat eater, what I don't get is why as soon as someone says they are vegetarian/vegan, some people freak out. To each their own. I had a relative who quit eating meat merely because she couldn't stand the taste of it. I have another friend who is vegetarian because he has crohn's and eating meat is actually very bad for him. There's a million reasons why. (Also.. factory farming is pretty fucking sick.)


It's true you will run into some militant vegans now and then but im my experience that's pretty rare, and usually they are only reacting because they are being put through the spanish inquisition by meat eaters in the first place.

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Its when they start babbling about how its the only 'natural' choice, or that it is possible for everyone to be vegan.


I hear you on that one.. It's funny how some people assume that every human body is exactly the same as theirs but hey meat eaters do that too. I tend to just let such comments slide or step away when those conversations start as clashing belief systems are usually an exercise in :facepalm:

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i'm slowing down my meat intake. i was a vegetarian until i was 18, close to 19. recently my friends and i have been cooking almost exclusively vegetarian. it is a lot of fun. but i do enjoy meat from time to time, it is a beautiful form of nourishment and flavour. i also made tofu for a year or so.

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Guest joshier

Part of cutting down on any type of food is a good way of pushing yourself to get a bit creative. I've made a couple creative things recently and food is always better when you do it yourself.


I do eat meat, however this is rarely- I sometimes eat the mushroom alternative, whatever it's called. I don't like stumbling upon bone in a meal, nor do I like much fish and dislike the rubberyness of pork. I'm not a fan of the texture, I don't like the idea if eating car tyre or bits of bacon that break off like really hard and burnt toast.


Pasta is good for filling you up along with bread. Couldn't give up cheese and also I have quite a bit of fruit like pineapples, apples, bananas, oranges and so on.


Funny thing is, formers could just wait until the animal naturally dies after having a normal life, ok so the meat might not be as tough or chewy but the selfish fucks that those type of people are should put up with it and if you really need your young cow meat, kill one for your self.

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

ok i KNOW it's easy but...


haven't eaten any meat in 20+years

no dairy or eggs either


anyone else on the carrot juice?



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i gave up meats for a couple of years because i thought it was totally doable and also futuristic!, but once i got to a certain level in cycling & climbing i started eating meats again to recover and get stronger. if i had put lot of thought into my diet i would've managed on the proteins from legumes and nuts (DEM NUTS) but alas, i didn't care enough. i'll probably give it another try later in mahlife.

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i pretty much stopped eating meat about a year ago because i stopped enjoying it. hard to explain, i still enjoyed the taste/smell, but my body just didn't like it. since then i've had bits periodically and that seems to be good enough for me. a while ago i had a bite of steak and i was like "WHOA meat endorphins", totally high on meat for 30 seconds. didn't like it.


i eat a lot of nuts, nut sauce, protein-rich sperm seeds, legumes, and analingus.

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Guest analogue wings

I used to be a vegatarian, but then I spent 20,000,000 years evolving into an omnivore

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On the one hand, evolutionarily speaking, without the domestication of animals for meat consumption, homo sapiens would probably never have developed a full division on labor and remained as relative hunter-gatherers for their entire existence on the Earth. And even before that ancestral humans obviously were omnivores. So meat has been essential to our development as evolved humans and denying that seems counter-intuitive.


On the other hand, the industrial farming of meat in America and undoubtedly the rest of the world has become incredibly out of hand and unacceptable. Cow farts alone account for something like 20% of the carbon emissions of this country. I never eat beef or pork at restaurants unless they indicate it comes from local farmers, the same local farmers who I would buy beef from at the local supermarket. The industry is incredibly damaging to the environment and the meat doesn't taste that good.


So the problem isn't eating meat for me, it tastes good and humans have been killing animals for as long as they could be called humans and have been farming them for at least the last 10,000 years. The problem is how you get the meat to your table. If you can get meat that hasn't been through the cruel industrial system then dig in!

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Why should anyone have to explain? Fuck off innit.


Its a question that people ask. You dont have to explain but normally people would.


Usually people have reasons for doing things. Unless youre some sort of retard that does things for no reason what so ever.

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Guest ruiagnelo

Why should anyone have to explain? Fuck off innit.


Usually people have reasons for doing things. Unless youre some sort of retard that does things for no reason what so ever.


Indeed. Specially when people are messing around with their body.

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