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any vegans/vegetarians/raw foodists up in da WATTM?

Guest yikes

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Guest joshier

I don't see the relation between needing meat and getting stronger muscles. People know of elephants and rhinos, right? Plant based diet,

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Guest disparaissant

i was vegetarian for quite a few years, and vegan for 3. vegetarianism was because i was all like super anarcho-hippie-leftist-whatever and that was just the thing to do and vegan because somewhere along the line i developed a pretty severe lactose intolerance. i gave it up, i like the taste of meat. what can i say. i don't eat a lot of it and i don't eat shit meat, mostly organic free range type stuff but whatever. eat what you want to eat, i guess.


i should add that somehow starting to eat meat again made my lactose intolerance go from "oh fuck was that cheese? i'm about to die!" to "oh, cheese? well that's going to be an unpleasant bowel movement time but hey i like cheese, so whatever."

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Guest disparaissant

I have a lactose intolerance apparently. Still doesnt stop me drinking a big glass of milk every day *AAAAaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh*


i can't do that, but i do love cheese. and i live in wisconsin so wahey, good cheese everywhere.

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I have a lactose intolerance apparently. Still doesnt stop me drinking a big glass of milk every day *AAAAaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh*


i can't do that, but i do love cheese. and i live in wisconsin so wahey, good cheese everywhere.


I showed them doctors with their modern medicine. Cheese is the best thing Camembert nomnomnomnomnomnom

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Guest yikes

its comical how easily carnivores get offended just by the idea of not eating meat

99 percent of the world eats meat and according to most of them its a god given right dammit!!!!

life's too short -eat whatever you want folks

it just ain"t for me

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its comical how easily scarnivores get offended just by the idea of not eating meat

99 percent of the world eats meat and according to most of them its a god given right dammit!!!!

life's too short -eat whatever you want folks

it just ain"t for me


Whats a scarnivore? :emotawesomepm9:


Fair enough. So youre reason is you dont like meat? Thats a good reason, never said it wasnt. I dont believe in depriving myself.

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I don't see the relation between needing meat and getting stronger muscles. People know of elephants and rhinos, right? Plant based diet,





Humans do not share the same digestive systems, body compositions, metabolism, or biological mechanics of rhinos and elephants.

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Guest joshier

I don't see the relation between needing meat and getting stronger muscles. People know of elephants and rhinos, right? Plant based diet,



Humans do not share the same digestive systems, body compositions, metabolism, or biological mechanics of rhinos and elephants.

I was pointing out the false belief that if you don't eat meat, you can't gain significant muscle mass, as one member on page 2 or 3 said.


I'm replying again because you're edging towards that false belief.


As for metobolism, the term is used to describe how food (that is, whatever food source the living thing eats whether it be plant or meat based) converts it to useable energy, so it would be incorrect in saying rhinos or elephants do not have the same metabolic process. That's like saying a diesel car works differently in the consumption of fuel in comparison to petrol cars.

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I eat everything. But I have problems in the last years, problems with imagining the animal I eat used to be alive and it's not and I'm going to consume it.


I have eaten hundreds if not thousands of animals in my life. No animal ever ate me (little ones try all the time though). It doesn't seem fair. I know a shark would eat me and a lion would too but am I not spiritually higher? I guess not.


I'm serious here, I see all this as my intimate problem.

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been a pescatarian since the age of five and a veggi for well over ten years


as long as you get a B12 supplement everything else the body needs can be found elswhere its just a case of learning what to eat


animals artificially mass produced just to go through a short life of abusive conditions, pumped full of chemicals just to end being hug upside down semi concious (or worse) while having its throat slit isn't really needed to feed me in the modern age and not something a few million years of evolution was intended for imho


either you give a shit or you don't


been a pescatarian since the age of five and a veggi for well over ten years


as long as you get a B12 supplement everything else the body needs can be found elswhere its just a case of learning what to eat


animals artificially mass produced just to go through a short life of abusive conditions, pumped full of chemicals just to end being hug upside down semi concious (or worse) while having its throat slit isn't really needed to feed me in the modern age and not something a few million years of evolution was intended for imho


either you give a shit or you don't

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I don't know any unhealthy vegans. All the vegans I know have been vegan for at least a decade and vegetarian far longer, and are probably a lot healthier than I am.

Saying you can't gain muscle mass when you are vegan is complete and utter bollocks.. there's vegan athletes out there and if you look at their photos they are not hurting for muscle mass.

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Guest disparaissant

i know a fat vegan. i think all she ate was french fries but im not sure. either way, she was disgusting and a total bitch and i hated being around her but her boyfriend sold me weed.

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I'm vegan for the time being. I've been vegetarian for over three years. Not sure when I'll go back, but I like being vegan right now.


I definitely get enough vitamins and minerals, I just have to work at getting the appropriate amount of calories.


I eat a lot of oatmeal, [strictly semolina] pastas, black beans, brown rice, potatoes, onions, and tofu.


I'll probably never eat meat again.

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I really dont think afraid is the word.


I'd just like to say that in the last 24 hours ive eaten:




BBQ Chicken Legsx3

Chinese Chicken Thighsx1



And it was awesoooooome.

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I've been gradually easing myself into a vegetarian diet for the past year or so. I only really have meat if someone else is buying/making dinner, because I don't want to impose and be awkward. I don't think that will ever change, but I do occassionally still eat fish and chicken cos... well... it's freakin delicious.


Why do I want to be a vegetarian? Why not?


Farming and eating meat might be a part of our evolution but we're humans now, we have the ability to do amazing things. So if someone doesn't want to eat meat because they:


a) don't really enjoy eating it any more


b) love animals and don't like the thought of them dying every single time they have a meal


then I don't see any reason why not to be vegetarian. It IS possible to have a healthy vegetarian diet (vegan too but it's harder and more expensive), so I see no logical reason why the world can't exist with some people eating meat, and some people not eating meat. I don't hold it against anyone else who does eat meat, it's their choice, and this is mine.

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Guest joshier

I think it's worth pointing out where intensive farming on crops and other vegtables has got us.. You only have to read about our bee populations both in the UK and US to realise "we" are making huge mistakes when it comes to pesticides, and the major boner we have for forced over production.


If we apply this to intensive farming methods to animals, you get the same problem. Nature has taken millions of years perfecting these systems and some of us think it's just great to go in with an axe to make it adjusted to our needs. This is just insane and we have to work with nature for it to not fuck us and right now, it's shafting us with every twig, stick, branch and trunk it has got.


I don't think fruit, vegtables or animals are safe from our genetic engineering so I'd suggest buying from local and known good farms/groceries that don't go overboard with these chemicals. Obviously it's not easy and most people don't have the time but if you have a garden you can grow your own stuff that way for free.


If we learn anything from this century, I hope it's a lesson from the tree huggers.

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BBQ Chicken Legsx3

Chinese Chicken Thighsx1



this reads like a new meat-themed autechre ep


i bought a barbecue during the week but i've had to take a break for a few days - constant barbecues equal huge, physics-defying shits.

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I never understood what is the point in being a vegan/etc. I mean i met some vegans throughout my life, but when I asked them why they made this life-choice they were unable to come up with a structured answer. What are you motivations ? Can it be beneficial to your health ?


Exactly. What i really hate its that they can't really explain why.


cuz predatorism sucks when you are the prey - if something was trying to chase you down and eat you then you would agree - i'm sure if it meant that big ugly something would stop trying to

eat you then you would be a vegan in a second - but the tables are turned - we are the ones eating at them with an identity crisis and so we perpetuate carnivore consciousness and in turn add to the sickness

of this fallen world. we are supposed to be the preservers and protectors of life and instead we murder our friends on a daly basis. we must open our hearts to see this correctly - until

we do we will remain callus and sick to our beastly ways.


veganism could change the world!


meat, dairy and egg production are by far the most environmentally destructive practices engaged in by humans on this planet. if one calls themselves environmentally conscious or conscious on

any level for that matter and supports these types of things they are hypocrites. i know there will be many that will squirm in their seats when they read this - but the truth is

not easy to come to terms with - but it must continue to be spoken none the less.


we are carnivore - vampire - zombies and until we come to terms with these facts we wont even to be able to do these evil things anymore - tolerance can only be taken so far


there are checks and balances - we have been told this is not true - we have been lied to long enough.


the truth and only the truth will truly set us and all the living things we care about so dearly free. we must begin to understand what true love means.


if we say we love one another and we also kill are friends what does it mean?


we are surrounded by addictions - some of them are so embedded in our daly lives that they have ceased to be looked at in this way.

we are being controlled and manipulated in very subtle and advanced ways and the saddest thing is that those powers that perpetuate

these types of lies are winning.


we must take our innocence back - we must take our lives back - we are not cash cows - we are human beings.


awaken the sleepers - subvert

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